Автомтическая коробка Передач (АКПП) Полная привод (4WD) Блокировка Дифференциала
3.4L ВИН Э, Электросхема автоматической коробки передач АКПП, 4T65-E для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
3.4L ВИН Э, Электросхема автоматической коробки передач АКПП, 4T65-E для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (dash harn, 4 cm from steering column connector breakout) s237
- 1-2 shift sol
- 2-3 shift sol
- 5v reference a
- A/t sensor hi
- A/t sensor lo
- A12
- Auto level control sensor, body control module, foglamp switch/ traction control switch, traction control malfunction indicator module, rear side door actuator motor, stoplamp switch
- Automatic transaxle (4t65-e)
- Automatic transaxle fluid pressure manual valve position switch
- Automatic transaxle fluid temperature sensor
- Automatic transaxle input shaft speed sensor
- B10
- Battery in
- C10
- Class ii data
- D10
- D11
- Data link connector (partial) (below steering column)
- Ecm sense fuse 10a
- Ect sensor in
- Ect sensor return
- Engine coolant temperature sensor (top rear of engine)
- F12
- Fuse block
- G112 (left side of engine)
- G129 (to left of starter on transaxle stud)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run, bulb test or start
- Ign 1 fuse 10a
- Ign main relay
- Ignition in
- Instrument cluster
- Malfunction indicator lamp
- Mil ctrl
- P,r,n,lo,d4
- Pc sol hi
- Pc sol lo
- Pcm fuse 10a
- Pcm ground
- Pnk
- Powertrain control module (in engine air cleaner assembly)
- Pressure control sol
- Red
- Rev,d,2,1
- S106
- S209
- Stop lamp switch
- Tan
- Tcc pwm sol
- Tcc release
- Tcc release in
- Tcc/ brake switch
- Tcc/brake sw in
- Tft sensor gnd
- Tft sensor in
- Throttle position sensor (on throttle body)
- Tp sensor in
- Tp sensor return
- Tr sw a
- Tr sw b
- Tr sw c
- Tr sw in-a
- Tr sw in-b
- Tr sw in-c
- Tr sw in-p
- Tr sw prty
- Trans fuse 10a
- Trans range a
- Trans range b
- Trans range c
- Transaxle range switch (top of transaxle)
- Uart data
- Underhood accessory wiring j/b
- Vehicle speed sensor (mounted to right side of transaxle)
- Vss hi in
- Vss lo in
схема раздвижной двери питания для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
схема раздвижной двери питания для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (roof harn, right "b" pillar, approx 52 cm from g305) s392
- Ajar
- Alarm
- B/u lamp fuse 10a
- Bat (memory logic)
- C1 a8
- C2 c4
- Cable motor
- Cable motor ctrl
- Clutch
- Clutch ctrl hi
- Clutch ctrl lo
- Detent sw input
- Door open/close/rke
- Door rel act ctrl
- Engine controls system
- Fuse block (right side of dash)
- G305 (base of right "b" pillar)
- G998 (lower rt "d" pillar)
- Ground
- Hi current battery
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run, bulb test, or start
- Ign 1 fuse 10a
- Ignition
- Interior lamp and multi-function switch (center front of roof headliner)
- Interior lights system
- Latched
- Not used
- Of left rear wheelwell) s324
- Off
- On/off input
- Open
- Optical sensor
- Park
- Pnk
- Power sliding door
- Power sliding door detent switch
- Power sliding door on/off switch
- Power sliding door open/ close switch (momentary)
- Pwr seat/psd circuit breaker 30a
- Radio fuse 10a
- Rear side door actuator control module (part of the rear side door actuator motor, in the right quarter panel above wheelwell)
- Rear side door actuator motor (right quarter panel, above wheelwell)
- Rear sliding door alarm (attached to rear side door actuator motor)
- Red
- Remote control door lock receiver (behind center of dash, underside of dash trim, near windshield defrost vent)
- Right door lock switch plate (door mounted)
- Right door lock switch plate (pillar mounted)
- Right rear door latch release actuator
- Right rear power sliding door open/ close switch (momentary) (inside right rear door)
- S302
- S303
- S326
- S337
- S390
- S817
- Sensor input/output
- Slip ring
- Sw clsd w/dr handle pulled
- Transaxle in "park"
- Transaxle range switch (mounted on top of transaxle)
- Underhood accessory wiring junction block (on right front of engine compt)
- Vehicle speed sensor
- Warning buzzer ctrl
Электросхема блока предохранителей и реле (1 из 4) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема блока предохранителей и реле (1 из 4) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (body harn, left rear wheelweel) s326
- (diagram 1 of 4)
- (diagram 2 of 4)
- (diagram 3 of 4)
- (i/p harn, 21cm from from radio breakout)
- Abs mdl batt fuse 10a
- Abs sol fuse 20a
- B(+)
- B/u lamp fuse 10a
- B12
- Batt main 1 maxi fuse 60a
- Batt main 2 maxi fuse 60a
- Battery
- Body control module
- Brake modulator
- C205
- Cigar lighter
- Cigar/ dlc fuse 15a
- Cool fan 1 maxi fuse 30a
- Cool fan 1 relay
- Cool fan 2 maxi fuse 30a
- Cool fan 2 relay
- Cool fan relay
- Ctsy lamp fuse 10a
- Data link connector
- Daytime running lamps control module
- Driver information display
- Ecm sense fuse 10a
- Electronic brake control module/ electronic brake traction control module
- Electronic brake control relay
- Fog lamp relay
- Fog lp fuse 10a
- From electronic brake control relay (diagram 1 of 4)
- From radio fuse b
- Front electric accessory plug housing
- Frt pwr sckt fuse 20a
- Fuel pump fuse 15a
- Fuel pump relay
- Fuse block (right side of dash)
- Fusible link a (10ga-rust)
- G201 (right side of dash, left of heater-a/c vent)
- Generator
- Head- lamps maxi fuse 60a
- Headlamp & i/p lamp dimmer switch
- Heater/ a/c control
- Horn fuse 15a
- Horn relay
- I/p harn, left side of i/p approx 21cm from left bulkhead grommet)
- Ign main 1 maxi fuse 40a
- Ign main 2 maxi fuse 60a
- Ign main relay (diagram 2 of 4)
- Inc dim
- Inflatable restraint steering wheel module coil
- Interior lights system
- Left front brake solenoid valve
- Left radio control switch
- Outside rearview mirror remote control switch
- Park lp fuse 20a
- Powertrain control module
- Pwr lock fuse 20a
- Pwr mirror fuse 10a
- Radio
- Radio fuse 10a
- Rear electric accessory plug housing
- Rear side door actuator control module
- Rear side door actuator motor
- Red
- Relay center
- Remote control door lock receiver
- Right front brake solenoid valve
- Right radio control switch
- Rr pwr sckt fuse 20a
- S202
- S203
- S230
- S235
- S238 (i/p harn, 80cm from the cigar lighter connector)
- S276 (i/p harn, 8cm from bcm breakout)
- S279 (right side of dash)
- Security indicator lamp
- Starter motor
- Swc backlight fuse 2a
- Theft deterrent relay
- Theft deterrent shock sensor
- To abs sol fuse (diagram 1 of 4)
- To cool fan 1 fuse (diagram 1 of 4)
- To elc fuse
- To ignition switch pin d2
- To ignition switch pin d5
- To stop lamp fuse
- Transaxle range switch
- Underhood accessory wiring junction block
Электросхема блока предохранителей и реле (2 из 4) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема блока предохранителей и реле (2 из 4) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (auto level control harn, left rear of body approx 16cm from left rear wheelhouse grommet)
