Электросхема антенны для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
Электросхема антенны для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990 - Список элементов:
- (buick) clk-cig fuse (olds) 20a
- 10a
- Antenna coax lead
- Antenna mast
- Antenna motor
- Antenna relay (right side of i/p)
- C464
- Cig-clk fuse
- Down switch
- Fuse block (left side of i/p)
- G201 (center of i/p, and right side of radio)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in accy or run
- Nca
- Off
- Pnk
- Radio
- Radio fuse
- Up switch
Звуковой сигнал Гудок
Электросхема звукового сигнал Гудка для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990
Электросхема звукового сигнал Гудка для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990 - Список элементов:
- Convenience center (behind left side of i/p)
- Fusible link a (lower left side of engine)
- Horn (left front of engine compt)
- Horn relay
- Horn switch
- Hot at all times
- Red
- Slip ring
Магнитола Мультимедия
Электросхемы магнитолы для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990
Электросхемы магнитолы для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990 - Список элементов:
- (buick)
- (olds)
- Antenna
- Antenna input
- Antenna relay
- Battery power
- C258
- Cig-clk fuse 20a (buick)
- Clk-cig fuse 20a (olds)
- Coaxial cable
- Dim signal
- Fuse block (behind left side of i/p)
- G201 (behind right side of i/p)
- G202 (behind left side of i/p)
- Ground
- Hot at all times
- Hot in acc or run
- Ignition power
- Interior lights system
- Left front speaker
- Left rear speaker
- Lt frt spkr (+)
- Lt frt spkr (-)
- Lt rear spkr (+)
- Lt rear spkr (-)
- On output
- Panel light
- Radio
- Radio fuse 10a
- Right front speaker
- Right rear speaker
- Rt frt spkr (+)
- Rt frt spkr (-)
- Rt rear spkr (+)
- Rt rear spkr (-)
- Tan
Подогрев стекол и зеркал
Электросхема подогрева стекол и зеркал для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990
Электросхема подогрева стекол и зеркал для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990 - Список элементов:
- (in tailgate)
- (near right trunk hinge)
- Braided
- Fuse block (left side of i/p)
- G204 (left of steering column)
- G405
- G407
- Gages fuse 20a
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run or start
- Off
- On indicator
- Pwr acc circuit breaker 30a
- Rear defogger
- Rear defogger control
- Sedan
- Timer
- Wagon
Электросхема привода зеркал для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990
Электросхема привода зеркал для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990 - Список элементов:
- (chevy)
- (olds & buick)
- C641
- C642
- C643
- Ctsy-clk fuse dome fuse 20a
- Fuse block
- G203 (right shroud near center access hole)
- G500 (in left front door)
- Hot at all times
- Left outside power mirror
- Left outside power mirror switch
- Left-right motor
- Nca
- Right outside power mirror
- Right outside power mirror switch
- Up-down motor
Электросхема стеклоподъемников для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990
Электросхема стеклоподъемников для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990 - Список элементов:
- Fuse block
- G500 (in front of left front door)
- Hot in run
- Left front window
- Left front window motor
- Left rear window
- Left rear window motor
- Left rear window switch
- Pnk
- Power window master switch assembly
- Right front window
- Right front window motor
- Right front window switch
- Right rear window
- Right rear window motor
- Right rear window switch
- Tan
- Wdo circuit breaker 30a
Электросхема стеклоподъемников задней двери для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990
Электросхема стеклоподъемников задней двери для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990 - Список элементов:
- (behind center of i/p, above & right of radio) g206
- Buick
- Buick & oldsmobile
- Chevrolet
- Chevy
- Chevy & buick
- Chevy & olds
- Circuit breaker
- Control switch pigtailed on buick models
- Fuse block
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- Illumination (buick estate wagon)
- Interior lights system
- Lower
- Nca
- Olds
- Pnk
- Pwr/acc circuit breaker 30a
- Raise
- Tailgate block out switch (upper right corner of tailgate) (open when tailgate is open)
- Tailgate key switch
- Tailgate power window control switch
- Tailgate power window motor (inside left side of tailgate)
- Wdo circuit breaker 30a
Электросхема привода сидений с 6 путями для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990
Электросхема привода сидений с 6 путями для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990 - Список элементов:
