Электросхема антиблокировочной тормозной системы АБС (ABS), С Регулирование тягового усилия (1 из 2) для Pontiac Firebird 1997
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO Электросхема антиблокировочной тормозной системы АБС (ABS), С Регулирование тягового усилия (1 из 2) для Pontiac Firebird 1997 - Список элементов:
- (fwd lamp harn, in ebtcm breakout)
- (fwd lamp harn, in underhood electrical center breakout)
- (fwd lamp harness, near ebtcm breakout)
- (i/p harn, 24 cm from headlamp switch)
- (left side of i/p) electronic brake/traction control module (ebtcm)
- A10
- A11
- A12
- A13
- A14
- A15
- A16
- Abs enable relay ctrl
- Abs inop ind
- Abs relay
- Abs valve fuse 5 20a
- Abs warning in
- Adjuster assembly
- Asr ind (chevrolet)
- B10
- B11
- B12
- B13
- B14
- B15
- B16
- B17
- Battery power
- Brake ind
- Brake ind control
- Brake input
- Brake switch assembly (on brake pedal bracket)
- Cruise control system
- Data link connector (right of steering column)
- G101 (top of right shock tower)
- Gages fuse 9 10a
- Ground
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- Hot in run, bulb test or start
- I/p fuse block
- Ign
- Instrument cluster
- Instrument cluster system (brake warning)
- Left front motor control
- Left front return
- Left front signal
- Left front sol
- Left rear motor control
- Left rear return
- Left rear speed sens +
- Low trac ind
- Low trac ind ctrl
- Pnk
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (rear of right shock tower)
- Rear abs motor
- Red
- Right front motor control
- Right front return
- Right front sol
- Right front speed sens +
- Right rear motor control
- Right rear return
- Right rear speed sens +
- S111
- S175
- S180
- S206
- S228
- S270
- S271 (fwd lamp harn, near ebtcm breakout)
- S272 red
- S273
- Serial data link
- Solid state
- Spark retard
- Spark retard request
- Stop/haz fuse 1 20a
- Switched battery
- Tan
- Tcs active
- Tcs enable sw signal
- Tcs motor return
- Tcs off ind (pontiac)
- Tcs off/asr ind control
- Tp sens signal
- Tps sig
- Traction control active
- Traction control motor pack (below hydraulic modulator assembly)
- Underhood electrical center
Электросхема антиблокировочной тормозной системы АБС (ABS), С Регулирование тягового усилия (2 из 2) для Pontiac Firebird 1997
Электросхема антиблокировочной тормозной системы АБС (ABS), С Регулирование тягового усилия (2 из 2) для Pontiac Firebird 1997 - Список элементов:
- A c4
- A red
- Abs motor pack
- B c2
- B c3
- Brake valve combo
- F c1
- G120 (right side of engine)
- Hot in run
- Hydraulic modulator assembly (left front of engine compt)
- I/p fuse block
- Interior lights system
- Left front abs brake pressure valve solenoid
- Left front motor
- Left front wheel speed sensor
- Left rear wheel speed sensor
- Pnk
- Rear motor
- Red
- Right front abs brake pressure valve solenoid
- Right front motor
- Right front wheel speed sensor
- Right rear wheel speed sensor
- S207
- S215
- Tan
- Traction control switch
- Traction switch
- Turn b-u fuse 2 15a
Электросхема антиблокировочной тормозной системы АБС (ABS), без Регулирование тягового усилия для Pontiac Firebird 1997
Электросхема антиблокировочной тормозной системы АБС (ABS), без Регулирование тягового усилия для Pontiac Firebird 1997 - Список элементов:
- (fwd lamp harn, 16 cm from main branch)
- (fwd lamp harn, near ebcm breakout)
- (fwd lamp harness, in ebcm breakout)
- (top of right shock tower)
- A10
- A11
- A12
- A16
- Abs asr/tcs relay
- Abs bat fuse 6 5a
- Abs ignition fuse 1 5a
- Abs ind ctrl
- Abs inop indicator
- Abs motor pack
- Abs valve fuse 5 20a
- B12
- B17
- Batt
- Brake combo valve
- Brake in
- Brake ind ctrl
- Brake indicator
- Brake switch assembly (brake pedal bracket) c1
- Data link connector (right of steering column)
- Electronic brake control module (ebcm) (left side of i/p)
- Enable rly output
- G101
- Gages fuse 9 10a
- Ground
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- Hot in run, bulb test or start
- Hydraulic modulator assembly (left front of engine compt)
- I/p fuse block
- Ign
- Instrument cluster
- L fnt mtr-hi
- L fnt mtr-lo
- Left fnt spd sens +
- Left fnt spd sens -
- Left front abs brake pressure valve solenoid
- Left front motor
- Left front solenoid
- Left front wheel speed sensor
- Low trac ind ctrl
- Low traction indicator
- Pnk
- Rear motor
- Rear mtr-hi
- Rear mtr-lo
- Rear spd sens +
- Rear spd sens -
- Rear wheel speed sensor
- Red
- Right front abs brake pressure valve solenoid
- Right front motor
- Right front wheel speed sensor
- Rly coil ctrl
- Rt fnt mtr-hi
- Rt fnt mtr-lo
- Rt fnt solenoid
- Rt fnt spd sens +
- Rt fnt spd sens -
- S111
- S175
- S180
- S206
- S243
- S270
- S272
- S273
- Serial data
- Solid state
- Stop/hazard fuse 1 20a
- Tan
- Underhood electrical center