Park Brake Release Wiring Diagram for Jaguar XJ8 Super V8 2005
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
List of elements for Park Brake Release Wiring Diagram for Jaguar XJ8 Super V8 2005:
- Computer data lines system
- Cr32
- Cr50
- Cr56
- Electronic parking brake switch
- Fuse 30a
- Fuse 5a
- G18 (under left side of left rear seat)
- G24 (at right front side of trunk)
- Hall effect sensor
- Hot at all times
- Hot in acc or run
- Parking brake control module (right rear of trunk)
- Parking brake motor (on rear suspension subframe)
- Passenger junction fuse box (behind right end of dash)
- Rear power distribution fuse box (at right rear of trunk)
Shift Interlock Wiring Diagram for Jaguar XJ8 Super V8 2005
List of elements for Shift Interlock Wiring Diagram for Jaguar XJ8 Super V8 2005:
- (behind left side of dash)
- Automatic transmission
- Computer data lines system
- Cr49
- Cr6
- Ec40
- Engine control module (right rear side of eng compt)
- Front power distribution fuse box (right front of engine compt)
- Fuse f17 10a
- Fuse f33 5a
- Fuse f41 20a
- G30 (left rear side of eng compt)
- G32
- Gearshift interlock solenoid
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- Ignition switch
- J-gate module (at j gate assembly)
- Key lock solenoid
- Mode switch
- Not-in- park switch
- Passenger junction fuse box (behind right end of dash)
- Pi1
- Red
- Transmission control module
- Warning systems