Электросхема автозатемнения зеркала заднего вида для Fiat 500c Pop 2012
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
Электросхема автозатемнения зеркала заднего вида для Fiat 500c Pop 2012 - Список элементов:
- B(+)
- Bkup lmps fd
- Body control module
- Can b bus (+)
- Can b bus (-)
- Circuit board
- Computer data lines system
- D41
- D42
- Fuse 5a
- G041a (left rear quarterpanel)
- Gnd
- Hot at all times
- Hot in on or start
- Inside rearview mirror
- L15
- Left tail lamp assembly
- Lt bkup lmps fd
- Pwr
- S010 (convertible)
Электросхема привода зеркал для Fiat 500c Pop 2012
Электросхема привода зеркал для Fiat 500c Pop 2012 - Список элементов:
- (driver's door harness, in driver's door)
- (left rear of engine compt) g010a
- Abmt temp/ fcm ssr rtn 1
- B (+) can
- B(+)
- Body control module
- C153
- C154
- Can b (-)
- Circuit board
- Computer data lines system
- D41
- D42
- Defogger system
- Dim 3 ip
- Driver outside rearview mirror
- Drv pwr mrr mtr horz
- Drv pwr mrr mtr vert
- Fuse 5a
- G010a (left rear of engine compt)
- G31
- G931
- Gnd
- Hot at all times
- Hot in on or start
- Mirror switch
- Mtr com
- Pass pwr mrr mtr horz
- Pass pwr mrr mtr vert
- Passenger outside rearview mirror
- Pdc bus bar 3
- Pwr mrr
- Pwr mrr mtr com
- S011
- S012
- S037
- Sig temp
- Snsr abmt temp sig
- Ssr rtn 1
- Sw batt fd
- Sw batt fd 4