A/C Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
List of elements for A/C Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- 1.8l
- 2.0l
- A/c
- A/c coolant temperature switch (right side of engine)
- Acc
- Air conditioning control unit (behind right side of i/p)
- Air conditioning switch
- Air inlet sensor (behind right side of i/p)
- Air thermo sensor (behind right side of i/p)
- Blower motor
- Blower motor high relay (below right side of i/p)
- Blower resistor (behind center of i/p)
- Blower switch
- C-60
- C-61
- C49
- C50
- Condenser (left rear of engine compartment)
- Condenser fan motor
- Condenser fan motor high-low changeover relay (left rear of engine compartment)
- Condenser fan motor relay (left rear of engine compartment)
- Dual pressure switch
- Econo
- Engine compart- ment left side relay box
- Fan motor
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 20a
- Fuse 30a
- Fusible link 30a
- G100 (left front fender)
- G101 (right front of engine compartment)
- G200 (at left kick panel)
- G203 (at right kick panel)
- G203 (right kick panel)
- Heater relay
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- Ignition switch
- Junction block
- Lock
- Magnetic clutch
- Magnetic clutch relay (left side of safety wall)
- Main fusible link box
- Mfi control unit (behind center console)
- Off
- Radiator fan assembly
- Radiator fan motor relay (right side of engine compartment)
- Red
- Resistor (left front of engine)
- Run
- Start
- Thermo sensor
Heater Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Heater Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- (not used)
- Blower motor
- Blower resistor (behind center of i/p)
- Blower switch
- C49
- C50
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 30a
- G200 (at left kick panel)
- G203 (right kick panel)
- Heater relay
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- Junction block
- Off
Anti-lock Brake Wiring Diagrams for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Anti-lock Brake Wiring Diagrams for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- #11
- #17
- (at battery)
- (between rear seat
- (engine compt
- (fwd)
- (left side
- (on brake
- (taped to
- 10a
- 15a
- 60a
- Abs
- Abs control
- Abs diode
- Abs hydraulic unit
- Abs power
- All times
- Awd
- Belt buckle sws)
- Block
- Cluster
- Conn
- Control
- Cruise
- Cruise control system
- Data
- Fwd
- G/sensor (awd)
- G413 (right
- Harness
- Hot
- Hot at
- Hot in
- In run
- Ind
- Instrument
- Junction
- Left front
- Left rear
- Link box
- Link conn
- Main fus
- Module (right
- Near abs
- Near battery)
- Not
- Off
- Open
- Pedal support)
- Pnk
- Power relay)
- Rear qtr panel)
- Red
- Relay (right
- Resistor (awd)
- Right front
- Right rear
- Solenoid
- Speed sensor
- Start or run
- Stop lt sw
- Stop lts
- System
- Tan/red
- Underdash)
- Used
- Valve
- Valve relay
- W/ cruise
- W/o cruise
Computer Data Lines for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Computer Data Lines for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- A/t
- Abs control module (right rear qtr panel)
- Cruise control module (left side underdash)
- Data link connector (left side under dash)
- Ecm control module (under center console)
- Elc 4-speed a/t control module (under center console)
- G200 (left kick panel)
- Instrument clusters system
- Junction block
- M/t
- Pnk
Cooling Fan Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Cooling Fan Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- 1994 vftc c
- A/c control unit (behind glove box)
- Acc
- Air conditioning system: condenser fan circuit
- Fusible link 2 30a
- G100 (left front fender)
- G101 (right front fender)
- Hot at all times
- Ignition switch
- Lock
- Main fusible link box
- Radiator fan assembly
- Radiator fan motor
- Radiator fan motor relay (right engine compartment relay box)
- Red
- Run
- Start
- Thermo sensor
Cruise Control Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Cruise Control Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- #11
- #17
- (a/t)
- (left side
- (near stop
- (on brake
- (on clutch
- (on gear
- (on throttle body)
- (rear of engine compt on firewall)
- (right side of
- (turbo)
- (under center console)
- (w/o turbo)
- 1.8l
- 10a
- 15a
- 1994 vftc c
- 2.0l
- A/t
- A13
- A19
- A20
- Abs system
