Электросхема центрального замка (1 из 2) для Ford Fusion SEL 2006
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
Электросхема центрального замка (1 из 2) для Ford Fusion SEL 2006 - Список элементов:
- (in body main harness, near breakout to c316)
- (in body main harness, near breakout to smart junction box (sjb)) s347
- (power seats harness, near breakout to smart junction box (sjb)) s324
- (power seats harness, near breakout to smart junction box (sjb)) s325
- Battery junction box (bjb) (2.3l: left side of engine compt) (3.0l: left front of engine compt)
- C2280c
- C2280e
- C2280f
- Driver side door lock switch
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 60a
- Fuse 7.5a
- G203 (base of right "a" pillar)
- G300 (center of left floor pan)
- Hot at all times
- Hot w/ accessory delay relay energized
- Left rear door lock actuator (in left rear door)
- Lock
- Lock all relay
- Logic
- Lr door ajar
- Pass door ajar
- Passenger side door lock switch
- Right front door lock actuator (in right front door)
- Right rear door lock actuator (in right rear door)
- Rr door ajar
- S328
- S342
- S500
- S601
- Smart junction box (sjb) (base of left "a" pillar)
- Trim lock
- Trim unlock
- Unlock
- Unlock all relay
- Unlock driver relay
Электросхема центрального замка (2 из 2) для Ford Fusion SEL 2006
Электросхема центрального замка (2 из 2) для Ford Fusion SEL 2006 - Список элементов:
- Anti-theft hood switch (left front radiator support)
- C2280a
- C2280c
- Disarm request
- Door reset sw
- Driver door ajar
- G104 (2.3l: in front of right strut tower) (3.0l: right front of engine compt)
- G300 (center of left floor pan)
- G400 (center rear of trunk compartment)
- Hood ajar
- Keypad a
- Keypad b
- Keypad c
- Keypad illum
- Keypad switch assembly
- Left front door lock actuator
- Logic
- Luggage compartment disarm switch (center rear of luggage compartment)
- Reset
- S500
- Set
- Smart junction box (sjb) (base of left "a" pillar)