- (body harn, 34cm from inflatable restraint sensing and diagnostic module) s302
- (diagram 1 of 4)
- (fuel inj harn, center of engine)
- (i/p harn, 13 cm from headlamp switch breakout)
- (ves harness, next to ves relay)
- A/c clu fuse 10a
- A/c clu relay
- A12
- Auto level control air compressor
- Auto level control inflator relay
- Automatic transaxle
- Blower motor resistor
- C111
- Ctrl sols
- Daytime running lamps control module
- Driver seat adjuster switch
- E10
- Elc fuse 20a
- Elek ign fuse 15a
- Evaporative emissions canister purge solenoid valve
- From batt main 2 fuse
- From headlamps fuse
- From horn fuse (underhood electrical center) (hot at all times) (diagram 1 of 4)
- Frt hvac hi blowr circuit breaker 30a
- Fuel injector
- Fuse block (right side of dash)
- G110 (left of starter)
- Hazard fuse 15a
- Headlamp & i/p lamp dimmer switch
- Headlamp circuit breaker 20a
- Headlamp dimmer switch
- Heated oxygen sensor
- Ign 1- u/h fuse 15a
- Ign main relay
- Ignition control module
- Inj fuse 10a
- Mass air flow sensor
- Nca
- Pass key iii fuse 10a
- Pass key iii module
- Passenger seat adjuster switch
- Pnk
- Pontiac/ olds
- Pwr seat/ psd circuit breaker 30a
- Rear side door actuator control module
- Rear side door actuator motor
- Rear window defogger relay
- Red
- Relay center
- Rr defog fuse 25a
- Rr fog lp fuse 10a
- S106
- S109
- S215
- S274 (i/p harn, 4cm from bcm breakout)
- S278 (i/p harn, 12cm from bcm breakout)
- S290
- S445
- Stop lamp fuse 15a
- Stop lamp switch
- Stop- lamp switch
- Tape retract module
- Tcc fuse 10a
- To pcm fuse (fuse block) (hot in run, bulb test or start) (diagram 3 of 4)
- Trailer wiring harness
- Turn signal switch
- Underhood accessory wiring junction block
- Video entertainment system relay
Электросхема блока предохранителей и реле (3 из 4) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема блока предохранителей и реле (3 из 4) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (body harn, rear of left b-pillar base)
- (i/p harn, 24cm from multifunction switch breakout) s266
- (i/p harn, 8cm from security indicator lamp)
- (not used)
- A13
- Abs/ tcs ign fuse 10a
- Acc
- Acc 1
- Auto level control air compressor
- Auto level control sensor
- Body control module
- Bulb test
- C10
- C13
- Can vent sol fuse 10a
- Crank
- Cruise control module
- Cruise control release switch
- Cruise control switch
- Cruise fuse 10a
- D11
- Daytime running lamps control module
- Drl fuse 10a
- Elec prndl fuse 10a
- Electronic brake control module/ electronic brake traction control module
- Electronic brake control relay
- Evaporative emissions canister vent solenoid valve
- Foglamp switch/ traction control switch
- From ign main 1 fuse (diagram 1 of 4)
- From ign main 2 fuse (diagram 1 of 4)
- Fuse block (right side of dash)
- Ign 0
- Ign 1
- Ign 1 fuse 10a
- Ign 3
- Ignition switch
- Inflatable restraint sensing & diagnostic module
- Instrument cluster
- Lock
- Malfunction indicator lamp traction control module
- Nca
- Off
- Pass key iii module
- Pcm fuse 10a
- Pnk
- Powertrain control module
- Rear side door actuator control module
- Rear side door actuator motor
- Rear window wiper/washer & multifunction switch
- Red
- Run
- S209
- S228 (i/p harn, right side of i/p approx 25cm from radio breakout)
- S239 (i/p harn, approx 8cm from breakout to 48-pin conn at base of steering column)
- S337
- S401 pnk
- Sir fuse 15a
- Start
- Stop lamp switch
- T/sig fuse 10a
- To frt wpr/wshr fuse (fuse block) (diagram 4 of 4)
- To hvac/drl fuse (fuse block) (diagram 4 of 4)
- To ign main relay (diagram 2 of 4)
- Transaxle range switch
- Turn signal switch
- Underhood accessory wiring junction block
- W/ e58
- W/o e58
Электросхема блока предохранителей и реле (4 из 4) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема блока предохранителей и реле (4 из 4) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (body harn, 4cm from seat belt switch breakout) s307
- (body harn, front of right b-pillar approx 34cm from srs module breakout) s316
- (body harn, in front of left rear wheelhouse approx 48cm from left rear side door jamb switch) s345
- (diagram 3 of 4)
- (i/p harn, 16cm from relay center breakout) s264
- (i/p harn, 4cm from security indicator) s227
- Auto level control air compressor
- Auto level control sensor
- Auxiliary blower motor
- Auxiliary heater- a/c control
- Auxiliary temperature valve actuator
- Bcm prgrm fuse 10a
- Body control module
- C205
- Daytime running lamps control module
- Driver information display
- Electric air inlet actuator
- Electric slave actuator
- From ignition switch
- From ignition switch (hot in run) (diagram 3 of 4)
- Frt hvac low/med blwr fuse 25a
- Frt wpr/ wshr fuse 25a
- Fuse block (right side of dash)
- Heater-a/c control
- Hvac/ drl fuse 10a
- Inflatable restraint steering wheel module coil
- Inside rear view mirror
- Interface module
- Interior lamp and multifunction switch
- Left front window switch
- Mall/ radio/ dic fuse 10a
- Nca
- Pnk
- Pwr qtr vent fuse 10a
- Pwr wdo circuit breaker 30a
- Radio
- Radio rear seat audio control
- Rear quarter window switch
- Rear window defogger relay
- Rear window wiper motor
- Rear window wiper/ washer switch
- Rear window wiper/washer & multifunction switch
- Relay center (right side of dash)
- Right front window switch
- Right radio control switches
- Rr hvac fuse 25a
- Rr wpr/ wshr fuse 20a
- S245 (i/p harn, approx 5cm from radio breakout)
- S249 (i/p harn, approx 14cm bulkhead grommet)
- S268
- S293
- S305
- Sunroof fuse 20a
- Sunroof module
- Swc accy fuse 2a
- Video entertainment system relay
- W/ rear radio controls
- W/ wu3
- W/o rear radio controls
- W/o wu3
- Windshield wiper motor
- Windshield wiper/ washer switch
Электросхема блока управления кузовом для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема блока управления кузовом для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (2000)
- 1997-98
- Accessory 1
- All door lock
- All door unlock
- Anti-theft system
- Aux chime
- Battery courtesy
- Battery door lock
- Bcm prgrm fuse 10a
- Bcm program
- Body control module (below right side of dash)
- C10
- C11
- C12
- C13
- C14
- C15
- C16
- Courtesy lamp control
- Ctsy lamp fuse 10a
- D10
- D11
- D12
- D13
- D14
- D15
- D16
- Door lock input
- Door lock system
- Door locks system
- Door unlock input
- Driver door ajar input
- Driver door unlock
- Engine controls system
- Exterior lights system
- Fuel enable
- Fuse block (right side of dash)
- G201 (right side of dash, left of heater- a/c vent)
- Ground
- Headlights system
- Horn
- Hot at all times
- Hot in accy or run
- Hot in run, bulb test or start
- Ign 1 fuse 10a
- Ignition 1
- Ignition key switch input
- Instrument cluster system
- Interior lamps "on"
