Электросхема антенны для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO Электросхема антенны для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993 - Список элементов:
- (1990-92)
- (1993)
- (1993) (1990-92)
- 10a
- 1995 vftc c
- 20a
- Antenna coax lead
- Antenna mast
- Antenna motor
- Antenna relay (behind i/p, right of i/p compartment)
- C1 e
- C2 c8
- Circuit breaker
- Ctsy fuse
- Down switch
- Fuse block (behind right side of i/p)
- G206 (behind i/p, below ashtray)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in acc or run
- Nca
- Off
- Pnk
- Radio
- Radio fuse
- Solid state
- Up switch
Электросхема привода багажника и лючка топливного бака для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993
Электросхема привода багажника и лючка топливного бака для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993 - Список элементов:
- (coupe/ sedan)
- (station wagon)
- 1995 vftc c
- Door lock system
- Fuse block (right side of i/p)
- G202 (behind i/p, below ashtray)
- Hot in run
- Hot in run, bulb test or start
- Nca
- Pnk
- Rear wiper control switch
- Release switch
- Release relay (right side of i/p, above fuse block)
- Release solenoid (on luggage compartment lid, near lock)
- Transaxle position switch (top left rear of transaxle)
- Turn flasher
- Turn-b/u fuse 15a
- Wdo circuit breaker 30a
Электросхема ламп подсветки для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993
Электросхема ламп подсветки для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993 - Список элементов:
- (at right kick panel) g203
- Center)
- Courtesy switch
- Ctsy fuse 20a
- Dome light
- Driver's door latch switch
- Fiber optic light source
- Fuse block
- G201 (right side of i/p)
- G412 (center of tailgate header)
- G908 (center front of roof)
- Gages fuse 10a
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run, bulb test or start
- I/p compartment light
- Illuminated entry control output
- Inside lighted mirror assembly
- Interior lights control
- Left courtesy light
- Left door open input
- Left rear door jamb switch
- Left vanity mirror light
- Light switch
- Luggage compartment light
- Multi- function alarm system (conven- ience right door open input
- Nca
- Off
- Pass- enger's door latch switch
- Rear dome light (wagon)
- Remote keyless entry module (left side of luggage compt)
- Right courtesy light
- Right rear door jamb switch
- Right vanity mirror light
- Tailgate light switch
Электросхема подсветки приборов для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993
Электросхема подсветки приборов для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993 - Список элементов:
- (not used)
- Ashtray light
- Assembly
- C10
- Cluster
- Dimmer switch
- Exterior lights system
- Fuse block
- G201 (right side of i/p)
- G203 (right kick panel)
- Head
- Headlight switch
- Heater- a/c control
- Hot at all times
- Inst lps fuse 5a
- Instrument
- Light switch
- Master switch assembly light
- Off
- Park
- Radio
- Rear defogger control
- Right front window switch light
- Tail fuse 20a
Звуковой сигнал Гудок
Электросхема звукового сигнал Гудка для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993
Электросхема звукового сигнал Гудка для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993 - Список элементов:
- Convenience center (behind right side of i/p)
- Ctsy fuse 20a
- Fuse block (behind right side of i/p)
- G108 (left front of engine compt on radiator support)
- G109 (right front of engine compt on radiator support)
- Horn relay
- Horn switch
- Hot at all times
- Left horn (front lower left side of engine compt)
- Right horn (front lower right side of engine compt)
- Slip ring
Магнитола Мультимедия
Электросхемы магнитолы для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993
Электросхемы магнитолы для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993 - Список элементов:
- Antenna
- Antenna input
- Battery power
- C233
- Coaxial cable
- Ctsy fuse 20a
- Dim signal
- Fuse block (behind right side of i/p)
- G205 (behind i/p, right of steering column)
- Ground
- Hot at all times
- Hot in accy or run
- Ignition power
- Interior lights system
- Left front door speaker
- Left front speaker
- Left rear speaker
- Lt frt spkr
- Lt rear spkr
- On output
- Panel light
- Pnk
- Power antenna system
- Radio
- Radio fuse 10a
- Right front door speaker
- Right front speaker
- Right rear speaker
- Rt frt spkr
- Rt rear spkr