- Acc
- Accelerator
- Block
- Closed throttle
- Cluster
- Clutch pedal
- Compt below
- Control
- Control module
- Cruise
- Cruise control
- Cruise control sw (combination sw)
- Cruise control vacuum pump
- Cruise ind
- Dash panel)
- Data
- Elc 4/speed a/t
- G200 (left
- G203 (right
- G206 (center
- G407 (luggage
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- I13
- Idle sw
- Ignition
- Ind
- Instrument
- Instrument cluster
- Isc motor
- Junction
- Kick panel)
- Liftgate latch)
- Link conn
- Lock
- Lt sw)
- M/t
- Module (left
- Mpi control module
- O/d
- O/d sw
- Off
- Open conn
- Park/neutral
- Pedal support)
- Position sensor
- Position sw
- Red
- Release
- Resume
- Rheostat
- Run
- Select sw)
- Sensor (on
- Set
- Side underdash)
- Start
- Starting
- Stop lt sw
- Stop lts
- Support pillar)
- Sw (on pedal)
- System
- Throt postn sensor
- Throttle body)
- Throttle position
- Transmission)
- Underdash)
- Valve
Defogger Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Defogger Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- D15
- Defogger grid
- Defogger relay (on fire- wall near battery)
- Defogger switch (center of dash)
- Defogger timer (interior relay box)
- Engine compartment right relay box
- Fuse 10a
- G116 (right side of brake fluid reservoir)
- G404 (right side luggage compartment)
- G407 (luggage compartment below liftgate latch)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- Illum
- Ind
- Interior lights system
- Junction block
- Noise condenser (firewall, near defog relay)
- Noise condenser (left rear quarter panel)
- Solid state
- Starting/charging system (alternator)
- Sub fusible link 2 40a
1.8L, Engine Performance Wiring Diagrams (1 of 2) for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for 1.8L, Engine Performance Wiring Diagrams (1 of 2) for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- #11
- #19
- (calif) (top left
- (in air intake)
- (left side
- (on exhaust
- (on firewall
- (on p/s
- (on thermostat
- (on throttle body)
- (right fender shield)
- (under center console)
- 10a
- A/c clutch relay
- A/c relay
- A/c sw
- A/t
- A/t control
- Acc
- Adjust conn
- Airflow sensor
- Back/up power
- Barometric sensor
- Block
- Center console)
- Check eng
- Cluster
- Conn (engine compt
- Control
- Control actuator
- Crank angle sensor
- Cruise
- Data
- Dual pres sw
- Egr control
- Egr temp sensor
- Elc 4/speed
- Emission ind lt
- Engine control module (ecm) (1.8l)
- Engine coolant
- Engine coolant temp
- Fuel pump control
- Ground
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run and start
- Housing)
- Idle speed
- Idle speed control
- Idle sw
- Ignition power
- Ignition sw
- Ignition timing
- Ignition timing adj
- Inhib sw(a/t),gnd(m/t)
- Injector #1
- Injector #2
- Injector #3
- Injector #4
- Instrument
- Intake air temp
- Iod or storage
- Junction
- Link conn
- Lock
- M/t
- Manifold)
- Module (under
- Motor postn
- Motor postn sensor
- Mpi control relay
- Near battery)
- Of engine near
- Oxygen sensor
- P/s oil
- Power
- Power steering sw
- Power transistor
- Pres sw
- Pump)
- Purge solenoid
- Red
- Right relay box)
- Run
- Self diagnostic
- Sensor (on
- Sensor ground
- Start
- Sysyem
- Tdc sensor
- Temp sensor
- Throt postn sensor
- Throttle body)
- Throttle postn
- Underdash)
- Vehicle speed
1.8L, Engine Performance Wiring Diagrams (2 of 2) for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for 1.8L, Engine Performance Wiring Diagrams (2 of 2) for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- (at battery
- (center
- (front center
- (interior relay box)
- (left side underdash)
- (on firewall
- (rear of vehicle
- (right side of
- (right side of brake fluid
- (under center console
- 20a
- A/t
- Acc
- All times
- Angle &
- Assembly
- Below engine control module)
- Below liftgate latch)
- Cap
- Check conn
- Cluster
- Crank
- Crc filter
- Dash support)
- Distributor
- Egr control
- Evaporative emission
- Fuel pump
- Fus link
- G123
- G206
- G407 (luggage compt
- Hot at
- Hot at all times
- Hot in start
- Ign coil
- Ignition sw
- Injector #1
- Injector #2
- Injector #3
- Injector #4
- Instrument
- Lock
- M/t
- Main
- Mpi control relay
- Near battery)
- Near fuel tank)
- Of engine)
- Park/neutral
- Position sw
- Positive
- Power
- Purge solenoid
- Red
- Reservoir on firewall)