- Interior lights system
- Key lock switch lock in
- Key lock switch unlock in
- Left turn input
- Mall/radio/ dic fuse 10a
- Park lamps "off" input
- Pass door ajar
- Pnk
- Power distribution system (rap)
- Power lock fuse 20a
- Protected battery feed
- Rap relay ctrl
- Rfa cndi (remote dr lck rcvr)
- Right turn input
- S209
- S211
- S227
- Seat belt switch input
- Seat belt telltale
- Security led
- Security park lamps
- Security system
- Security system tamper
- Sliding door ajar input
- Tan
- Transaxle park input
- Vehicle speed input (5v)
- Warning system
Электросхема блокировки селектора для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема блокировки селектора для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- Automatic transmission shift lock control actuator (btsi) (inside steering column)
- Btsi
- Fuse block
- G110 (left of starter)
- Hot in run, bulb test or start
- Ign 1 fuse 10a
- Pnk
- Pnk a
- S106
- S209
- Stoplamp switch (mounted to brake pedal support)
- Transaxle range switch (top of transaxle)
Электросхема заднего хода для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема заднего хода для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (lower left "d" pillar) g999
- (on top of transaxle) transaxle range switch
- B/u lamp fuse 10a
- Hot at all times
- Left back-up lamp
- Left taillamp assembly
- Right back-up lamp
- Right taillamp assembly
- S406
- S435 (body harness, behind left taillamp)
- Underhood accessory wiring junction block (right front of engine compt)
Электросхема внешнего освещения (1 из 2) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема внешнего освещения (1 из 2) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (1999)
- (2000)
- (dash harn, 10 cm from radio conn breakout)
- Alrm park flash
- Battery (b+)
- Body control module (below right side of dash)
- C12
- C14
- D11
- Daytime running lamps (drl) control module (behind dash, right side of steering column)
- Ext lamps ctrl
- Fuse block
- G201 (right side of dash, left of heater-a/c vent)
- Hazard fuse 15a
- Hazard lamp/ turn signal flasher (below left side of dash, left side base of steering column)
- Head
- Headlamp & i/p lamp dimmer switch
- Headlights (foglamps)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run, bulb test or start
- Instrument cluster
- Left turn in
- Lft turn in
- Lft turn out
- Off
- Park
- Park lp fuse 20a
- Pnk
- Relay center
- Right turn in
- Rt turn in
- Rt turn out
- S204
- S232 (dash harness)
- S233 (dash harness, left side of dash, 4 cm from radio conn breakout)
- S242
- T/sig fuse 10a
- Theft deterrent relay
- Turn signal switch
- Underhood accessory wiring junction block
Электросхема внешнего освещения (2 из 2) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема внешнего освещения (2 из 2) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (body harn, behind left taillamp) s411
- (body harn, behind left taillamp) s431
- (liftgate harn, 7 cm from lift- gate lock) s457
- A10
- A11
- A12
- B11
- C11
- Center high mounted stop lamp (chmsl)
- D11
- E11
- Elc fuse 20a
- F10
- F11
- F12
- Fuse block
- G101 (right inner fender, near battery)
- G108 (right side of left headlamp, on support)
- G999 (lower left "d" pillar)
- Hot at all times
- Left front park/turn lamp
- Left front side marker
- Left rear tail lamp
- Left rear tail/stop lamp
- Left rear turn signal lamp
- Left taillamp assembly
- License lamps
- Right front park/turn lamp
- Right front side marker
- Right rear tail lamp
- Right rear tail/stop lamp
- Right rear turn signal lamp
- Right taillamp assembly
- S123
- S124
- S205 (dash harn, 8 cm from hazard/ turn lamp flasher breakout)
- S405 (body harness, 4 cm from left taillight breakout)
- S406
- S441
- S445
- S460
- Stop lamp fuse 15a
- Stop lamp switch (on brake pedal support)
- Trailer wiring harness (wires cut & taped)
- Underhood accessory wiring junction block
Электросхема подсветки для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема подсветки для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (body harn, 7 cm from left sliding door jamb switch)
- (body harn, forward of right front door)
- A nca
- B+ input
- B+ output
- Body control module (below right side of dash)
- Cargo lamp
- Ctsy lamp fuse 10a
- Ctsy lps ctrl
- Dome
- Dome lamp
- Driver dr ajar
- Fuse block
- G201 (right side of dash, left of heater- a/c vent)
- G305 (base of right "b" pillar)
- G999 (lower left "d" pillar)
- Headlamp & i/p lamp dimmer switch
- Hot at all times
- I/p compartment lamp
- Int lps on
- Interior lamp & multi- function switch
- Interior lamps override switch
- Left front door ajar indicator switch
- Left front roof rail reading lamp
- Left i/p courtesy lamp
- Left rear roof rail reading lamp
- Left sliding door jamb switch
- Left sunshade lighted vanity mirror
- Liftgate door ajar indicator switch
- Nca
- Nca b
- Nca c
- Off
- Pass dr ajar
- Right front door ajar indicator switch
- Right i/p courtesy lamp
- Right rear roof rail reading lamp
- Right sliding door jamb switch
- Right sunshade lighted vanity mirror
- S213
- S242
- S259 (i/p harn, approx 3 cm from cigar lighter breakout)
- S272 (i/p harn, right side of dash)
- S303
- S309
- S325
- S390
- S393 (roof harn, right of overhead console)
- S397 (roof harn, right of overhead console)
- S460
- S504
- S604
- Sliding dr ajar
- Tan
- W/ dual sliding doors
- Windshield header courtesy/ reading lamps
Электросхема подсветки приборов для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема подсветки приборов для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (4 bulbs)
- (6 bulbs)
- (body harn, approx 33 cm forward of right door lock switch plate)
- (i/p harn, approx 6 cm from radio & rear wiper multifunction switch breakout)
- (i/p harn, approx 9 cm from radio breakout)
- (left door harn, 35 cm from window switch)
- (right door harn, 35 cm from window switch)
- Ashtray lamp
- Auxiliary blower switch
- Auxiliary heater- a/c control
- Dc dim
- Driver information display
- Foglamp/ tcs switch
- Fuse block
- G201 (right side of dash, left of heater- a/c vent)
- G305 (base of right "b" pillar)
- G999 (lower left "d" pillar)
- Gnd
- Headlamp and i/p lamp dimmer switch
- Heater- a/c control
- Hot at all times
- Incandescent dim
- Inflatable restraint steering wheel module coil
- Instrument cluster
- Interior lamp and multi- function switch
- Interior lamps override switch
- Left front door lock switch
- Left front window switch
- Left radio control switch
- Park lp fuse 20a
- Power sliding door switch
- Prndl dim
- Pwm dim
- Radio
- Radio rear seat audio control
- Rear window wiper/ washer switch
- Rear window wiper/washer and multi- function switch
- Red
- Right front door lock switch
- Right front window switch
- Right rear door latch release actuator switch
- S203
- S213
- S223
- S230
- S242
- S303
- S320
- S331 (body harn, front of left "b" pillar)
