A/C Wiring Diagram, Vehicles Built After 12/1/93 for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO List of elements for A/C Wiring Diagram, Vehicles Built After 12/1/93 for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- 50-4
- 50-6
- A/c compressor
- A/c control relay (right front corner of engine compartment)
- A/c pressure switch (left rear corner of engine compartment)
- A/c switch
- Blower motor
- Blower relay (in passenger compartment relay center)
- Blower resistors (behind right side of i/p)
- Blower switch
- Condenser fan diode (behind left side of i/p taped to harness)
- Condenser fan motor
- Condenser fan relay (in engine compartment relay box)
- Engine control module (behind left side of i/p)
- Engine coolant fan motor
- Engine coolant fan relay high (in engine compartment relay box)
- Engine coolant temp switch (in rear of radiator)
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 30a
- Fuse box
- Fusible link g 30a (pnk)
- G100 (left front corner of engine compartment)
- G203 (at right kick panel)
- G203 (behind right kick panel)
- Heater and a/c control panel
- Hot at all times
- Hot in on
- Illumi- nation
- Interior lights system
- Main fusible link box
- Off
- On indicator
- Recirc switch
- Red
A/C Wiring Diagram, Vehicles Built Before 12/1/93 for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for A/C Wiring Diagram, Vehicles Built Before 12/1/93 for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- 50-4
- 50-6
- A/c compressor
- A/c control relay (right front corner of engine compartment)
- A/c pressure switch (left rear corner of engine compartment)
- A/c switch
- Blower motor
- Blower relay (in passenger compartment relay center)
- Blower resistors (behind right side of i/p)
- Blower switch
- Condenser fan motor
- Condenser fan relay (in engine compartment relay box)
- Engine control module (behind left side of i/p)
- Engine coolant fan low speed resistor (on condenser fan shroud)
- Engine coolant fan motor
- Engine coolant fan relay high (in engine compartment relay box)
- Engine coolant fan relay low (in engine compartment relay box)
- Engine coolant temp switch (in rear of radiator)
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 30a
- Fuse box
- Fusible link g 30a (pnk)
- G100 (left front corner of engine compartment)
- G203 (at right kick panel)
- G203 (behind right kick panel)
- Heater and a/c control panel
- Hot at all times
- Hot in on
- Illumi- nation
- Interior lights system
- Main fusible link box
- Off
- On indicator
- Recirc switch
- Red
Heater Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Heater Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- Blower motor
- Blower relay (in passenger compartment relay center)
- Blower resistors (behind right side of i/p)
- Blower switch
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 30a
- Fuse box
- G203 (behind right kick panel)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in on
- Off
Anti-theft Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Anti-theft Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- 15a
- Alarm switch
- Antenna
- Antenna input
- Battery
- Disarm output
- Disconnected if equipped with remote control
- Door switch input
- Exterior lights system (left park)
- Exterior lights system (right park)
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse box (left side of i/p)
- G116 (left rear of engine compt., on bulkhead)
- G202 (bracket left of steering column)
- Ground
- Hot at all times
- Hot in on and start
- Ignition
- Ignition output
- Illumi- nation
- In- line diode a (behind i/p, near left shroud)
- In-line diode b (behind i/p, near left shroud)
- In-line diode c (behind i/p, near left shroud)
- In-line security fuse (left of steering column)
- Indicator
- Interior lights system (door jamb switches)
- Interior lights system (instrument illumination)
- Interior lights system (rear compartment light)
- Jumper
- Nca
- Off
- Pnk
- Pnk battery v2 (enable rl2)
- Red
- Red battery v1 (taillight rl3)
- Relay control
- Remote control module (left side of steering column)
- S01
- S02
- S03
- S04
- Security control module (left of steering column)
- Security siren (left rear of engine compt.)