- Run
- Solenoid (on firewall
- Start
- Starter relay
- Tachometer
- Tdc sens
- Terminal)
- Transistor
- Transmission)
2.0L Turbo, Engine Performance Wiring Diagrams (1 of 2) for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for 2.0L Turbo, Engine Performance Wiring Diagrams (1 of 2) for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- #11
- #19
- (2.0l turbo)
- (calif) (top left
- (front of engine
- (in air intake)
- (interior relay box)
- (left side underdash)
- (on firewall
- (on p/s
- (on thermostat
- (on throttle body)
- (right fender shield)
- (right side of
- (under center console)
- 10a
- A/c clutch relay
- A/c relay
- A/c sw
- A/t
- A/t control
- Acc
- Adjust conn
- Air intake)
- Airflow sensor
- Back/up power
- Barometric sensor
- Block
- Boost gauge
- Center console)
- Check eng
- Closed throttle
- Conn (engine compt
- Control
- Control actuator
- Crank angle sensor
- Cruise
- Detonation sensor
- Dual
- Egr control
- Egr temp sensor
- Elc 4/speed
- Emission ind lt
- Engine compt on
- Engine control module
- Engine coolant
- Engine coolant temp
- Engine coolant temp sw
- Fuel pres solenoid
- Fuel pump control
- Fuel pump monitor
- Ground
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run and start
- Hot in start
- Housing)
- Idle speed
- Idle speed control
- Idle sw
- Ignition
- Ignition power
- Ignition timing
- Ignition timing adj
- Inhib sw(a/t),gnd(m/t)
- Injector #1
- Injector #2
- Injector #3
- Injector #4
- Instrument cluster
- Intake air temp
- Iod or storage
- Junction
- M/t
- Module (under
- Mpi control relay
- Near battery)
- Not used
- Of engine near
- Off
- On water outlet)
- Oxygen sensor
- P/s oil
- Park/neutral
- Position sw
- Power
- Power steering sw
- Power transistor
- Pres
- Pres sw
- Pressure gauge
- Pump)
- Purge solenoid
- Red
- Right relay box)
- Run
- Self diagnostic
- Sensor (on
- Sensor ground
- Solenoid
- Start
- Starter relay
- System
- Tdc sensor
- Temp sensor
- Throt postn sensor
- Throttle body)
- Throttle postn
- Transmission)
- Vehicle speed
- Wastegate
- Wastegate solenoid
2.0L Turbo, Engine Performance Wiring Diagrams (2 of 2) for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for 2.0L Turbo, Engine Performance Wiring Diagrams (2 of 2) for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- & tdc sensor
- (center
- (left side
- (on distributor)
- (on exhaust
- (on firewall
- (rear of vehicle
- (right rear of
- (right rear of engine
- (right side of brake fluid
- (right side of engine
- 20a
- A/t
- A/t control
- Acc
- Adjust conn
- All times
- Awd
- Battery
- Below ignition coil)
- Center console)
- Check conn (right
- Cluster
- Compt below
- Conn (on firewall
- Console below engine control module)
- Crank angle
- Dash support)
- Data
- Egr control
- Elc 4-speed
- Engine compt
- Engine control relay (under center
- Engine near valve cover)
- Engine speed
- Evaporative emission
- Fuel pressure
- Fuel pump
- Fuel pump and
- Fuel pump check
- Fwd
- G123
- G206
- Gauge assembly
- Ground (luggage
- Hot at
- Hot at all times
- Ignition
- Ignition coil (right rear of
- Injector #1
- Injector #2
- Injector #3
- Injector #4
- Injector resistors
- Instrument
- Knock sensor
- Liftgate latch)
- Link (at
- Link conn
- Lock
- M/t
- Main fus
- Manifold)
- Module (under
- Near battery)
- Near fuel tank)
- Near purge
- On cylinder block)
- On firewall)
- Oxygen sensor
- Plugs
- Positive
- Power transistor
- Purge solenoid
- Red
- Reservoir on firewall)
- Run
- Side behind dash)
- Solenoid (on firewall
- Solenoid)
- Spark
- Start
- Tachometer
- Terminal)
- Underdash)
2.0L, Engine Performance Wiring Diagrams (1 of 2) for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for 2.0L, Engine Performance Wiring Diagrams (1 of 2) for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- #11
- #19
- (calif) (top left
- (front of engine
- (in air intake)
- (interior relay box)
- (left side
- (left side underdash)
- (on firewall
- (on p/s
- (on thermostat
- (on throttle body)
- (right fender shield)
- (right side of
- (under center console)
- 10a
- A/c clutch relay
- A/c relay
- A/c sw
- A/t
- A/t control
- Acc
- Adjust conn
- Airflow sensor
- Back/up power
- Barometric sensor
- Block
- Center console)
- Check eng
- Closed throttle
- Cluster
- Conn (engine compt
- Control
- Control actuator