- S390
- S395 (roof harn, right side of overhead console)
- S403
- S504
- S506
- S604
- S606
- Step dim
- Sunroof/ power vent window switch
- Swc back- light fuse 2a
- Underhood accessory wiring junction block
- Vf dim
Электросхема подключение массы заземления (1 из 3) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема подключение массы заземления (1 из 3) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (i/p harn, center of dash approx 68cm from cigar lighter)
- (right side of dash, left of heater-a/c vent) g201 (partial)
- 31cm from radio) g202 (left side of dash)
- A (t61) (t65)
- A/c clu diode
- A/c compressor clutch coil
- Ashtray lamp
- Auxiliary blower switch
- Backup lamp relay
- Battery
- Blower motor resistor
- Brake fluid level indicator switch
- C11
- C2 c2
- C205
- Cigar lighter
- Cool fan relay
- Cruise control module
- Daytime running lights control module
- Electric air inlet actuator
- Electric slave actuator
- Electronic brake control module/ electronic brake traction control module
- Engine coolant fan motor 1 (right fan)
- Engine coolant level indicator module
- Engine oil level indicator switch
- Fog lamp/ tcs switch
- Front electric accessory plug housing
- Fuel pump relay
- G101 (right inner fender near battery)
- G108 (right of left headlamp on front upper crossmember)
- G110 (left of starter)
- G112 (left side of engine)
- Hazard lamp flasher
- Hazard lamp/ turn signal flasher
- Headlamp & i/p lamp dimmer switch
- Heated oxygen sensor 1
- Heated oxygen sensor 2
- Heater- a/c control
- I/p compartment lamp switch
- Ign main relay
- Ignition control module
- Ignition switch
- Inflatable restraint steering wheel module coil
- Instrument cluster
- Interface module
- Left fog lamp
- Left front park/ turn lamp
- Left headlamp
- Left horn
- Left radio control switch
- Mass air flow sensor
- Nca
- Powertrain control module
- Radio
- Radio rear seat audio control
- Rear window wiper/ washer switch
- Rear window wiper/washer & multi-fuction switch
- Right fog lamp
- Right front park/ turn lamp
- Right headlamp
- Right horn
- Right radio control switch
- S105 (eng harn, top right side of of radiator approx 20cm from right engine coolant fan motor breakout)
- S106 (eng harn, left front side of eng compt approx 10cm from pcm)
- S123 (forward lamp harn, right front of vehicle approx 10cm from right fog lamp breakout)
- S124 (forward lamp harn, left front of vehicle approx 7cm from left fog lamp breakout)
- S213
- S230 (i/p harn, right side of dash approx 13cm from radio breakout)
- S242 (i/p harn, left side of dash approx 29cm from hazard/turn signal flasher breakout)
- Steering column
- Transaxle range switch
- Underhood accessory wiring junction block
- W/ trailer coupling indicator
- W/ wu3
- W/o trailer coupling indicator
- W/o wu3
Электросхема подключение массы заземления (2 из 3) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема подключение массы заземления (2 из 3) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (i/p harn, left side of dash approx 37cm from hazard/ turn signal flasher breakout)
- (roof harn, overhead console approx 10cm from right sunshade lighted vanity mirror breakout)
- Ambient air temperature sensor
- Auxiliary heater- a/c control
- Auxiliary temperature valve actuator
- Body control module
- Data link connector
- Driver information display
- Driver seat adjuster switch
- Fuel pump motor
- Fuel tank
- G201 (partial) (right side of dash, left of heater-a/c vent)
- G305 (partial) (base of right b-pillar)
- G308 (lower left b-pillar)
- G999 (partial) (lower left d-pillar)
- Ignition key alarm switch
- Inflatable restraint sensing & diagnostic module
- Inside rear view mirror
- Instrument cluster
- Interior lamp & multi-function switch
- Interior lamps override switch
- Left backup lamp
- Left front roof rail reading lamp
- Left rear roof rail reading lamp
- Left rear turn lamp
- Left sunshade lighted vanity mirror
- Left tail/ stop lamp
- Left taillamp
- Left taillamp assembly
- Malfunction indicator lamp traction control module
- Nca
- Pass key iii theft deterrent module
- Passenger seat adjuster switch
- Power sliding door switch
- Rear electric accessory plug housing
- Rear quarter window switch
- Rear window washer pump
- Remote control door lock receiver
- Right backup lamp
- Right rear door latch release actuator switch
- Right rear roof rail reading lamp
- Right rear turn lamp
- Right sunshade lighted vanity mirror
- Right tail/ stop lamp
- Right taillamp
- Right taillamp assembly
- S211
- S280 (i/p harn, right side of dash approx 10cm from right bulkhead grommet)
- S333 (body harn, front of left b-pillar approx 39cm from g308 breakout)
- S390
- S403 (body harn, left rear of body approx 35cm from rear electric acc plug housing)
- S406 (body harn, left rear of body approx 17cm from breakout at left taillamp grommet)
- Tan
- Theft deterrent shock sensor
- W/ rear a/c
- W/o rear a/c
- Windshield header courtesy/ reading lamp
- Windshield washer pump
- Windshield wiper motor
Электросхема подключение массы заземления (3 из 3) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема подключение массы заземления (3 из 3) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (left door harn, inside right door approx 5cm from window sw breakout)
- Ajar indicator switch
- Auto level control air compressor
- Auto level control inflator relay
- Auto level control inflator solenoid valve
- Auto level control sensor
- Auxiliary video module
- Center high mounted stop lamp
- Driver seat belt switch
- G302 (left side of front floor console bracket)
- G305 (partial) (base of right "b" pillar)
- G998 (lower right "d" pillar)
- G999 (partial) (lower left d-pillar)
- Inflator air switch
- Left front door lock
- Left front door lock cylinder switch
- Left front door lock switch
- Left front window switch
- Left license lamp
- Left outside rearview mirror
- Left sliding door jamb switch
- Liftgate lock
- Liftgate lock cylinder switch
- Nca
- Outside rearview mirror remote control switch
- Rear side door actuator control module
- Rear window defogger grid
- Rear window wiper motor
- Right door lock switch plate (door mounted)
- Right door lock switch plate (pillar mounted)
- Right front door lock
- Right front door lock cylinder switch
- Right front door lock switch
- Right front window switch
- Right license lamp
- Right outside rearview mirror
- Right rear door latch release actuator
- Right rear door lock
- Right sliding door jamb switch
- S292 (vcp harn, 30 cm from right side of ves relay)
- S303 (body harn, front of right b-pillar approx 5cm from srs module breakout)
- S441 (auto level control harn, left rear of body approx 24cm from wheelhouse grommet breakout)
- S460 (liftgate harn, center of liftgate approx 7cm from door lock cylinder switch)
- S504
- S604 (right door harn, inside right door approx 5cm from window sw breakout)
