компьютерная поездка команды для Pontiac Bonneville SSEi 1997
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO компьютерная поездка команды для Pontiac Bonneville SSEi 1997 - Список элементов:
- Abs/ccr/elc fuse 5b 10a
- C10
- C11
- C12
- C13
- C14
- C15
- C16
- Computer command ride control module (below left front seat)
- D10
- D11
- D12
- D13
- D14
- D15
- D16
- Data link connector (right side of steering column)
- Diagnostic test in
- Diagnostic test out
- Driver shift select switch
- G101 (right front of engine)
- Ground
- Hot in run
- I/p fuse block (left side of i/p)
- Ign input
- Junction connector c215 (behind right side of i/p)
- Lateral accel sw in
- Lateral accel sw out
- Lateral acceleration switch (below left front seat)
- Left front strut sensor
- Left rear strut sensor
- Lf motor drive
- Lf position in
- Lf position output
- Lr motor drive
- Lr position in
- Lr position output
- Nca
- Perf
- Pnk
- Pos out 2
- Pos out 3
- Powertrain control module (left front of engine compt, in air cleaner assembly)
- Red
- Rf motor drive
- Rf position in
- Rf position output
- Right front strut sensor
- Right rear strut sensor
- Rr motor drive
- Rr position in
- Rr position output
- S262
- S270
- S292
- S292 (body harness, near lamp control module connector breakout)
- S908
- Switch 2
- Switch 3
- Tour
- Vehicle speed input
- Vehicle speed output
- Wot input
- Wot/brake control
электронный контроль уровня для Pontiac Bonneville SSEi 1997
электронный контроль уровня для Pontiac Bonneville SSEi 1997 - Список элементов:
- (left kick panel) g200
- Abs/ccr/ elc fuse 5b 10a
- Bat
- Battery
- Compressor assembly
- Compressor signal
- Elc compressor assembly (under right rear of vehicle, on lower suspension arm)
- Elc fuse 30a
- Elc height sensor (under right rear of vehicle, on lower suspension arm)
- Elc relay (position e)
- Elc relay control
- Exhaust signal
- Exhaust solenoid
- Ground
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- I/p fuse block
- Inflator output
- Inflator solenoid valve (right front of rear compt, near wheelhouse)
- Inflator switch (center rear of rear compt)
- Inflator timer relay (right front of rear compt near wheelhouse)
- Nca
- Off
- Off input
- On input
- Power input
- Red
- Right i/p power distribution center (behind right side of i/p)
- Right maxifuse block (right rear engine compt)
- S262
- S297
- S415
- S441