- Crank angle sensor
- Cruise
- Data
- Dual pres sw
- Egr control
- Egr temp sensor
- Elc 4/speed
- Emission ind lt
- Engine control module (2.0l)
- Engine coolant
- Engine coolant temp
- Engine coolant temp sw
- Fuel pump control
- Ground
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run and start
- Hot in start
- Housing)
- Idle speed
- Idle speed control
- Idle sw
- Ignition
- Ignition power
- Ignition timing
- Ignition timing adj
- Inhib sw(a/t),gnd(m/t)
- Injector #1
- Injector #2
- Injector #3
- Injector #4
- Instrument
- Intake air temp
- Iod or storage
- Junction
- Link conn
- M/t
- Module (under
- Mpi control relay
- Near battery)
- Not used
- Of engine near
- Off
- On water outlet)
- Oxygen sensor
- P/s oil
- Park/neutral
- Position sw
- Power
- Power steering sw
- Power transistor
- Pres sw
- Pump)
- Purge solenoid
- Red
- Right relay box)
- Run
- Self diagnostic
- Sensor (on
- Sensor ground
- Start
- Starter relay
- System
- Tdc sensor
- Temp sensor
- Throt postn sensor
- Throttle body)
- Throttle postn
- Transmission)
- Underdash)
- Vehicle speed
2.0L, Engine Performance Wiring Diagrams (2 of 2) for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for 2.0L, Engine Performance Wiring Diagrams (2 of 2) for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- & tdc sensor
- (at battery
- (center dash support)
- (on distributor)
- (on exhaust
- (on firewall
- (rear of vehicle
- (right rear of engine
- (right side
- (right side of brake fluid
- 20a
- Acc
- Adjust conn
- All times
- Behind dash)
- Below ignition coil)
- Below liftgate latch)
- Check conn
- Cluster
- Console below engine control module)
- Crank angle
- Egr control
- Engine control relay (under center
- Engine near valve cover)
- Engine speed
- Evaporative emission
- Fuel pump
- Fus link
- G123
- G206
- G407 (luggage compt
- Hot at
- Hot at all times
- Ignition
- Ignition coil (right rear of
- Injector #1
- Injector #2
- Injector #3
- Injector #4
- Instrument
- Lock
- Main
- Manifold)
- Near battery)
- Near fuel tank)
- Near purge
- Oxygen
- Oxygen sensor
- Plugs
- Positive
- Power transistor
- Purge solenoid
- Red
- Reservoir on firewall)
- Run
- Sensor
- Solenoid (on firewall
- Solenoid)
- Spark
- Start
- Switch
- Tachometer
- Terminal)
Back-up Lamps Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Back-up Lamps Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- * **
- * non-turbo ** turbo
- A/t
- Back-up light switch (closed in reverse)
- Fuse #18 10a
- G407 (luggage compt below liftgate latch)
- Hot in run or start
- I16
- Junction block
- Left back-up light
- M/t
- Park/ neutral position switch
- Red
- Right back-up light
Exterior Light Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Exterior Light Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- (combi- nation switch)
- (not used)
- 1-2
- 1-3
- 1-4
- 1-5
- 2-56
- Abs control unit
- Combination switch
- Dedicated fuse 10a
- Engine compartment right relay box
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 15a
- G100 (left fender shield)
- G101 (right fender shield)
- G203 (right kick panel)
- G407 (luggage compt below liftgate latch)
- Hazard switch
- Head
- Head- light switch
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run or start
- Instrument cluster
- Junction block
- Left front park/ turn light
- Left front side marker light
- Left rear combination light
- Left rear side marker light
- Left turn indi- cator
- License lights
- Nca
- Off
- Park
- Rheostat
- Right front park/ turn light
- Right front side marker light
- Right rear combination light
- Right rear side marker light
- Right turn indi- cator
- Solid state
- Stop light switch (on brake pedal support)
- Tail- light relay (eng compt right relay box)
- Turn signal switch r
- Turn signal/hazard flasher unit (under center console)
- W/ cruise control
- W/o cruise control
- With rear spoiler only
Ground Distribution Wiring Diagram (1 of 2) for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Ground Distribution Wiring Diagram (1 of 2) for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- & tdc sensor
- (1.8l)
- (2.0l)
- (awd)
- (fwd
- (m/t only)
- (turbo)
- 1.8l
- 2.0l
- A shield
- A/c
- A/c sw
- A/t control
- A13
- Abs
- Abs control module
- Accelerator
- Actuator
- Assembly
- Assembly (1.8l)