- S817 (sliding door harn, inside right door approx 7cm from door lock cyl sw)
- Tape retract module
- Trailer wiring provisions
- Video cassette player
- Video entertainment system relay
Звуковой сигнал Гудок
Электросхема звукового сигнал Гудка для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема звукового сигнал Гудка для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (steering column)
- 1995 vftc c
- Body control module (bcm) (below right side of dash)
- Chevy, olds
- D10
- Driver inflator module
- G101 (right inner fender, near battery)
- G108 (right of left headlamp, on front upper crossmember)
- Horn (left side of front crossmember)
- Horn (right side of front crossmember)
- Horn (switch to ground)
- Horn fuse 15a
- Horn relay
- Horn switch
- Horn switches
- Hot at all times
- Left
- Nca
- Pontiac
- Right
- S123
- S124
- Slip ring
- Turn signal cancel cam
- Turn signal switch
- Underhood accessory wiring junction block
- W/anti-theft
Подогрев стекол и зеркал
Электросхема подогрева стекол и зеркал для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема подогрева стекол и зеркал для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (base of right "b" pillar) g305
- (i/p harn, 6cm from bcm breakout)
- (lower left "d" pillar) g999
- (right side of dash, left of htr-a/c vent) g201
- E nca
- Fuse block
- Heated mirror fuse 10a
- Heater & a/c control
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- Hvac/dic/drl/ heated seat fuse 10a
- Left outside rearview mirror
- Mirror defogger
- Nca
- On ind
- On/off momentary defogger switch
- Rear defogger grid
- Rear window defogger relay (in relay center)
- Right outside rearview mirror
- Rr defog fuse 25a
- S213
- S264
- S275
- S303
- S460
- S504
- S604
- Solid state timer
- Under right front door sill)
Электросхема подушек безопасности SRS AirBag для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема подушек безопасности SRS AirBag для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (base of right "b" pillar) g305
- (below right side of dash) body control module (bcm)
- (body harn, front of right "b" pillar) s303
- (body harn, in right front door) s304
- (right side of dash) inflatable restraint i/p module
- Air bag warning indicator
- Data link connector (dlc) (below steering column)
- Driver belt high
- Driver belt low
- Driver frontal high
- Driver frontal low
- Driver seat belt pretensioner
- Driver seat belt switch (inside right half of driver seat belt)
- Driver sensor
- Driver sensor return
- Driver side high
- Driver side low
- Fuse block (right side of dash)
- G305 (base of right "b" pillar)
- Ground
- Hot in run, bulb test, and start
- Ign1 fuse 10a
- Ignition
- Inflatable restraint sensing and diagnostic module (sdm) (below right front seat)
- Inflatable restraint steering wheel module (center of steering wheel)
- Inflatable restraint steering wheel module coil
- Instrument cluster
- Left inflatable restraint front side impact module (left side of driver's seat back cover)
- Left inflatable restraint side impact sensor (base of left "b" pillar)
- Nca
- Not used
- Pass belt high
- Pass belt low
- Pass frontal high
- Pass frontal low
- Pass sensor
- Pass sensor return
- Pass side high
- Pass side low
- Passenger seat belt pretensioner
- Pnk
- Restraint indicator
- Right inflatable restraint front side impact module (right side of driver's seat back cover)
- Right inflatable restraint side impact sensor (base of right "b" pillar)
- S209 (i/p harn, 8 cm from security indicator lamp)
- S312 (body harn, front of right "b" pillar)
- Seat belt switch
- Serial data line
- Shorting bar
- Sir fuse 15a
- Tan
- Thru
Электросхема предупреждающей системы для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема предупреждающей системы для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- Accy1
- Battery
- Body control module (bcm) (below right side of dash)
- C1 e5
- C12
- C13
- C14
- C15
- C201
- Ctsy lamp fuse 10a
- D12
- Driver's door ajar input
- Driver's seat belt switch (inside right half of driver's seat belt)
- Engine controls system
- Exterior lights system
- Fasten belts warning ind
- Fuse block
- G201 (right side of dash)
- G305 (base of right "b" pillar)
- Ground
- Hazard lamp/ turn signal lamp flasher (below left side of dash, left side base of steering column)
- Head
- Headlamp and i/p lamp dimmer switch
- Hot at all times
- Hot in accy or run
- Hot in run, bulb test or start
- Ign 1 fuse 10a
- Ignition 1
- Ignition key alarm switch
- Ignition key switch input
- Instru- ment cluster
- Left front door lock (ajar indicator switch)
- Left turn input
- Mall/ radio/dic fuse 10a
- Nca
- Off
- Park
- Park lamps off input
- Park lp fuse 20a
- Pnk
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (secured in air cleaner assembly, left front of eng compt)
- Right turn input
- S209
- S227
- S230
- S232 (i/p harn, right side of dash approx 17 cm from radio breakout)
- S233 (i/p harn, left side of dash approx 4 cm from radio breakout)
- S304 (body harn, right front door, approx 28 cm from inflatable restraint control module breakout)
- S504
- Seat belt switch input
- Seat belt tell tale
- Tan
- Turn signal switch
- Underhood accessory wiring junction block
- Vehicle speed input
Электросхема панели приборов (1 из 2) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема панели приборов (1 из 2) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (6-bulbs)
- (fuel sender harn, under left side of vehicle, 20cm from ebtcm in-line harness connector) s329
- (mounted inside fuel tank) fuel level sender
- (secured in air cleaner assy, left front of engine compartment) powertrain control module
- 1-a
- 1-b
- 1-c
- 1-d
- 1-e
- 1-f
- 1-g
- 1-h
- 1-i
- 1-j
- 1-k
- 1-l
- 1-m
- 1-n
- 1-o
- 1-p
- 1-q
- 1-r
- 2-a
- 2-c
- 2-d
- 2-e
- 2-f
- 2-h
- 2-i
- 2-k
- 2-l
- 2-m
- 2-n
- 2-o
- 2-p
- 2-q
- 2-r
- Anti-lock warning ind
- Anti-lock brake system
- Anti-theft system
- Brake warning ind
- Charge ind
- Charge warning ind
- Coolant warning ind
- Cruise control module
- D12
- Door ajar warning ind
- Eng oil level
- Engine coolant temperature gauge
- Engine coolant temperature sensor (on top left rear of engine)
- Engine oil level indicator switch (mounted on center of oil pan)
- Engine oil pressure indicator switch (on lower left side of engine, above starter)
- Exterior lights system
- F10
- Fasten belts warning ind
- Fuel gauge
- Fuel sig in
- Fuel sig out
- Fuse block (right side of dash, in right door opening)
- G110 (left of starter)
- G201 (right side of dash, left of heater- a/c vents)
- G201 (right side of dash, left of heater-a/c vents)
- Headlights system
- High beam ind
- Hot coolant
- Hot in run, bulb test or start
- Ign 1 fuse 10a
- Illumination
- Indicator control
- Inflatable restraint warning ind
- Instrument cluster
- Interior lights system
- Left turn ind