- Shock sensor (behind i/p, at left shroud)
- Switch input
- Trunk/ tailgate release relay (left side of i/p)
- Trunk/ tailgate switch (center rear of trunk)
- Trunk/tailgate release circuit (release solenoid)
- W/ remote control
- W/o remote control
Computer Data Lines for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Computer Data Lines for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- C50-5
- C50-6
- Data link connector (dlc) (below left side of i/p, at kick panel)
- Diagnosis
- Diagnosis control signal
- Diagnosis output
- Engine control module (ecm) (behind left side of i/p)
- G202 (behind left side of i/p, above kick panel)
- I04
- I05-1
- Instrument cluster
- Junction block connector
- M04
- T20-4
- Transmission control module (below right front seat)
- Vehicle speed input
- Vehicle speed output
Cooling Fan Wiring Diagram, Early Production for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Cooling Fan Wiring Diagram, Early Production for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- A/c switch
- Air conditioning system (a/c pressure switch)
- Air conditioning system (blower relay)
- Air conditioning system (condenser fan relay)
- Engine compartment relay box
- Engine coolant fan low speed resistor (on condenser fan shroud)
- Engine coolant fan motor
- Engine coolant fan relay high
- Engine coolant fan relay low
- Engine coolant temperature switch (in rear of radiator)
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse box: i/p
- Fusible link g (30a-pnk)
- G100 (left front corner of engine compartment)
- Hot at all times
- Junction block
- Main fusible link box (underhood)
Cooling Fan Wiring Diagram, Late Production for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Cooling Fan Wiring Diagram, Late Production for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- A/c switch
- Air conditioning system (a/c pressure switch)
- Air conditioning system (blower relay)
- Condenser fan diode (behind left side of i/p, taped to harness)
- Condenser fan relay
- Engine compartment relay box
- Engine coolant fan motor
- Engine coolant fan relay high
- Engine coolant temperature switch (in rear of radiator)
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse box: i/p
- Fusible link g (30a-pnk)
- G100 (left front corner of engine compartment)
- Hot at all times
- Junction block
- Main fusible link box (underhood)
Defogger Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Defogger Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- (left side g202
- (right g905
- (right side g201
- 3 door
- 4 door
- 4 door w/a/t
- Electronic time and alarm control module (below drivers seat)
- Engine running input
- Fuse 6 20a
- Fuse box (left side of i/p)
- Generator
- Ground splice connector
- Grounds
- Hot at all times
- I05-2
- Instrument cluster
- Of i/p)
- Off
- On/off input
- Others
- Rear defogger
- Rear defogger indicator
- Rear defogger switch
- Rear pillar)
- Solid-state control
- Starting/ charging system
1.5L, Engine Performance Wiring Diagrams (1 of 2) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for 1.5L, Engine Performance Wiring Diagrams (1 of 2) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- (3 door)
- (4 door)
- (behind left side of i/p)
- (behind left side of i/p, above kick panel)
- (center rear of engine compt)
- A/c relay ctrl
- A/c request in
- A/t
- A/t only
- Acc
- Air conditioning system
- Air flow sensor in
- Baro press sensor in
- Battery
- Battery back-up
- C50-4
- C50-5
- C50-6
- Coil control
- Cp sensor in
- Data link connector (i/p fuse box)
- Diagnosis
- Diagnosis ctrl signal
- Early prod.
- Ecm control relay
- Ect sensor in
- Egr control solenoid
- Egr solenoid ctrl
- Egr temp sensor in
- Elect spark timing
- Electronic spark timing adjust connector (right side of engine compt, taped to harness)
- Engine compartment relay box (left front corner of engine compt)
- Engine control module (behind left side of i/p)
- Frt htd oxy sensor in
- Fuel inj #1 ctrl
- Fuel inj #2 ctrl
- Fuel inj #3 ctrl
- Fuel inj #4 ctrl
- Fuel injectors
- Fuel pump (inside top left front corner of fuel tank)
- Fuel pump ctrl
- Fuel pump inspection connector (right side of engine compt, taped to harness)
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse box:i/p (behind left side of i/p)
- G200
- G200 (behind left side of i/p, above kick panel)
- G202 (behind left side of i/p, on ecm bracket)
- G302 (on left rear pillar, behind trim)
- Ground
- Hot at all times
- Hot in on or start
- Iat sensor in
- Idle position sw in
- Idle spd mtr (extend)
- Idle spd mtr (retract)
- Idle speed control motor (top right rear of engine, on top of throttle body)
- Ig1
- Ignition switch
- Instrument cluster
- Isc mtr ctrl sensor in
- Late prod.