- Tan
Подогрев стекол и зеркал
Электросхема подогрева стекол и зеркал для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993
Электросхема подогрева стекол и зеркал для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993 - Список элементов:
- (buick)
- (buick) (olds)
- (olds)
- (olds) (buick)
- (right "c" pillar)
- C d
- Coupe & sedan
- Defogger
- Defogger control
- E d
- E f
- Fuse block (right side of i/p)
- G205 (right of steering column)
- G206 (behind center of i/p)
- G905
- Gages fuse 10a
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run or start
- Hot w/ light switch in park or head
- Inst lp fuse 5a
- Nca
- Off
- On indicator
- Panel light
- Pwr acc circuit breaker 30a
- Timer
- Wagon
Электросхема стеклоподъемников для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993
Электросхема стеклоподъемников для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993 - Список элементов:
- (behind i/p, at right shroud, near door lock relay) g203
- Fuse block
- G203 (behind i/p, at right shroud, near door lock relay)
- Hot in run
- Inst lps fuse 5a
- Left front window motor
- Left rear window motor
- Left rear window switch
- Master switch assembly
- Pnk
- Power window control module (left side of i/p)
- Rheostat controlled
- Right front window motor
- Right front window switch
- Right rear window motor
- Right rear window switch
- Tan
- Wdo circuit breaker 30a
2.2L (VIN 4), Электросхема системы охлаждения для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993
2.2L (VIN 4), Электросхема системы охлаждения для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993 - Список элементов:
- (top left side of engine) engine coolant temperature sensor
- Air conditioning
- B10
- B11
- C-fan enable
- C13
- Coolant fan motor
- Coolant fan relay (right front of engine compt)
- Coolant fan relay control
- Coolant temp in
- Data link connector
- Diagnostic test
- Eng/a/c fuse 10a
- Engine control module (right side of i/p)
- Fuse block (right side of i/p)
- Fusible link a (16ga)
- G114 (left rear of engine, on transaxle stud)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- Red
- Rust
- Sensor ground
- System
- Vehicle speed sensor
- Vss gnd
- Vss in
3.3L (VIN N), Электросхема системы охлаждения для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993
3.3L (VIN N), Электросхема системы охлаждения для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993 - Список элементов:
- (top right end of engine) engine coolant temperature sensor
- Air conditioning
- B10
- C-fan enable
- Coolant fan motor
- Coolant fan relay (right front of engine compt)
- Coolant fan relay control
- Coolant temp in
- Data link connector
- Diagnostic test
- E12
- E16
- Eng/a/c fuse 10a
- Engine control module (right side of i/p)
- Fuse block (right side of i/p)
- Fusible link a (16-ga)
- G117 (right rear of engine, above detonation sensor)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- Red
- Rust
- Sensor ground
- System
- Vehicle speed sensor
- Vss gnd
- Vss in
Электросхема привода сидений с 6 путями для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993
Электросхема привода сидений с 6 путями для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993 - Список элементов:
- 1995 vftc c
- Back
- Breaker 30a
- Capacitor "a" (below left front seat)
- Down
- Entire seat
- Forward/ back motor
- Front height
- Front height motor
- Front seat)
- Fuse block
- Fwd
- G300 (below left
- G300 (below left front seat)
- Hot at all times
- Left front seat
- Nca
- Power seat switch
- Pwr/acc circuit
- Rear height
- Rear height motor
- Tan
схема глубокого кресла для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993
схема глубокого кресла для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993 - Список элементов:
- (below left front seat)
- 30a
- Capacitor "a"
- Fuse block
- Fwd
- G300 (below left front seat)
- Hot at all times
- Left front seat
- Left recliner switch
- Left seat recliner motor
- Nca
- Power acc circuit breaker
- Recline
- Red
- Right front seat
- Right recliner switch
- Right seat recliner motor
Стартер Генератор
Электросхема Генератора для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993
Электросхема Генератора для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993 - Список элементов:
- (behind right side of i/p, left of i/p com- part- ment)
- (buick vin r), olds (buick vin t)