- Low coolant warning ind
- Low fuel ind
- Low oil ind
- Low traction ind
- Mil ctrl
- Oil level ind
- Oil pressure warning ind
- Pass key ind
- Pnk
- Powertrain control module (secured in air cleaner assy, left front of engine compartment)
- Prndl fuse 10a
- Prndl logic decoder
- Right turn ind
- S106
- S209
- S211
- S230
- Service engine soon ind
- Signal return
- Speedometer
- Tach ctrl
- Tachometer
- Tan
- Tan d11
- Tcs ind
- Underhood accessory wiring junction block (on right front of engine compt)
- Vss out
- Warning systems
Электросхема панели приборов (2 из 2) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема панели приборов (2 из 2) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (body harn, left front door)
- (not used)
- A12
- Acc feed
- Ambient air temperature sensor (on right front side of radiator)
- Ambient tmp
- B10
- Battery
- Brake fluid level indicator switch (on right side of brake fluid reservoir)
- Brake ind
- D10
- Data link connector (below steering column)
- Daytime running lamps control module (behind dash, right of steering column)
- Driver information display
- Electronic brake control module/electronic brake traction control module (behind dash, above parking cable bracket)
- Engine controls system
- Engine coolant level indicator module (mounted on right rear of radiator)
- F12
- Fuel lev
- Fuse block (right side of dash, in right door opening)
- G110 (left of starter)
- G201 (right side of dash)
- G201 (right side of dash, left of a/c vent)
- G305 (base of right b-pillar)
- G999 (lower left d-pillar)
- Ground
- Hot at all times
- Hot in accy or run
- Interior lights system
- Lamp dim
- Left front door lock switch (ajar indicator switch) c1
- Left sliding door jamb switch
- Liftgate lock (ajar indicator switch) c1
- Mall/radio/dic fuse 10a
- N r
- Park brake indicator switch (at left kick panel)
- Park brake sw
- Pk lp sw
- Radio fuse 10a
- Right front door lock switch (ajar indicator switch) c1
- Right sliding door jamb switch
- S106
- S207 (dash harn, 4 cm from lamp/turn signal flasher breakout)
- S211
- S242
- S303
- S308
- S312 (body harn, front of right "b" pillar)
- S316
- S326
- S328 (body harn, between left d-pillar and rear wheelwell)
- S460
- S504
- S604
- Serial data
- Tan
- Transaxle range switch (mounted on top of transaxle)
- Trunk, tailgate, fuel doors system
- Underhood accessory wiring junction block (on right front of engine compt)
- Vss
Электросхема привода зеркал для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема привода зеркал для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (base of right "b" pillar) (partial) g305
- Driver outside rearview mirror
- Fuse block
- Hot at all times
- Left mirror
- Mirror motor pack
- Nca
- Outside rearview mirror switch
- Passenger outside rearview mirror
- Power mirrors fuse 10a
- Right mirror
- Right/ left motor
- S504
- Up/ down motor
схема передних окон для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
схема передних окон для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (1999)
- (2000)
- Down
- Express
- Express down module
- Fuse block (right side of dash, in right door opening)
- G305 (base of right "b" pillar)
- Hot in run
- Illumination lamp
- Interior lights system
- Left front
- Left front window motor
- Left front window switch
- Pwr wdo circuit breaker 30a
- Right front
- Right front window motor
- Right front window switch
- S303
- S307
- S504
- S604
- Tan
задний Windows Wiring Diagram четверти для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
задний Windows Wiring Diagram четверти для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (body harn, left rear of body approx 41 cm from left rear qtr window actuator breakout) s427
- Close
- Fuse block (right side of dash, in right door opening)
- G305 (base of right "b" pillar)
- Hot in run
- Illumination lamp
- Interior lamp and multi- function switch
- Interior lights system
- Left rear quarter window actuator motor
- Open
- Pwr qtr vent fuse 10a
- Rear quarter windows switch
- Right rear quarter window actuator motor
- S390
- S423 (body harn, left rear of body approx 54 cm from left rear qtr window actuator breakout)
Противоугонная система Сигнализация
Электросхема противоугонной сигнализации для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема противоугонной сигнализации для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (body harn, front of left "b" pillar)
- (body harn, under right front seat)
- Accy 1
- Ajar indicator switch
- Battery
- Bcm prgrm fuse 10a
- Body control module (below right side of dash)
- C11
- C13
- Ctsy lamp fuse 10a
- D10
- D11
- D14
- D15
- D16
- Door locks system (door lock switches)
- Driver dr ajar in
- Ext lights out
- Exterior lights system
- Fuel enable
- Fuse block
- G201 (right side of dash, left of heater- a/c vent)
- G305 (base of right "b" pillar)
- G999 (lower left "d" pillar)
- Grd
- Ground
- Horn rly out
- Horns system
- Hot at all times
- Hot in accy or run
- Hot in run, bulb test or start
- Ign 1
- Ign 1 fuse 10a
- Ign key input
- Ignition key alarm switch
- Key cyl lk sw in
- Left front door lock
- Left front door lock cylinder switch
- Liftgate lock
- Liftgate lock cylinder switch
- Lock
- Lock input
- Mall/radio/dic fuse 10a
- Nca
- Park lp fuse 20a
- Pass dr ajar in
- Pnk
- Powertrain control module (secured in air cleaner assembly, left front of engine compt)
- Program
- Pwr lock fuse 20a
- Radio batt fuse 20a
- Red/
- Relay center
- Right front door lock
- Right front door lock cylinder switch
- Right sliding door jamb switch
- S202
- S209
- S211
- S227
- S303
- S309
- S323 (body harn, under left front seat)
- S325
- S327 (body harn, under left front seat)
- S460
- S504
- S604
- Security led
- Sliding dr ajar
- Tamper input
- Tan
- Theft deterrent indicator lamp
- Theft deterrent relay
- Theft deterrent shock sensor (behind dash, right of steering column)
- Un- lock
- Underhood accessory wiring junction block
- Unlock input
Электросхема антиблокировочной тормозной системы АБС (ABS) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема антиблокировочной тормозной системы АБС (ABS) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (i/p harn, left side of bulkhead)
- (left of steering column) g202
- (right side of dash)
- (right side of dash) g201
- A10
- A11
- A12
- Abs mdl batt fuse 10a
- Abs sol fuse 20a
- Abs warn ctrl
- Abs warn ind
- Abs/tcs fuse 10a
- B10
- B11
- B12
- Batt
- Brake in
- Brake ind
- Brake level in
- Brake modulator (left side of engine compt)
- Brake motor
- C1 stop lamp switch (brake pedal support)
- Data link connector (below steering column)
- Electronic brake control relay (mounted to ebcm/ebtcm)
- Electronic brake traction control module (left side of dash)
- Enable rly output
- Fuse block
- G201
- Ground
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run, bulb test or start
- Ign