- Lock
- M/t
- M/t only
- Malfunction ind ctrl
- Malfunction indicator
- No.1
- No.2
- No.3
- No.4
- Power steering pressure switch (left front corner of engine, in power steering oil pump)
- Prk/neu in-or-ground
- Purge control solenoid
- Purge ctrl solenoid
- Pwr steering press in
- Red
- Red
- Rr htd oxy sensor in
- Sensor ground
- Sensor pwr-5v
- Start
- Start signal in
- Tdc sensor in
- Tps in
- Transmission system
- Vehicle speed in
1.5L, Engine Performance Wiring Diagrams (2 of 2) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for 1.5L, Engine Performance Wiring Diagrams (2 of 2) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- (behind left side of i/p, above kick panel)
- (behind left side of i/p, on ecm bracket)
- (closed w/ clutch pedal depressed) (on clutch pedal bracket)
- (left rear corner of engine, on distributor)
- (left rear of engine compt, on front of cowl top panel)
- (top center of engine, on intake manifold)
- 0.8
- 12k
- A/t
- A/t only
- Barometric pressure sensor
- Coil-to-distributor high voltage wire
- Condenser
- Crankshaft position sensor output
- Distributor (left rear corner of engine)
- Distributor cap
- Egr temperature sensor (right rear corner of engine, in egr valve)
- Engine coolant temperature sensor (right side of intake manifold, near coolant outlet)
- Front heated oxygen sensor (below rear of engine, on exhaust pipe)
- G104
- G200
- G202
- Gnd
- Idle
- Ignition coil
- Instrument cluster
- Instrument cluster system (tachometer)
- Intake air temperature sensor
- Isc motor position sensor (top right rear of engine, on throttle body)
- M/t
- M/t
- M/t only
- Nca
- Noise filter (top left of engine, on air inlet surge tank assembly)
- Position
- Power transistor (top center of engine, on intake manifold)
- Pwr
- Rear heated oxygen sensor (below center of vehicle, on exhaust pipe)
- Red
- Solid state
- Spark plugs
- Starter relay (in passenger compt relay center)
- Starter clutch pedal position switch
- Starting system
- Switch
- Tdc sensor output
- Tdc/crankshaft position sensor module
- Throttle position sensor (top right side of engine, on throttle body)
- Transmission range switch (closed in park & neutral) (in top front of transmission)
- Transmission system
- Vehicle speed output
- Vehicle speed sensor
- Volume air flow sensor
- Volume air flow sensor assembly (right side of engine compt, in air cleaner assembly)
Exterior Light Wiring Diagram (1 of 3) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Exterior Light Wiring Diagram (1 of 3) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- (right front g101
- 3 door models
- A/t
- Brake pedal switch (behind left side of i/p, on top of brake pedal support bracket)
- Combination switch
- Digital clock
- Engine compartment relay box (left front corner of engine compartment)
- Fender)
- Fuse 13 10a
- Fuse 14 10a
- Fuse 4 15a
- Fuse box (below left side of i/p, at kick panel)
- Fusible link d 30a (pnk)
- G100 (left front
- G202 (behind left
- G202 (left side
- G404 (left rear
- Ground splice connector
- Head
- High mount stop light
- Hot at all times
- Left front position light
- Left front side marker light
- Left license light
- Left rear combination lights (3 door models)
- Light switch
- Of i/p)
- Of trunk)
- Off
- Park
- Passenger compartment relay center (behind left side of i/p)
- Power distribution
- Red
- Right front position light
- Right front side marker light
- Right license light
- Right rear combination lights (3 door models)
- Shift interlock system
- Shifter illumination
- Side of i/p)
- Tail/ stop light
- Taillight relay
- To left rear combination lights (4 door models)
- To right rear combination lights (4 door models)
- Turn and backup lights
Exterior Light Wiring Diagram (2 of 3) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Exterior Light Wiring Diagram (2 of 3) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- (top of transmission)
- 4 door models
- A/t
- Back up light (3 & 4 door)
- Back up lights switch (right front of transmission)
- Brake pedal switch (top of brake pedal support)
- From engine compartment relay box (4 door models)
- Fuse 17 10a
- Fuse 4 15a
- Fuse box (below left side of i/p, at kick panel)
- G404 (left rear
- G904 (left side
- High mount stop light
- Hot at all times
- Hot in on and start
- Left license light
- Left rear combination lights
- M/t
- Not used
- Of "c" pillar)
- Of trunk)
- Power distribution
- Right license light
- Right rear combination lights
- Shift interlock system
- Shifter illumination
- Tail/ stop light (4 door)
- Transmission range switch
