2.0L, Computer Data Lines for Hyundai Sonata GL 1995
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO List of elements for 2.0L, Computer Data Lines for Hyundai Sonata GL 1995:
- "cruise" ind
- "cruise" ind control
- (behind upper left side of dash)
- Anti-lock brake control module (behind left side of dash)
- C01-1
- C01-5
- C40-1
- California only
- Combination meter
- Cruise control module (behind center of crash pad)
- Data link connector (dlc) (below left side of dash, at kick panel)
- Diagnosis
- Diagnosis output
- Engine control module (ecm) (behind right side of dash, at kick panel)
- Except california
- G202
- I16-1
- I16-2
- Of center crash pad panel)
- Srs control module (behind front
- Transmission control module (behind center of dash)
- Vehicle speed sensor (top rear of transmission)
3.0L, Computer Data Lines for Hyundai Sonata GL 1995
List of elements for 3.0L, Computer Data Lines for Hyundai Sonata GL 1995:
- "cruise" ind
- "cruise" ind control
- (behind upper left side of dash)
- Anti-lock brake control module (behind left side of dash)
- C51-1
- C51-5
- C81-2
- California only
- Combination meter
- Cruise control module (behind center of crash pad)
- Data link connector (dlc) (below left side of dash, at kick panel)
- Diagnosis
- Diagnosis output
- Engine control module (ecm) (behind right side of dash, at kick panel)
- Except california
- G202
- I16-1
- I16-2
- Of center crash pad panel)
- Srs control module (behind front
- Transmission control module (behind center of dash)
- Vehicle speed sensor (top rear of transmission)