- B shield
- B22
- B26
- Battery
- Belt
- Blower
- Blower sw
- Brake fluid
- Buckle sw
- Buzzer
- Cluster
- Combination sw
- Condenser
- Conn #9
- Control
- Crank angle
- Crc
- Crossmember)
- Cruise
- Ctrl module
- Distributor
- Door lock
- Ecm
- Elc 4/speed
- Engine control module (ecm)
- Fan motor
- Fender shield)
- Filter
- Firewall
- Fluid reservoir
- Fog lt
- Front floor
- G100 (left
- G101 (right
- G116 (right
- G120 (on
- G123 (on
- G203 (right
- G206 (center
- G300 (left
- G413 (right
- G414 (left
- Generator
- Headlt
- High relay
- Housing)
- Hydraulic
- Instrument
- Jumper
- Kick panel)
- Knock
- Left
- Left front
- Left seat belt
- Level sensor
- Level sw
- Module
- Module #9
- Motor
- Motor relay
- Near battery)
- On firewall)
- Only)
- Oxygen
- Park/turn
- Pedal sw
- Power
- Pulse
- Rad fan
- Rad water
- Rear qtr panel)
- Relay
- Release sw
- Resistor
- Right
- Right door
- Right front
- Seat
- Seat belt
- Sensor
- Shield
- Side marker
- Side of brake
- Support pillar)
- Thermostat
- Transistor
- Unit
- Window
- With
- Without
Ground Distribution Wiring Diagram (2 of 2) for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Ground Distribution Wiring Diagram (2 of 2) for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- (comb sw)
- (dlc)
- (laser)
- (m/t
- A11
- Auto seat belt
- Awd
- B28
- Back-up
- Cigar
- Cluster
- Clutch pedal
- Compartment below
- Control
- Control module
- Cruise
- Cruise control
- D15
- D16
- Data
- Dome
- Door
- Fuel
- Fuel pump
- Fuel pump and
- Fwd
- G200 (left
- G407 (luggage
- Gauge assembly
- Gauge unit
- High
- Instrument
- Junction block
- Kick panel)
- Latch sw
- Left
- Left door
- Left rear
- Level
- License
- Liftgate latch)
- Lighter
- Link conn
- Lock actuator
- Lock relay
- Lt relay
- Marker
- Master
- Mirror sw
- Module
- Motor
- Only)
- Outer sw
- Park/stop lt
- Pedal postn sw
- Postn sw
- Power
- Rear
- Rheostat
- Right
- Right door
- Right rear
- Side
- Starter clutch
- Stop lt
- Turn/stop lt
- Washer
- Window
- Wiper sw
Headlamps/Fog Lamps Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Headlamps/Fog Lamps Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- (not used)
- 15a
- Combination switch
- D12
- Dedicated fuse 3 10a
- Dedicated fuse 6
- Dimmer switch
- Dimmer/ passing switch
- Engine compartment right relay box
- Flash- to- pass switch
- Fog light relay (engine compartment right relay box)
- Fog light switch (left side dash panel)
- Fuse 1 10a
- G100 (left fender shield)
- G203 (right kick panel)
- Head
- Head lamp switch
- Headlight relay (engine compartment right relay box)
- High beam indicator
- Hot at all times
- Instrument cluster
- Junction block
- Left fog light
- Left head lamp
- Off
- Park
- Red
- Right fog light
- Right head lamp
- Sub fusible link 7 40a
Horn Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Horn Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- Fuse 10 10a
- Horn switch
- Hot in accy or on
- Junction block (left side of dash)
- Left horn
- Nca
- Right horn
Instrument Cluster Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Instrument Cluster Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- (3 used)
- (center
- (center console)
- (comb sw)
- (engine compt
- (left rear qtr panel)
- (left side
- (on brake
- (rear of engine
- (rear of vehicle
- (turbo)
- 10a
- Abs
- Abs control
- Auto seat belt
- Awd
- Beam ind
- Belts ind
- Block
- Boost
- Brake
- Brake fluid
- Center console)
- Change over sw
- Charge
- Charging system
- Check
- Compt below
- Console)
- Control module
- Cruise
- Cruise control
- D12
- D15
- Dedicated
- Door pillar)
- Ecm control
- Economy
- Eng ind
- Engine compt
- Engine coolant
- Engine near
- Fasten
- Fender shield)
- Fluid reservoir
- Fluid reservoir)
- Fuel
- Fuel gauge unit
- Fuel pump and
- Fuse
- Fwd
- G116 (right
- G200 (right
- G407 (luggage
- Gauge
- Gauge assembly
- Ground (left
- Headlt relay
- Headlt sw
- High
- Hot in run or start
- Ignition system
- Illum
- Ind
- Instrument cluster
- Junction
- Left
- Left relay box)
- Level sensor
- Liftgate latch)
- Module (left
- Module (right
- Module (under
- Near fuel tank)
- Non
- Not
- O/d
- O/d sw
- Of dash panel)
- Of engine)
- Off ind
- Oil
- Oil filter)
- Oil pres gauge
- Oil pres sw
- On cylinder head)
- On firewall)
- Parking brake sw
- Power