- Turn signal lights
Exterior Light Wiring Diagram (3 of 3) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Exterior Light Wiring Diagram (3 of 3) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- (behind left side of i/p)
- (not used)
- Coil control
- Combination switch
- Fender)
- Fuse 17 10a
- Fuse 3 10a
- Fuse box (below left side of i/p, at kick panel)
- G100 (left front
- G101 (right front
- G202 (left side
- G404 (left rear
- Ground
- Ground splice connector
- Haz
- Hazard indicator
- Hazard switch
- Hot at all times
- Hot in on and start
- I05-1
- I05-2
- Instrument cluster
- Left front turn signal
- Left rear combination lights
- Left rear turn light
- Left turn indicator
- Light
- Norm
- Of i/p)
- Of trunk)
- Passenger compartment relay center
- Power
- Right front turn signal
- Right rear combination lights
- Right rear turn light
- Right turn indicator
- Stop, park and backup lights
- Turn left
- Turn right
- Turn switch
- Turn/ hazard flasher
Ground Distribution Wiring Diagram (1 of 4) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Ground Distribution Wiring Diagram (1 of 4) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- C50-4
- C50-5
- Con- denser fan relay
- Distributor
- Ecm
- Engine compartment relay box
- Engine coolant fan relay high
- Engine coolant fan relay low
- Front heated oxygen sensor (ho2s)
- Front heated oxygen sensor (ho2s) shield no. 1
- Front heated oxygen sensor (ho2s) shield no. 2
- G100 (left front fender
- G101 (right front fender)
- G116 (left side of safety wall)
- G202 (left side of i/p)
- Ground splice connector
- Left front position light
- Left front side marker
- Left front turn signal light
- Nca
- Power transistor
- Rear heated oxygen sensor (ho2s)
- Rear heated oxygen sensor (ho2s) shield no. 1
- Rear heated oxygen sensor (ho2s) shield no. 2
- Rear heated oxygen sensor (ho2s) shield no. 3
- Rear heated oxygen sensor (ho2s) shield no. 4
- Right front position light
- Right front side marker
- Right front turn signal light
Ground Distribution Wiring Diagram (2 of 4) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Ground Distribution Wiring Diagram (2 of 4) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- A/c switch
- A/t only
- Astray (illumination)
- Brake fluid level switch
- Cigarette lighter (illumination element)
- Engine rpm data line shield
- Front wiper motor
- G201 (right side of i/p)
- G301 (below right front seat)
- Gls 3 door
- Ground splice connector
- Heater and a/c control panel (blower switch)
- Heater and a/c control panel (recirculation indicator)
- L, gl & gls 4 door
- Nca
- Pulse a generator shield
- Pulse b generator shield
- Radio
- Rear defogger switch
- Rear washer switch
- Rear wiper switch
- T20-4
- T20-5
- T20-6
- Transmission and keylock control module
- Transmission control module
Ground Distribution Wiring Diagram (3 of 4) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Ground Distribution Wiring Diagram (3 of 4) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- 3 door
- 4 door w/ a/t
- 4 door w/ m/t
- Combination switch
- Data link conn.
- Digital clock
- Dimmer
- Dome light
- Ecm control relay
- Electric time and alarm control module
- Front wiper/ washer switch
- Fuel level sender
- Fuel pump
- Fuse box
- G202 (left side of i/p)
- Gls only
- Ground splice connector
- High mount stop lamp
- Instrument cluster (indicators)
- Lap belt switch
- Left license lamp
- Light switch
- M05
- M07
- M16-1
- M16-2
- Parking position switch
- Passenger compartment relay center
- Passive seat belt switch
- Power sunroof switch
- Rear defogger
- Rear wiper motor
- Rheostat
- Right license lamp
- Starter relay
- Turn/ hazard flasher
- W/sunroof only
Ground Distribution Wiring Diagram (4 of 4) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Ground Distribution Wiring Diagram (4 of 4) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- (not used)
- 3 door
- 4 door w/ a/t
- 4 door w/ m/t
- Build variation
- Fuel level sender
- Fuel pump
- G404 (left rear of trunk)
- G904 (left side "c" pillar)
- High mount stop light
- Key lock switch
- Lap belt switch
- Left license light
- Left rear combination lights (tail, stop, turn, and back up)
- Right license light
- Right rear combination lights (tail, stop, turn, and back up)
- Rr01
- Tailgate release solenoid
- Trunk release solenoid
Headlight Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Headlight Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- Combination switch
- Engine compartment relay box (left front corner of engine compt.)
