Exterior Light Wiring Diagram (1 of 4) for Jaguar XJ12 1994
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
List of elements for Exterior Light Wiring Diagram (1 of 4) for Jaguar XJ12 1994:
- Anti-theft system (lights flash)
- Auxiliary side lights relay (below glove box, relay module 'h')
- Body computer system (side lights on)
- Center splice box
- Fail logic
- Fascia switch pack
- Fuse a5 3a
- Fuse b8 15a
- Fuse c7 7.5a
- G112 (left side of engine compartment)
- G405 (right side of trunk, behind battery tray)
- Hot at all times
- Instrument cluster system (general bulb fail)
- Interior lights system
- Interior lights system (dimmer override)
- Lb24a
- Lb46
- Lb6
- Left front relay & bulb failure module (behind left headlight)
- Left fuse panel (behind left side of i/p)
- Left rear relay & bulb failure module (behind left rear bulb cluster)
- Left side light
- Left side marker light
- Left splice box
- Linear gear position switches (under center console)
- Lrf1
- Ls28
- Ls34
- Ls36
- Ls53
- Nca
- Pnk
- Red
- Reverse
- Sidelights
- To left license light
- To left reverse light
- To left side marker
- To left taillight
Exterior Light Wiring Diagram (2 of 4) for Jaguar XJ12 1994
List of elements for Exterior Light Wiring Diagram (2 of 4) for Jaguar XJ12 1994:
- (not used)
- Center fuse panel (inside center console)
- Fail logic
- Fuse 1 5a
- Fuse 3 5a
- Fuse b2 15a
- Fuse b8 15a
- Fuse c7 7.5a
- G119 (left side of engine compartment)
- G405 (right side of trunk, behind battery tray)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- Instrument cluster system (general bulb fail)
- Lb47
- Lb49
- Lb89
- Nca
- Red
- Right front relay & bulb failure module (behind right headlight)
- Right fuse panel (behind right side of i/p)
- Right rear relay & bulb failure module (behind right rear bulb cluster)
- Right side light
- Right side marker light nca
- Rrf1
- Rs28
- Rs4
- Rs5
- Rs60
- To right license light
- To right reverse light
- To right side marker
- To right taillight
Exterior Light Wiring Diagram (3 of 4) for Jaguar XJ12 1994
List of elements for Exterior Light Wiring Diagram (3 of 4) for Jaguar XJ12 1994:
- Acc
- Anti- theft system
- Brake switch (above brake pedal)
- Central micro- processor (behind glove box)
- Control logic and timer
- Fail logic
- Fascia switch pack
- From left rear relay & bulb failure module
- From left rear relay module
- Fuse a5 3a
- Fuse b8 15a
- Fuse c7 7.5a
- G119 (left side of engine compartment)
- G404 (left side of trunk, below bulb fail module)
- G405 (right side of trunk, behind battery tray)
- G405 (right side of trunk, behind battery)
- G405 (right side of trunk, below bulb fail module)
- Ground loop
- Hazard
- Hot at all times
- Ignition switch (column switch gear)
- Instrument cluster system (turn signal bulb fail)
- Instrument pack
- Lb23b
- Lb24b
- Lb25
- Lb35
- Lb6
- Lb60
- Lb61
- Left front relay & bulb failure module (behind left headlight)
- Left front turn signal light
- Left fuse panel (behind left side of i/p)
- Left rear license light
- Left rear relay & bulb failure module (behind left rear bulb cluster)
- Left rear side marker light
- Left splice box
- Left taillight assembly
- Left turn
- Lock
- Ls28
- Ls34
- Ls36
- Ls53
- Ls56
- Nca
- Pnk/red
- Reverse
- Right turn
- Run
- Sc8
- Start
- Tail
- Turn/ stop
- Warning systems
Exterior Light Wiring Diagram (4 of 4) for Jaguar XJ12 1994
List of elements for Exterior Light Wiring Diagram (4 of 4) for Jaguar XJ12 1994:
- 87a
- Anti- lock brake system
- Center fuse panel (inside center console)
- Control logic and timer
- Fail logic
- From right rear relay & bulb failure module
- From right rear relay & g bulb failure module
- From right rear relay module
- Fuse 2 5a
- Fuse 3 5a
- Fuse b8 15a
- Fuse c7 7.5a
- G119 (left side of engine compartment)
- G405 (right side of trunk, behind battery tray)
- G405 (right side of trunk, below bulb fail module)
- Ground loop
- High mount stop light
- High mount stop light relay (right rear quarter, in relay module 'l')
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- Lb33
- Lb35
- Lb47
- Lb48
- Lb79a
- Lb80a
- Left
- Nca
- Reverse
- Right
- Right front relay & bulb failure module (behind right headlight)
- Right front turn signal light
- Right fuse panel (behind right side of i/p)
- Right rear license light
- Right rear relay & bulb failure module (behind right rear bulb cluster)
- Right rear side marker light
- Right splice box
- Right taillight assembly
- Rs28
- Rs35
- Rs4
- Rs42
- Rs5
- Rs60
- Rs64
- Sc3
- Tail
- Trans- missions system
- Turn signal switches (column switch gear)
- Turn/ stop