- 1995 vftc c
- Back
- Breaker 30a
- Down
- Entire seat
- Front height
- Front height motor
- Fuse block
- Fwd
- Fwd/ back motor
- G309 (front of left door)
- G316 (front of right door)
- Hot at all times
- Left front seat
- Left seat switch
- Pwr/acc circuit
- Rear height
- Rear height motor
- Right front seat
- Right seat switch
- Tan
Стартер Генератор
Электросхема Генератора для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990
Электросхема Генератора для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990 - Список элементов:
- (behind left side of i/p)
- (left front fender, behind battery) (vin y) g100 g101 (vin z, vin e) (right front fender, behind battery)
- (top left front of engine) (vin y) g110 g119 (vin z, vin e) (front of engine, on engine stud)
- (w/ gages) (w/o gages)
- (w/o gages) (w/ gages)
- Alt fuse 20a
- Alternator
- Bat
- Battery
- Bulb test or start
- Charge indicator
- Fuse block
- Fusible link d (16 ga- rust)
- Fusible link e (12 ga- rust)
- Gages fuse 20a
- Hot in run
- Hot in run,
- Instrument cluster
- Red
- V t
- Vin y
- Vin z, vin e
Электросхема стартера для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990
Электросхема стартера для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990 - Список элементов:
- (top left front of engine) (vin y) g110
- (vin z, vin e) (front of right cylinder head)
- Accy
- Air conditioning, power distribution system
- Battery
- Bulb test
- Engine controls system
- Fusible link a (16 ga-rust)
- Fusible link b (16 ga-rust)
- G100 (vin y) (left front fender, behind battery)
- G101 (vin z, vin e) (right front fender)
- G119
- Ignition switch
- Lock
- Off
- Red
- Run
- Start
- Starter motor
- Starter solenoid
Стеклоочистители и Стеклоомыватели Дворники
Электросхема стеклоочистителя, дворников и омывателя С 2 скоростями для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990
Электросхема стеклоочистителя, дворников и омывателя С 2 скоростями для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990 - Список элементов:
- (not used)
- Buick
- Buick only
- Fuse block
- G202 (behind left side of i/p)
- G206 (behind center of i/p)
- Hot in accy or run
- Instrument cluster
- Mist
- Motor
- Nca
- Off lo
- Olds & buick only
- Olds & chevy
- Park relay
- Pnk
- Washer fluid level switch
- Washer fluid low indicator
- Washer pump relay solenoid
- Washer pump relay solenoid diode (taped inside conn)
- Washer switch
- Wiper fuse 25a
- Wiper motor relay diode (taped inside conn)
- Wiper switch
- Wiper/ washer assembly
- Wiper/ washer control
Электросхема стеклоочистителя, дворников и омывателя Интервала для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990
Электросхема стеклоочистителя, дворников и омывателя Интервала для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990 - Список элементов:
- Buick
- Buick & olds only
- Buick only
- Control board
- Delay
- Fuse block
- G202 (left side of i/p)
- G206 (center of i/p)
- Hot in accy or run
- Instrument cluster
- Mist
- Motor
- Off
- Olds & chevy
- Park relay
- Pnk
- Washer fluid level switch
- Washer fluid low indicator
- Washer pump relay solenoid
- Washer pump relay solenoid diode (taped inside conn)
- Washer switch
- Wiper fuse 25a
- Wiper motor relay diode (taped inside conn)
- Wiper switch
- Wiper/ washer assembly
- Wiper/washer switch
Электросхема центрального замка для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990
Электросхема центрального замка для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990 - Список элементов:
- (buick)
- (olds)
- Chevy only
- Ctsy clock fuse 20a
- Dome dome ctsy fuse 20a
- Door lock relay assembly (right shroud, near lower access hole)
- Fuse block (left side of i/p)
- Hot at all times
- Left front door lock motor
- Left front door lock switch
- Left rear door lock motor
- Lock
- Lock relay
- Olds & buick
- Pwr accy circuit breaker 30a
- Right front door lock motor
- Right front door lock switch
- Right rear door lock motor
- Station wagon only
- Tailgate lock motor
- Tan
- Unlock
- Unlock relay
- W/ power seats only
схема замка задней двери питания, без центральные замки для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990
схема замка задней двери питания, без центральные замки для Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser 1990 - Список элементов:
- A c1
- C c2
- Dome ctsy fuse 20a
- Fuse block (left side of i/p)
- Hot at all times
- Lock
- Lock relay
- Power lock relay assembly (right shroud, near lower access hole)
- Pwr accy circuit breaker 30a
- Tailgate lock motor
- Tailgate lock switch
- Tan
- Unlock
- Unlock relay