- Power/economy
- Pres
- Radiator
- Rear qtr panel)
- Red
- Rheostat (left side
- Right
- Right relay box
- Sens
- Side of brake
- Side underdash)
- Speed
- Sw (on radiator)
- Tach
- Temp
- Temp gauge unit
- Turbo
- Turn ind
- Turn/hazard flasher
- Unit (front of
- Used
- Water level
Interior Light Wiring Diagram (1 of 2) for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Interior Light Wiring Diagram (1 of 2) for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- 10a
- A/t control module
- Ashtray illumination lamp
- Cigarette lighter
- Combination switch
- D04
- D05
- D16
- Dedicated fuse 1
- Defogger switch
- E12
- Eco
- Engine compartment right relay box
- Fog lamp switch
- Fuse 7
- G203 (right cowl)
- G407 (in trunk, below liftgate latch)
- Glove compartment lamp
- Glove compartment lamp switch
- Hazard switch
- Head
- Heater control illumination lamps
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- I13
- Instrument cluster
- Junction block
- O/d off
- Off
- Pow
- Radio
- Rear wiper & washer switch
- Rheostat
- Tail
- Tail lamp relay (right side of engine compt, in sub fuse link block)
Interior Light Wiring Diagram (2 of 2) for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Interior Light Wiring Diagram (2 of 2) for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- Dome lamp
- Dome lamp relay (left front of trunk, behind inner quarter panel)
- Door
- E11
- Fuse 10a
- G407 (rear of trunk, below liftgate latch)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run or start
- I16
- Ignition key illumi- nation lamp
- Iod or or storage connector
- Junction block
- Left door switch
- Left foot lamp
- Liftgate latch switch
- Luggage compartment lamp
- Off
- Red
- Right door switch
- Right foot lamp
- Timer circuit
Passive Restraint Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Passive Restraint Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- 1-1
- 1-10
- 1-11
- 1-12
- 1-13
- 1-14
- 1-15
- 1-16
- 1-17
- 1-18
- 1-19
- 1-2
- 1-20
- 1-3
- 1-4
- 1-5
- 1-6
- 1-7
- 1-8
- 1-9
- Acc
- Automatic seat belt control module (left b pillar)
- Buzzer assembly (center console; front)
- Close
- D-05
- Engine compartment right relay box
- Fuse 10a
- G200 (left kick panel)
- G300 (front floor crossmember)
- G407 (lift gate latch)
- G413 (right inner quarter panel)
- G414 (left inner quarter panel)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run or start
- Ignition switch
- Instrument cluster
- Iod or storage connector
- Junction block
- Key in
- Key out
- Key reminder switch
- Left automatic seat belt motor (left b pillar)
- Left automatic seat belt motor relay (left b pillar)
- Left door latch switch nca
- Left fasten switch (seat belt channel; rear)
- Left outer switch (between front seats)
- Left release switch (seat belt channel; front)
- Lock
- Nca
- Off
- Open
- Red
- Right automatic seat belt motor (right b pillar)
- Right automatic seat belt motor relay (right b pillar)
- Right door latch switch
- Right fasten switch (seat belt channel;rear)
- Right outer switch (between front seats)
- Right release switch (seat belt channel; front)
- Run
- Seat belt buckle switch (left seat belt latch)
- Seat belt indicator
- Start
- Sub fusible link 3 30a
Power Antenna Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Power Antenna Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- Accy or on
- All times
- Antenna feeder cable
- C11
- C12
- Fuse 11 10a
- Fuse 19 10a
- Fuse 4 10a
- G407 (below liftgate latch)
- Hot at
- Hot in
- Hot in on
- Iod or storage connector
- Junction block (left side of dash)
- Motor antenna
- Motor antenna relay (at motor antenna)
- Nca
- Or start
- Radio
- Red/
- Solid state
Power Distribution Wiring Diagram (1 of 2) for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Power Distribution Wiring Diagram (1 of 2) for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- #11
- #12
- #16
- #17
- #18
- #19
- #5, #9
- 10a
- 15a
- 20a
- 30a
- 40a
- 60a
- 80a
- A/c
- A/t
- A20
- Abs
- Acc
- And #10
- And #7
- Assembly
- Auto
- Back/up
- Battery
- Beam
- Block
- Box
- Buzzer
- Change over
- Charging
- Cluster
- Clutch
- Combination
- Compt
- Condenser
- Conn
- Control
- Cruise
- Dedicated fuse
- Defogger
- Details
- Dome lt
- Door
- Engine
- Engine compt right relay box
- Fan motor
- Fog lt