- Flash
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse box (below left side of i/p)
- Fusible link d 30a (pnk)
- G202 (left side of i/p)
- Ground splice connector
- H/light fuse 10a
- Head
- Head- light dimmer/ passing switch
- Headlight relay
- High
- High beam indicator
- Hot at all times
- Hot in on
- I05-1
- Instru- ment cluster
- Left headlight
- Light switch
- Low
- M16-1
- M16-2
- Nca
- Off
- Park
- Right headlight
Horn Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Horn Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- Engine compartment relay box (left front corner of engine compartment)
- Horn fuse 10a
- Horn switches
- Hot at all times
- Left horn (behind front bumper, below left headlight)
- Right horn (behind front bumper, below right headlight)
- Slip ring
- Steering column
- Steering wheel
Instrument Cluster Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Instrument Cluster Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- "brake" warning indicator
- "o/d off" indicator
- (door jamb switches)
- (not used)
- (trunk/tailgate switch)
- 3 door
- 4 door
- Brake fluid level switch (in reservoir)
- C50-6
- Charge system indicator
- Coolant temperature gauge
- Data link connector (pin 11, m04) transmission control module (pin 10, t20-4) engine control module (pin 18, c50-5)
- Defogger system
- Door ajar indicator
- Engine control module (ecm) (behind left side of i/p)
- Engine controls system
- Engine coolant temperature sender (near coolant outlet)
- Exterior lights system
- Fasten belt indicator
- Fuel gauge
- Fuel level sender (right front of trunk)
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse box (below left side of i/p, at kick panel)
- G201 (right side of i/p)
- G202 (left side of i/p)
- G904 (left side "c" pillar)
- Ground splice connector
- Headlights system
- High beam indicator
- Hot at all times
- Hot in on and start
- Hot with light switch in park or head
- I04
- I05-1
- I05-2
- I05-3
- Illumination
- Instrument cluster
- Interior lights system
- Left turn indicator
- Low fuel indicator
- Malfunction indicator lamp (mil) (check engine)
- Oil
- Oil pressure switch (near oil filter)
- Park brake switch (below rear of console)
- Rear defogger indicator
- Right turn indicator
- Starting/charging system
- Tachometer
- Transmissions system
- Trunk/tailgate ajar indicator
- Vehicle speed sensor
- Voltage regulator
- Warning systems
Courtesy Lamps Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Courtesy Lamps Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- (or splice)
- 10a
- 4 door
- Build variation
- Diode
- Dome light
- Door
- Electronic time and alarm control module (below left front seat)
- Fuse 5
- Fuse box (below left side of i/p)
- G202 (left side of i/p)
- G908 (center front of roof)
- Ground splice connector
- Hot at all times
- Instrument cluster system (trunk ajar indicator)
- Left front door jamb switch
- Left front door open input
- Left rear door jamb switch
- Off
- Rear compartment light
- Right front door jamb switch
- Right rear door jamb switch
- Trunk/ tailgate switch (center rear of trunk)
- W/o sunroof
- With sunroof
Instrument Illumination Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Instrument Illumination Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- A/c switch
- A/t only
- Ashtray light
- Cigarette lighter
- Dash fuse box (below left side of i/p)
- Fuse 13 10a
- G201 (right side of i/p)
- G202 (left side of i/p)
- Ground splice connector
- Heater and a/c control panel
- Hot with light switch in park or head
- I05-1
- Illumination (number) of bulbs may vary)
- Instrument cluster
- Passenger compartment relay center
- Passenger compartment relay center (behind left side of i/p)
- Radio
- Rear washer switch (gls 3 door)
- Rear window defogger switch
- Rear wiper switch (gls 3 door)
- Recirculate switch illumination
- Rheostat
- Shifter illumination
- Solid state
- Trunk/ tailgate release switch (gl & gls 4 door)
Power Distribution Wiring Diagram (1 of 4) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Power Distribution Wiring Diagram (1 of 4) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- 10a
