Электросхема антенны для Pontiac Bonneville SSEi 1997
Электросхема антенны для Pontiac Bonneville SSEi 1997 - Список элементов:
- (i/p harn, behind instrument cluster)
- (olds) (pontiac)
- (pontiac) (olds)
- (right kick panel)
- Antenna
- Antenna output
- B+ down mode
- B+ down mode
- B+ up mode ground down mode
- Battery positive voltage
- Coaxial cable
- F3 c1
- G203
- Ground
- Ground up mode
- Hot at all times
- Hot in accy, run & w/ rap energized
- I/p fuse block
- Ignition positive voltage
- Olds only
- Power antenna motor (right front of luggage compartment)
- Power antenna relay (right front of luggage compartment)
- Rac/ trunk rel fuse 2 15a
- Radio
- Radio fuse 8d 10a
- Right i/p power distribution center
- S203
- S251
- To radio