- (lower left front of engine, on transaxle stud) g110 g114 (left rear of engine)
- (olds)
- Alternator
- Bat
- Battery
- Bulb test or start
- Charge indicator
- Fan/elec fuse 10a
- Fuse block
- G108 (left front of engine compart- ment, radiator support)
- Gages fuse 10a
- Hot in run
- Hot in run,
- Instrument cluster
- Red
Электросхема стартера для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993
Электросхема стартера для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993 - Список элементов:
- (1990) a
- (1991-93)
- (buick & olds)
- (buick & oldsmobile) (pont & chev vin r)
- (left front of engine compartment, radiator support)
- (left rear of engine)
- (pont &
- Accy
- Battery
- Bulb test
- C2 (1990)
- C206
- C206 (1991-93)
- Chev vin t)
- D2 d
- Fusible link c
- G108
- G110 (lower left front of engine, on transaxle stud)
- G114
- Ignition switch
- Lock
- Off
- Park/ neutral position switch
- Red
- Run
- Start
- Starter motor
- Starter solenoid (lower front of engine)
Стеклоочистители и Стеклоомыватели Дворники
Электросхема стеклоочистителя, дворников и омывателя С 2 скоростями для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993
Электросхема стеклоочистителя, дворников и омывателя С 2 скоростями для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993 - Список элементов:
- (left side of engine) (vin r) g112
- (right rear of engine) g117 (vin n)
- Cover assembly
- Fuse block
- Hot in accy or run
- Mechanical arm
- Mist
- Nca
- Off
- Park switch
- Pnk
- Red
- Washer motor
- Washer switch
- Wiper motor assembly
- Wiper switch
- Wiper switch assembly
- Wpr fuse 25 amp
Электросхема стеклоочистителя, дворников и омывателя Интервала для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993
Электросхема стеклоочистителя, дворников и омывателя Интервала для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993 - Список элементов:
- (left side of engine)
- (vin n)
- (vin r) g112
- Cover assembly
- Fuse block
- G117 (right rear of engine)
- Hot in accy or run
- Mechanical arm
- Mist
- Nca
- Off
- Park switch
- Pnk
- Pulse
- Pulse delay
- Red
- Timer
- Washer motor
- Washer switch
- Wiper motor assembly
- Wiper switch
- Wiper/ switch assembly
- Wpr fuse 25a
автоматическая дверь захватывает схему для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993
автоматическая дверь захватывает схему для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993 - Список элементов:
- 4 door only
- 4 speed only
- Automatic door lock rly ctrl
- Ctsy fuse 20a
- Door lock relay assembly (lower right side of dash)
- Engine controls system
- Fuse block (behind right side of i/p)
- G110 (left front of engine)
- G201 (lower right end of dash)
- Hot at all times
- Left door lock switch
- Left front door lock motor
- Left rear door lock motor
- Lock
- Lock relay
- Multi-function alarm module (convenience center)
- Nca park/ neutral
- Park/ neutral position switch (top of trans- axle)
- Pwr acc circuit breaker 30a
- Right door lock switch
- Right front door lock motor
- Right rear door lock motor
- Tan
- Un- lock
- Unlock relay
- Vehicle speed
Электросхема системы без ключевого доступа для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993
Электросхема системы без ключевого доступа для Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera SL 1993 - Список элементов:
- 4 door only
- Antenna/ reciever
- Battery
- Buick sedan & coupe only
- Ctsy fuse 20a
- Door lock
- Door lock relay assembly (lower right side of dash)
- Door unlock
- Driver's unlock
- Enable input
- Except
- F f
- Fog/rlc fuse 15a
- Fuse block (behind right side of i/p)
- G201 (lower right end of dash)
- G300 (below left front seat)
- Gages fuse 10a
- Ground
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run, bulb test, or start
- Ignition on input
- Illuminated entry
- Interior lights system
- Left door lock switch
- Left front door lock motor
- Left rear door lock motor
- Lock
- Lock relay
- Multi- function alarm module (convenience center)
- Olds sedan only
- Program connector
- Program input
- Pwr acc circuit breaker 30a
- Release solenoid
- Release solenoid (under luggage compt lid)
- Remote keyless entry (rke) module (in luggage compt, near left rear wheelhouse)
- Right door lock switch
- Right front door lock motor
- Right rear door lock motor
- Sedan and coupe only
- Starting circuit (park/neutral position switch)
- Tan
- Trunk, tailgate, fuel doors system
- Unlock
- Unlock relay