- 30a (pnk)
- 50a (red)
- Battery
- Body
- C50-5
- Condenser fan motor
- E10
- E12
- E14
- E18-1
- E20
- E21
- Ecm control relay
- Engine compartment relay box
- Engine control module
- Engine coolant fan motor
- Engine coolant temperature switch
- Exterior lights system
- Fuse 13
- Fuse 14
- Fuse box
- Fusible link a
- Fusible link b
- Fusible link c
- Fusible link d
- Fusible link e
- Fusible link f
- Fusible link g
- Generator
- H/light fuse
- Headlight relay
- High beam indicator
- Horn fuse
- I05-1
- Instrument cluster
- Interior & exterior lights system
- Left headlight
- Left horn
- Main fusible link box
- Nca
- Passenger compartment relay center
- Right headlight
- Right horn
- Starter solenoid
- Taillight relay
- To fuses 1, 2 & 3, in fuse box
- To ignition switch
- Transmission
Power Distribution Wiring Diagram (2 of 4) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Power Distribution Wiring Diagram (2 of 4) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- (cut wire end)
- 10a
- 15a
- 20a
- 30a
- A/c control relay
- A/c switch
- A/t only
- Blower motor
- Blower relay
- Brake pedal switch
- C50-5
- Combination switch
- Digital clock
- Dome light
- Door ajar & trunk/ tailgate ajar indicator
- E33
- Electronic time & alarm control module
- Engine control module (ecm)
- From fusible link f, in engine compartment relay box
- Fuse 1
- Fuse 2
- Fuse 3
- Fuse 4
- Fuse 5
- Fuse 6
- Fuse 7
- Fuse box
- Hazard switch
- Heater & a/c control panel
- I01
- I05-3
- I11
- I16
- Ignition key switch
- Instrument cluster
- Key lock solenoid
- M12
- M16-1
- M20
- M25
- M32
- M42
- Passenger compartment relay center
- R06
- R22/r28
- R35
- Radio
- Rear compartment light
- Recirc indicator
- Red
- Shift lock solenoid
- T20-4
- Transmission control module
- Trunk/ tailgate release switch
Power Distribution Wiring Diagram (3 of 4) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Power Distribution Wiring Diagram (3 of 4) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- (not used)
- 10a
- A/t
- Acc
- Back up light switch
- C21
- C24
- C25
- C40
- C50-5
- Combination switch
- Condenser
- Digital clock
- Distributor
- Ecm control relay
- Electronic time & alarm control module
- Engine compartment relay box
- Engine control module (ecm)
- From fusible link c, in engine compartment relay box
- Fuse 17
- Fuse box
- I01
- I05-2
- Ig1
- Ig2
- Ignition coil
- Ignition switch
- Instrument cluster
- Lock
- M/t
- M05
- M14
- M16-1
- M29
- M33
- Passenger compartment relay center
- Pre-excitation resistor
- R06
- Red
- Start
- Starter clutch pedal position switch
- Starter relay
- To fuses 15 & 16, in fuse box
- To fuses 9, 10 & 11, in fuse box
- Transmission & keylock control module
- Transmission range switch
Power Distribution Wiring Diagram (4 of 4) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Power Distribution Wiring Diagram (4 of 4) for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- (gls 3 door only)
- (not used)
- 10a
- 15a
- Blower relay
- Cigarette lighter
- Coil
- E04
- E05
- E06
- Electronic time & alarm control module
- Engine compartment relay box
- From ignition switch, acc
- From ignition switch, ig2
- Front washer motor
- Front wiper motor
- Fuse 10
- Fuse 11
- Fuse 15
- Fuse 16
- Fuse 9
- Fuse box
- Headlight relay
- Interior lights system
- M10
- M20
- M33
- Overdrive switch
- Passenger compartment relay center
- Power sunroof switch
- R04
- R05
- R06
- R64
- Radio
- Rear washer motor
- Rear wiper motor
- Red
- Sm80
- T02
- T07
- T20-6
- Transmission & keylock control module
- Transmission control module
- Transmission range switch
- Transmission shift mode switch
Power Top/Sunroof Wiring Diagrams for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Power Top/Sunroof Wiring Diagrams for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- Close
- Fuse 9 15a
- Fuse box (below left side of i/p)
- G202 (left side of i/p)
- Ground splice connector
- Hot in on
- Interior lights system (dome light)
- Open
- Power sunroof motor (above dome light)
- Power sunroof switch