- Ign 1 fuse 10a
- Instrument cluster
- L fnt mtr-hi
- L fnt mtr-lo
- Left fnt wheel spd
- Left front abs solenoid
- Left front motor
- Left front tcs motor
- Left front wheel speed sensor
- Left rear wheel spd
- Left rear wheel speed sensor
- Left solenoid
- Low traction ind
- Lt frt tcs hi
- Lt frt tcs low
- Malfunction indicator lamp traction control module (behind park cable bracket)
- Nca
- Pnk
- Powertrain control module (secured in air cleaner assy, left front of eng)
- Rear motor
- Rear mtr-hi
- Rear mtr-lo
- Red
- Right front abs solenoid
- Right front motor
- Right front tcs motor
- Right front wheel speed sensor
- Right rear wheel speed sensor
- Rly coil ctrl
- Rt fnt mtr-hi
- Rt fnt mtr-lo
- Rt fnt solenoid
- Rt fnt wheel spd
- Rt frt tcs hi
- Rt frt tcs low
- Rt rear wheel spd
- S205 (i/p harn, 6 cm from turn signal flasher breakout)
- S207 (i/p harn, 4 cm from turn flasher breakout)
- S209
- S211
- S230
- S235
- S237 (i/p harn, right side of dash)
- S239
- S279 (i/p harn, right side of dash)
- Serial data
- Solid state
- Stop lamp fuse 15a
- Tan
- Tcs ind
- Tcs ind ctrl
- Torque from pcm
- Torque to pcm
- Trac ctrl ind
- Trac ind ctrl
- Trac req input
- Traction control motor pack (left side of engine compt)
- Traction control switch
Электросхема компрессора для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема компрессора для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (lower front of engine) g125
- (on dash harness, in center of dash, approx 68 cm (27 in) from cigar lighter)
- (on dash harness, right side of dash, approximately 16 cm (6 in) from relay center breakout) s264
- (on engine harness, on top right side of radiator approximately 20 cm (8 in) from right engine coolant fan 1 motor breakout) s105
- (on right side of dash, secured on underside of cross car beam, left of heater-a/c vent) g201
- A/c clu diode
- A/c clu fuse 10a
- A/c clu relay
- A/c compressor clutch coil (part of a/c compressor)
- A/c compressor relay ctrl
- A/c on ind
- A/c on/off
- A/c request sig
- A/c request signal
- Battery
- Blower switch
- C11
- Defrost/ defogger input
- Fuse block (right side of dash, in right front door opening)
- Gnd
- Heater a/c control
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- Hot in run, bulb test & start
- Hvac/drl fuse 10a
- Ignition positive voltage
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (in engine compartment, secured in air cleaner assembly)
- Radio fuse 10a
- S202 (on dash harness, right side of dash, approximately 21 cm (8 in) from radio breakout)
- S213
- Solid state
- Underhood accessory wiring junction block (on right front of engine compartment)
Электросхема кондиционера с ручный управлением (1 из 2) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема кондиционера с ручный управлением (1 из 2) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (engine harness, top right side of radiator approx 20 cm (8 in), from right engine coolant fan 1 motor breakout) s105
- (right side of dash) g201
- A/c clu diode
- A/c clu fuse 10a
- A/c clu relay
- A/c comp relay ctrl
- A/c compressor clutch coil (part of a/c compressor)
- A/c on ind
- A/c request signal
- A/c switch
- A10
- Air recirc
- Air source logic
- Blower motor (part of a/c heater module, behind left side of dash)
- Blower motor relay
- Blower motor resistor (part of a/c heater module, in front of blower motor)
- Blower motor resistors
- C10
- C11
- Compressor request logic
- Cool fan 1 maxifuse 30a
- Cool fan 1 relay
- Cool fan 2 maxifuse 30a
- Cool fan 2 relay
- Cool fan relay
- Coolant fan 1 rly ctrl
- Coolant fan 2 rly ctrl
- Defog enable
- Defog indicator
- Defog request
- Defogger indicator
- Defogger logic
- Defogger system
- Defrost/ defog
- F11
- Ground
- Heater-a/c control
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run, bulb test & start
- Ignition
- Illumination
- Interior lights system
- Left engine coolant fan motor 2 (mounted to rear of radiator)
- Nca
- Off
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (in engine compartment, secured in air cleaner assembly)
- Radio fuse 10a
- Rear defogger switch (on/off) momemtary switch
- Right engine coolant fan motor 1 (mounted to rear of radiator)
- Right side of dash, approximately 21 cm (8 in) from radio breakout) s202
- S213 (on dash harness, in center of dash, approximately 68 cm (27 in) from cigar lighter)
- Tan
- Temperature control
- Underhood accessory junction block (on right front of engine compartment)
Электросхема кондиционера с ручный управлением (2 из 2) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема кондиционера с ручный управлением (2 из 2) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (body harness, in front of left rear wheelhouse, approx 48 cm (19 in) from left sliding door jamb switch) s345
- (lower left "b" pillar) g308
- (lower left "d" pillar) g999
- (not used)
- (on body harness, in front of left rear wheel- house) s343
- (on body harness, in front of left rear wheelhouse) s341
- (on dash harness, in center of dash, approx 68 cm (27 in) from cigar lighter) s213
- (on dash harness, right side of dash, approximately 16 cm (6 in) from relay center breakout) s264
- (right side of dash) g201
- 4 cm (2 in) from radio breakout) s230
- Auxiliary blower motor (behind left rear wheelhouse, part of auxiliary heater-a/c module)
- Auxiliary blower motor resistor (part of auxiliary heater-a/c module, rear of auxiliary blower motor)
- Auxiliary blower relay
- Auxiliary blower switch
- Auxiliary heater-a/c control
- Auxiliary temperature valve actuator (part of auxiliary heater-a/c module, below auxiliary blower motor)
- Electric air inlet actuator (on right side of dash, above blower motor)
- Electric slave actuator (on left side of heater a/c module)
- Frt hvac hi blwr cb 30a
- Frt hvac low/med blwr fuse 25a
- Fuse block (right side of dash, in right front door opening)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- Hvac/drl fuse 10a
- Illum
- Interior lights system
- Logic
- Nca
- Off
- Rear
- Rear window wiper/washer & multi-function switch
- Rr hvac fuse 25a
- S252 (dash harness, center of dash, approximately 72 cm (28 in) from cigar lighter)
- S339 (on body harness, in front of left b-pillar, approximately 26 cm (10 in) from ground g308 breakout)
- S403 (body harness, left rear of body, on top of wheelwell, 13 cm (5 in) from top & rear clips)
- Temperature control
Электросхема системы круизконтроля для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема системы круизконтроля для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (i/p harn, 8 cm from hazard lamp/turn signal switch breakout)
- A12
- A13
- A14
- A15
- All times
- Brake signal input
- C1 e5
- Cruise control module (left side of engine compt)
- Cruise control on/off switch
- Cruise control release switch (top of pedal support)
- Cruise fuse 10a
- Cruise release
