Power Distribution Wiring Diagram (1 of 2) for Jaguar XKR 2012
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
List of elements for Power Distribution Wiring Diagram (1 of 2) for Jaguar XKR 2012:
- (behind left kick panel) central junction box
- (left side of engine compt) power distribution box
- (not used)
- 5.0l
- 5.0l sc
- Acc relay
- Air conditioning system
- Anti-lock brakes system
- Anti-theft & memory systems
- Auxiliary junction box (behind rear seat backrest)
- Ba001
- Ba002
- Battery
- Battery junction box (left side of battery)
- Bo001
- Bo002
- Bp002
- Bt001
- Ca010
- Ca011
- Ca012
- Ca015
- Ca019
- Ca022
- Ca023
- Ca025
- Ca101
- Cc008
- Cigar lighter relay
- Computer data lines system
- Computer data lines, power windows, door locks, mirrors & starting/ charging systems
- Cooling fans system
- Cruise control system
- Door locks & anti-theft systems
- Ems main relay
- Ems secondary relay
- Engine controls & anti-lock brakes systems
- Engine controls & transmissions systems
- Engine controls system
- Fl037
- Fl038
- Fl039
- Fl040
- Fl041
- Fl042
- Fl043
- Fl044
- Fl045
- Fl051
- Fl100
- Fr001
- From central junction box (diagram 1 of 2)
- From fuse 20 c (diagram 1 of 2)
- Front cigar lighter
- Fuse 1 25a
- Fuse 10 15a
- Fuse 12 10a
- Fuse 13 15a
- Fuse 13 25a
- Fuse 14 15a
- Fuse 15 10a
- Fuse 17 15a
- Fuse 17 5a
- Fuse 175a
- Fuse 18 30a
- Fuse 18 5a
- Fuse 19 5a
- Fuse 2 10a
- Fuse 2 15a
- Fuse 2 5a
- Fuse 20 40a
- Fuse 22 20a
- Fuse 26 40a
- Fuse 28 30a
- Fuse 28 40a
- Fuse 29 30a
- Fuse 3 5a
- Fuse 30 30a
- Fuse 32 30a
- Fuse 35 80a 100a
- Fuse 400a
- Fuse 6 15a
- Fuse 6 5a
- Fuse 7 5a
- Fuse 9 15a
- Fuse 9 5a
- G03ar (left rear of engine compt)
- G10br (behind right kick panel)
- G14al (under center console)
- Headlights system
- Horn relay
- Ignition relay
- Instrument cluster system
- Inter- cooler water pump relay
- Interior lights system
- Ip004
- Left windshield heater relay
- Memory systems
- Power distribution box (left side of engine compt)
- Power wash relay
- Power windows, door locks, mirrors & starting/ charging systems
- Power windows, mirrors & memory systems
- Red
- Right windshield heater relay
- Road pricing connector
- Shift interlock system
- Starter relay
- Starting/ charging system
- To central junction box (diagram 2 of 2)
- To fuse 1 (diagram 2 of 2)
- To fuse 3 (diagram 1 of 2)
- To restraints ignition relay (diagram 2 of 2)
- To road pricing connector (diagram 1 of 2)
- To start control unit (diagram 2 of 2)
- Transmissions & shift interlock systems
- Transmissions system
- Uhegos relay
- Warning systems
- Wiper fast/slow relay
- Wiper park relay
Power Distribution Wiring Diagram (2 of 2) for Jaguar XKR 2012
List of elements for Power Distribution Wiring Diagram (2 of 2) for Jaguar XKR 2012:
- (behind left kick panel) central junction box
- (behind rear seat backrest) auxiliary junction box
- (under center console) g14ar
- Acc rly ctrl
- Active exhaust relay
- Anti-lock brakes & transmissions systems
- Batt
- Battery backed sounder (right rear of engine compt)
- Blower motor relay
- Ca012
- Ca013
- Ca015
- Ca016
- Ca018
- Ca021
- Ca022
- Ca024
- Ca025
- Ca101
- Cc001
- Cc007
- Cellular phones system
- Central junction box (behind left kick panel)
- Computer data lines system
- Cruise control system
- Delayed power off relay
- Door locks system
- Electronic suspension system
- Engine controls & cruise control systems
- Engine controls system
- Exterior lights & cruise control systems
- Fl048
- Fl050
- Fl07
- Fl081
- Fpdb ign ctrl
- Fpdb ign rly ctrl
- Fr068
- From auxiliary junction box (diagram 2 of 2)
- From central junction box j (diagram 1 of 2)
- From fuse 10 (diagram 1 of 2)
- From fuse 28 a (diagram 1 of 2)
- From power distribution box (diagram 1 of 2)
- Front accessory socket
- Fuel pump relay
- Fuse 10 10a
- Fuse 12 10a
- Fuse 14 10a
- Fuse 14 15a
- Fuse 16 15a
- Fuse 19 10a
- Fuse 20a
- Fuse 21 15a
- Fuse 22 5a
- Fuse 23 10a
- Fuse 24 10a
- Fuse 25 10a
- Fuse 30 40a
- Fuse 31 30a
- Fuse 32 40a
- Fuse 5a
- Fuse 8 5a
- G14ar (under center console)
- G22ar (left rear of luggage compt)
- G43al (behind glove box)
- Gnd
- Ign sply 1 cabin
- Ign sply 1 fwd
- Ign sply 2 cabin
- Ign sply 2 fwd
- Ignition relay
- Instrument cluster
- Instrument cluster system
- Interior lights, air conditioning & power tops systems
- Internal b+ power distribution
- Internal electronics
- Internal power distribution
- Ip031
- Ip052
- Lin
- Navigation & sound systems
- Power amplifier cooling fan (w/ premium audio)
- Power tops system
- Rear accessory socket
- Rear heated window relay
- Red
- Relay link
- Restraints ignition relay
- Ring break diagnostics fusible link
- Seats system
- Seats, warning, air conditioning & mirrors systems
- Shift interlock system
- Sound & exterior lights systems
- Sound systems
- Sply
- Start control unit
- Start/ stop sw 1
- Start/ stop sw 2
- Sw 1
- Sw 2
- To rear accessory socket (diagram 2 of 2)
- Transit mode
- Transmission shift module
- Transmissions & shift interlock, systems