- Fuse #19
- Fuse #3
- Fuse #4,
- Hazard
- Headlt
- Heater relay
- High/low
- Hydraulic
- I16
- Ignition
- Ignition sw
- Instrument
- J10
- J12
- Junction
- Key
- Left
- Lock
- Lt sw
- M/t
- Main fusible link
- Module
- Motor relays
- Mpi
- Open
- Park/neutral
- Position sw
- Power
- Radiator
- Red
- Relay
- Reminder
- Right
- Run
- Seat belt
- Start
- Starter motor
- Starting
- Stop
- Sub fusible link
- System
- Taillt
- Unit
- Upper
- Window
- With
- Without
Power Distribution Wiring Diagram (2 of 2) for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Power Distribution Wiring Diagram (2 of 2) for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- #10
- #19
- (awd/turbo)
- 10a
- 15a
- 4/speed a/t
- Abs
- Awd/a/t
- B26
- Block
- Blower
- Change
- Cigar
- Cluster
- Combination
- Compt lt
- Control
- Control module
- Cruise
- D10
- Defogger
- Dome lt
- Door lock
- E10
- E11
- Economy
- Elc
- Elc 4/speed a/t
- Foot lt
- From
- Fwd, awd/m/t
- G201 (left
- Heater
- Horn
- Hot at all times
- I13
- Ignition
- Ignition sw
- Instrument
- Intermittent
- Iod or
- Junction
- Key illum
- Kick panel)
- Left
- Lighter
- Luggage
- Mirror
- Module
- Module (a/t)
- Motor
- Mpi
- O/d sw
- Over sw
- Park/neutral
- Position sw
- Power
- Power/
- Radio
- Rear
- Relay
- Right
- Storage conn
- Timer
- Window
- Wiper
- Wiper relay
Power Door Lock Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Power Door Lock Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- (luggage compartment below liftgate latch)
- (right kick panel)
- 10a
- Door lock control module (right side underdash)
- Door lock relay (left side underdash)
- Fuse
- Fuse 15a
- G203
- G407
- Hot at all times
- Iod or storage connector
- Junction block
- Left door lock actuator (left door panel)
- Lock
- Right door lock actuator (right door panel)
- Unlock
Power Mirror Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Power Mirror Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- Down switch
- Fuse 5 15a
- G200 (left kick panel)
- Hot in accy or run
- Junction block
- Left
- Left power mirror
- Left switch
- Power mirror switch
- Right
- Right power mirror
- Right switch
- Up switch
Power Window Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Power Window Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- 1994 vftc c
- Eng compt right relay box
- Fuse 3 10a
- G101 (right fender shield)
- G407 (luggage compt below liftgate latch)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- Junction block
- Left power window motor
- Lock-out switch
- Master power window switch
- One-touch down circuit
- Power window relay (right eng compt relay box)
- Red
- Right power window motor
- Right power window switch
- Sub fusible link 5 30a
Radio Wiring Diagrams for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Radio Wiring Diagrams for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- Antenna feeder cable
- Antenna motor
- Antenna system
- C20
- C21
- C41
- C45
- C50
- Din cable
- Fuse 10a
- Hot at all times
- Hot in acc & run
- Interior lights system
- Iod or storage connector
- Left door speaker
- Left front speaker
- Left rear speaker
- Passenger compartment fuse/relay block (under left side of dash)
- Radio & tape player
- Right door speaker
- Right front speaker
- Right rear speaker
- To cd player
- To tape player
Charging Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Charging Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- Acc
- Alternator
- Alternator relay (engine compt right relay box)
- Battery
- Charge indicator
- Cluster
- Engine compartment right relay box
- Fuse 1 80a
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 4 30a
- G120 (thermostat housing)
- G123 (firewall near battery)
- Hot at all times
- Ignition switch
- Instrument
- Junction block (left side of dash)
- Lock
- Start
- Starting system
Starting Wiring Diagram, A/T for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Starting Wiring Diagram, A/T for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- (w/0 turbo)
- (w/turbo)
- Acc
- Battery
- Cruise control module (left side underdash)
- G120 (on thermostat housing)
- G123 (on firewall near battery)
- Hot at all times
- Ignition switch
- Lock
- Park/ neutral position switch (right side of transmission)
- Power distribution
- Run
