Charging Wiring Diagram for Jaguar XJR 2006
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
List of elements for Charging Wiring Diagram for Jaguar XJR 2006:
- 450a
- Battery
- Bc1 (right side of trunk, near battery)
- Bc3 (right side of trunk, near battery)
- Computer data lines system
- Cr49
- Cr56
- Cr68
- Ec300
- Ec7
- Engine control module (ecm) (right rear side of engine compt)
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 5a
- G31 (behind right side of dash)
- Generator
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- Hot in start
- Instrument cluster
- Ip5
- Ip6
- Megafuses
- Passenger junction fuse box (behind right end of dash)
- Pi300
- Pi48
- Rear power distribution fuse box (right rear of trunk)
- Red
- Starter motor
Starting Wiring Diagram for Jaguar XJR 2006
List of elements for Starting Wiring Diagram for Jaguar XJR 2006:
- (at rear of engine) g4
- 450a
- Acc
- Battery
- Bc1 (right side of trunk, near battery)
- Bc3 (right side of trunk, near battery)
- Bo7
- Bo9
- Charging system
- Computer data lines system
- Cr49
- Cr56
- Ec28
- Ec300
- Ec4
- Ec41
- Ec7
- El2
- Engine control module (ecm) (right rear side of engine compt)
- Front power distribution fuse box (right front of engine compt)
- Fuse 25a
- Fuse 5a
- G30 (left rear side of engine compt)
- G31 (behind right side of dash)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- Hot in start
- Hot w/ switched system power relay 2 energized
- Ignition switch
- Instrument cluster
- Ip5
- Ip6
- Key-in switch
- Lock
- Megafuses
- Passenger junction fuse box (behind right end of dash)
- Passive anti-theft system transceiver (in ignition switch)
- Pi300
- Red
- Run
- Start
- Starter motor
- Starter relay
- Transmission control module (integral to transmission control valve)