- Red
Radio Wiring Diagrams for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Radio Wiring Diagrams for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- Dash fuse box
- Fuse 15 10a
- Fuse 5 10a
- G201 (above right kick panel)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in accy or on
- Interior
- Left front speaker
- Left rear speaker
- Lights system
- Radio
- Right front speaker
- Right rear speaker
Shift Interlock Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Shift Interlock Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- "c" pillar)
- (behind ignition switch)
- Acc and on input
- Brake pedal switch (top of brake pedal support)
- Brake pedal switch input
- Exterior lights system
- Fuse 15 10a
- Fuse 17 10a
- Fuse 4 15a
- Fuse box (left side of i/p)
- G201 (right side
- G202 (left side
- G904 (left side
- Ground
- Ground splice connector
- Hot at all times
- Hot in acc and on
- Hot in on and start
- Key lock solenoid
- Key lock solenoid control
- Key lock switch (below console)
- Key lock switch input
- Of i/p)
- On and start input
- Park position switch (left front of console)
- Park switch input
- Red
- Shift lock solenoid (left front of console)
- Shift lock solenoid control
- Transmission and key lock control module (right side of i/p)
Charging Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Charging Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- (not used)
- 105-1
- 105-2
- Battery
- Body
- C40
- Charge warning light
- Combination switch
- Digital clock
- E17
- Electronic time & alarm control module (below left front seat)
- Engine compartment relay box
- Engine running input
- Fuse 17 10a
- Fusible link a 50a red
- Generator
- Hot in on or start fuse box
- Indicators
- Instrument cluster
- M101
- M16-1
- Main fusible link box
- Nca
- Power distribution system
- Pre- excitation resistor (center rear of engine compartment, on front of bulkhead)
- R06
- Starting system (starter solenoid)
- Transmission
- Turn/ hazard switch
Starting Wiring Diagram, A/T for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Starting Wiring Diagram, A/T for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- (top of transmission)
- Acc
- Battery
- Body
- C50-5
- C71
- Coil
- Ecm control relay (behind left side of i/p)
- Engine compartment relay box
- Engine control module (ecm) (behind left side of i/p)
- Fusible link c 30a pnk
- Hold-in coil
- Ignition switch
- Lock
- M-29
- M14
- P/n
- Pull-in coil
- Red
- Start
- Starter motor
- Starter solenoid
- Transmission
- Transmission range switch
Starting Wiring Diagram, M/T for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Starting Wiring Diagram, M/T for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- Acc
- Battery
- Body
- C50-5
- Engine compartment relay box
- Engine control module (ecm) (behind left side of i/p)
- Fusible link c 30a pnk
- G202 (behind left side of i/p, above kick panel)
- Hold-in coil
- Ignition switch
- Lock
- M31
- Nca
- Passenger compartment relay box
- Pull-in coil
- Red
- Start
- Starter clutch pedal position switch (on clutch pedal bracket)
- Starter motor
- Starter relay
- Starter solenoid
- Transmission
Transmission Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Transmission Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- (lower right front of engine, top of transmission)
- (lower right side of engine, in top of transmission)
- 1995 vftc c
- 2 input
- A/c sw input
- Air conditioning system
- Battery
- C50-5
- C50-6
- Damper clutch control solenoid valve
- Data link connector
- Diag output
- Drive input
- Econ
- Econ mode
- Eng rpm input
- Engine control module (left i/p)
- Engine controls system (ignition coil)
- Exterior lights system
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse box (left kick panel)
- G200 (left side of i/p, above kick panel)
- G201 (right side of i/p)
- G202 (left side of i/p)
- G301 (below right front seat)
- Ground
- Hi oil temp
- High temp
- Hot at all times
- Hot in on
- Hot in park or head
- I04
- I05-1
- I05-2
- Idle pos sw
- Ignition
- Instrument cluster
- Instrument cluster system