- Start
- Starter motor/ solenoid
- Theft-alarm control unit
- Theft-alarm starter relay (left side of dash, above junction block)
- W/ theft-alarm (1991)
- W/o theft-alarm (1991-94)
Starting Wiring Diagram, M/T for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Starting Wiring Diagram, M/T for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- Acc
- Battery
- G120 (on thermostat housing)
- G123 (on firewall near battery)
- G200 (behind left kick panel)
- Hot at all times
- Ignition switch
- Lock
- Power distribution
- Start
- Starter clutch pedal position switch (on clutch pedal support)
- Starter motor/ solenoid
- Starter relay (interior relay box, left side underdash)
- Theft-alarm control unit
- Theft-alarm starter relay (left side of dash, left of center console)
- W/ theft- alarm (1991)
Transmission Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Transmission Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- (behind left side of i/p)
- (j/b pin #2 (taillight relay))
- 1995 vftc c
- 4-speed automatic transaxle control module (behind center of i/p)
- 4-speed automatic transaxle solenoid valve
- A/c rly sig
- A/t fluid temperature sensor (on valve body)
- A/t temp ind (dome light) (awd turbo)
- Accel sw
- Accelerator pedal switch (behind i/p)
- Auto cruise ctrl unit pin #1
- Auto-cruise
- Auto-cruise ctrl
- Auto-cruise ctrl pin # 10
- Back-up lights
- Battery back-up (j/b pin #2)
- Closed throttle position switch
- Cluster
- Cruise
- Ctps
- Ctrl unit
- Data link conn
- Data link conn pin #11
- Dlc mode ctrl
- Dlc output
- Dual pressure
- Econ
- Fuse #18 (j/b)
- Fuse #7 (j/b)
- G200 (left kick panel)
- G201 (behind right side of dash)
- G206 (below center of i/p)
- G206 (right center i/p support)
- Gnd
- Ign pulse
- Ign system
- Ignition switch
- Inst cluster
- Instrument
- Jumper connector (26 pin partial w/ optional wiring harness)
- Kick-dn sw
- Kick-down servo switch (on transaxle)
- Mfi control mod pin 18
- Mfi control module
- Mfi control module pin 19
- Mfi control module pin 6
- Nca
- Non turbo
- Non-turbo
- O/d sw
- Off
- Oil pressure control solenoid valve
- Oil temp lt
- Oil temp sens
- Overdrive switch (on floor console)
- Park/neutral position switch (on transaxle at linkage)
- Pin #10
- Pin #11
- Pin #6
- Power
- Power/economy change-over switch (on floor console)
- Press ctrl sol
- Pulse gen a
- Pulse gen b
- Pulse generators (right side of engine on transaxle)
- Pwr (backup)
- Pwr mode sig
- R n
- Red
- Reed switch (vss)(inst clstr)
- Rheostat
- Sens gnd
- Shift control solenoid valves
- Sol vlv a
- Sol vlv b
- Starter motor
- Switch
- Tcc sol
- Throt pos sens
- Throttle position sensor
- Torque converter clutch solenoid valve
- Turbo
- Unit pin #9
- Veh spd reed sw
- W/ auto- cruise
- W/o auto-
- W/o auto- cruise
Warning System Wiring Diagrams for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Warning System Wiring Diagrams for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- Automatic seat belt control unit (in driver's door)
- Buzzer assembly (below center console)
- Combination switch
- Dedicated fuse 1 10a
- Engine compartment right relay box
- Fuse 10a
- G203 (right side of dash)
- Head
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run or start
- Instrument cluster
- Junction block
- Left door switch
- Off
- Park
- Seat belt warning lamp
- Taillight relay (engine compt right side relay box)
Front Wiper/Washer Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Front Wiper/Washer Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- Combination switch
- Fuse 9 15a
- G100 (left front fender shield)
- G200 (left kick panel)
- Hot in accy or on
- Int
- Interm wiper relay
- Junction block (left side of dash)
- Off
- Slow
- Var interm wiper control switch
- Washer motor
- Washer switch
- Wiper motor
- Wiper switch
Rear Wiper/Washer Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994
List of elements for Rear Wiper/Washer Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Eclipse GS 1994:
- Fuse 9 15a
- G407 (below liftgate latch)
- Hot in accy or on
- Int
- Interior lights system
- Junction block (left side of dash)
- Off
- Rear interm wiper relay (left rear quarter panel)
- Rear washer motor
- Rear washer switch
- Rear wiper motor
- Rear wiper switch
- Rear wiper/ washer switch