Электросхема блокировки селектора для Pontiac Bonneville SSEi 1997
Электросхема блокировки селектора для Pontiac Bonneville SSEi 1997 - Список элементов:
- (olds) (pontiac)
- 1995 vftc c
- C202 d3
- Cruise/shift interlock/ brake switch (brake pedal support)
- From center i/p cross channel) s230
- G200 (left kick panel)
- Hot in run, bulb test or start
- I/p fuse block
- Not used (bottom of steering column)
- Olds w/console
- Park/ neutral position switch (top left side of transaxle)
- Pnk
- Pontiac w/console
- S225
- S296 (body harn, 13 cm from center i/p cross channel)
- S300 s206
- Shift interlock solenoid (bottom of steering column)
- Shift interlock solenoid (on console gear shifter)
- Sig/bu lps/ btsi/lcm fuse 18 20a
- W/o console