- Interior lights system (rheostat)
- Isc motor position sensor (top right rear of engine)
- Kick down switch (center front of transmission)
- Kickdn sw
- L input
- Lo oil temp
- Low temp
- M04
- N/a
- Nca
- Neutral input
- Noise filter (on air inlet surge tank assy)
- Norm
- Not used
- O/d off
- O/d off indicator
- O/d on
- O/d sw input
- Overdrive switch
- Park input
- Passenger compartment relay center (behind left side i/p)
- Pressure control solenoid valve
- Pulse gen a
- Pulse gen b
- Pulse generator a
- Pulse generator b
- Red
- Reverse input
- Rsw
- Sensor ground
- Shift control solenoid valve a
- Shift control solenoid valve b
- Shifter illumination
- Sol vlv ctrl
- Starting/ charging system
- T20-4
- T20-5
- T20-6
- Throttle position sensor (on throttle body)
- Tp sensor
- Transmission control module (below right front seat)
- Transmission oil temperature sensor (in right front corner of transmission)
- Transmission range switch
- Transmission shift mode switch
- Transmission valve body
- Veh spd input
- Vehicle speed sensor
Trunk/Tailgate Release Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Trunk/Tailgate Release Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- 3 door
- 4 door
- Diode (left side of dash)
- Fuse 2 15a
- Fuse 5 10a
- Fuse box (left side of dash)
- G404 (left rear of trunk)
- G904 (on left rear pillar)
- Hot at all times
- Interior lights system
- Nca
- Red
- Remote control module (left side of dash)
- Tailgate release solenoid (on rear of latch assembly)
- Trunk release solenoid (center rear of trunk lid)
- Trunk tailgate release relay (left side of dash)
- Trunk/ tailgate release switch
Warning System Wiring Diagrams for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Warning System Wiring Diagrams for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- "c" pillar)
- (3 door)
- (4 door)
- (left side g202
- (left side g904
- 4 door w/a/t
- Battery
- Chime (left side of i/p)
- Chime control
- Defogger system
- Digital clock
- Diode
- Electronic time and alarm control module (below drivers seat)
- Engine running input
- Fasten seat belt indicator
- Fof i/p)
- Fuse 10 15a
- Fuse 17 10a
- Fuse 5 10a
- Fuse 6 20a
- Fuse box (left side of i/p)
- Generator
- Grid control
- Ground
- Ground splice connector
- Hot at all times
- Hot in on
- Hot in on and start
- I01
- I05-2
- Ignition
- Ignition and start
- Ignition key switch
- Indicator control
- Instrument cluster
- Interior lights system
- Intermittent input
- Intermittent relay
- Intermittent timer
- Lap belt input
- Lap belt switch
- Left front door jamb switch
- Left front door open input
- Not used
- On/off input
- Others
- Park switch feed and park input
- Passenger compartment relay center (left side of i/p)
- Passive seat belt input
- Passive seat belt switch
- Wash input
- Wiper/ washer system
Front Wiper/Washer Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Front Wiper/Washer Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- (left side g202
- (right side g201
- Battery
- Combination switch
- Electronic time and alarm control module (below left front seat)
- Fast
- Front washer motor (bottom of windshield washer fluid reservoir)
- Front wiper motor (right rear corner of engine comp.)
- Fuse 10 15a
- Fuse 6 20a
- Fuse box (left side of i/p)
- Ground splice connector
- Grounds
- Headlights system
- Hot at all times
- Hot in on
- Int
- Int
- Int timer
- Intermittent control switch
- Intermittent relay
- M16-1
- Of i/p)
- Off
- Park input
- Park switch
- Slow
- Solid-state timer
- Wash
- Washer switch
- Wiper circuit
- Wiper switch
Rear Wiper/Washer Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994
List of elements for Rear Wiper/Washer Wiring Diagram for Mitsubishi Precis 1994:
- (left side g202
- (right side g201
- Capacitor
- Fuse 11 15a
- Fuse box (left side of i/p)
- Ground splice connector
- Hot in on
- Interior lights system
- Motor
- Of i/p)
- Off
- Off/ park
- Park switch
- Rear washer motor (bottom of windshield washer fluid reservoir)
- Rear washer switch
- Rear wiper motor (left rear of tailgate)
- Rear wiper switch
- Wash
- Wipe