- Disable input
- Disable output
- Engaged input
- Engaged output
- Fuse block (right side of dash)
- G202 (left side of dash, on under- side of cross-car beam)
- Ground
- Hot at
- Hot in run, bulb
- Ignition
- Off
- On/off input
- Pnk
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (left front of engine compt)
- R/a
- Resume/accel input
- S205
- S266
- Set sw
- Set/coast input
- Stop lamp fuse 15a
- Stoplamp switch (top of brake pedal support)
- Test or start
- Underhood junction box (right front of engine compt)
- Vehicle speed input
- Vehicle speed sensor (vss) (right side of transaxle)
- Vss high
- Vss low
- Vss output
Электросхема системы охлаждения для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема системы охлаждения для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (lower front of engine) g125
- A10
- C10
- C11
- Cool fan 1 maxifuse 30a
- Cool fan 1 relay
- Cool fan 2 maxifuse 30a
- Cool fan 2 relay
- Cool fan relay
- Coolant fan 1 relay ctrl
- Coolant fan 2 relay ctrl
- F11
- Hot at all times
- Left engine coolant fan motor 2 (mounted to rear of radiator)
- Powertrain control module (engine compartment, secured in air cleaner assembly)
- Right engine coolant fan motor 1 (mounted to rear of radiator)
- S105 (engine harness, top right side of radiator approximately 20 cm (8 inches) from right engine coolant fan 1 motor breakout)
- Underhood accessory wiring junction block (on right front of engine compartment)
Электросхема компьютерной линии передачи данных CAN для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема компьютерной линии передачи данных CAN для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- Cd player
- Cigar/dlc fuse 15a
- Data clss 2
- Data link connector (dlc) (below steering column, on knee bolster)
- Driver information display
- E&c serial data
- Electronic brake control module/ electronic brake traction control module (ebcm/ebtcm) (behind dash, above parking brake cable)
- Fuse block
- G201 (right side of dash, left of heater-a/c vent)
- Hot at all times
- Inflatable restraint sensing and diagnostic module (sdm) (below right front seat)
- Passkey iii module (in steering column, at ignition switch)
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (secured in air cleaner assy, left front of engine compt)
- Radio
- S201
- S211
- S237 (dash harn, approx 4 cm from steering column connector breakout)
- S238
- S312 (body harness, 31 cm from sdm breakout)
- Tan
- Uart data
3.4L ВИН Э, Электросхема системы управления двигателя (1 из 4) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
3.4L ВИН Э, Электросхема системы управления двигателя (1 из 4) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- 24x ign sig ref
- 3x ign sig ref
- 5 v ref
- A/c refrig press sig
- A/t iss sen hi
- A/t iss sen lo
- A5 c2
- Anti-lock brake system
- Anti-theft system
- Bank 1 knock sensor (front of eng, above starter)
- Battery feed
- Body computer system
- Bypass
- C10
- Cam pos ref pcm
- Can vent fuse 10a
- Charge warn ind
- Column, on knee bolster)
- Coolant hot ind
- Cooling fans system
- Cruise control system
- Cruise inhibit in
- D11
- Data link connector (below steering
- Ecm sense fuse 10a
- Ect sens grd
- Egr valve ctrl
- Egr valve grd
- Evap can purge ctrl
- Evaporative emissions canister purge solenoid valve (top right side of eng, below ignition control module)
- Fan 1 control (lo)
- Fan 2 control (hi)
- Fuel level out
- Fuse block
- G112 (left side of engine)
- Gnd
- Ho2s sens 1 sig lo
- Ho2s sens 2 sig lo
- Hot at all times
- Hot coolant ind
- Hot in run, bulb test or start
- Iac "b" hi
- Iat sens grd
- Ign pos volt
- Ignition control
- Inj 1 control
- Inj 2 control
- Inj 3 control
- Inj 5 control
- Inj 6 control
- Instrument cluster
- Instrument cluster system
- Intake air temperature sensor (on air intake, near throttle body assy)
- Knock sens sig
- Low oil ind
- Maf
- Maf sens sig
- Map sens grd
- Mass air flow sensor (in air cleaner duct, left front of eng compt)
- Pcm fuse 10a
- Pcm grd
- Pcm ground
- Pnk
- Powertrain control module (in air cleaner assembly, left front of eng compt)
- Pwr
- Ref lo
- Required torque
- S106
- Sen grd
- Serial class 2 data
- Serial data
- Shift sol a
- Shift sol b
- Sound systems
- Tach in
- Tan
- Tcc brake sw
- Theft deter in
- Tp sens grd
- Trans fluid press sw "a"
- Trans range "b"
- Under- hood accessory wiring junction block
- Vehicle speed sensor (mounted to right side of transaxle)
- Vss hi in
- Vss lo in
- Vss out (4k/mile)
3.4L ВИН Э, Электросхема системы управления двигателя (2 из 4) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
3.4L ВИН Э, Электросхема системы управления двигателя (2 из 4) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (left side of engine)
- 1-2 shift solenoid
- 2-3 shift solenoid
- 5v ref
- A/t fluid pressure manual valve position switch
- A/t input shaft speed sensor
- Automatic transaxle
- Camshaft position sensor (front of eng, above a/c compressor)
- Crankshaft position sensor (24x) (front of eng, at end of crankshaft, behind harmonic balancer)
- D3 & d2 sw
- D4 & d2 sw
- Fuel level
- Fuel level in
- Fuel pump
- Fuel pump fuse 15a
- Fuel pump prime connector (on eng harn, next to battery conn.)
- Fuel pump relay
- Fuel tank module (in fuel tank)
- G112
- G308 (left "b" pillar)
- Hot at all times
- Instrument cluster
- Lo & rev sw
- Manifold absolute pressure sensor (top right side of eng)
- Map
- Mil ind (chk eng)
- Nca
- Pnk
- Press sens 5v
- Press sns grd
- Press sns sig
- Pressure control solenoid
- Prndl in "a"
- Prndl in "b"
- Prndl in "c"
- Prndl parity in
- Red
- Rtn
- S106
- S329
- Tan
- Tcc pwm solenoid
- Tcc sw
- Transmission fluid temper- ature sensor
- Underhood accessory wiring junction block
- Vss in (4k)
3.4L ВИН Э, Электросхема системы управления двигателя (3 из 4) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
3.4L ВИН Э, Электросхема системы управления двигателя (3 из 4) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (left side of engine)
- (mounted on top of transaxle)
- A12
- B10
- Crankshaft position sensor (7x) (on lower right side of eng)
- D10
- Elek ign fuse 10a
- Engine coolant temperature sensor (top left rear of eng)
- Exhaust gas recirc- ulation valve (on upper right rear of eng)
- F12
- G112
- G112 (left side of engine)
- Hot in run, bulb test or start
- Idle air control (iac) valve (on top of eng, front of throttle assembly)
- Ignition control module
- Ignition control module (top right side of eng)
- Pnk
- Pnk b
- Red
- S106
- Spark plugs
- Stop lamp switch
- Tan
- Tcc fuse 10a
- Tcc switch
- Throttle position sensor (top of eng, on throttle body)
- Transaxle range switch
- Underhood accessory wiring junction block
3.4L ВИН Э, Электросхема системы управления двигателя (4 из 4) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
3.4L ВИН Э, Электросхема системы управления двигателя (4 из 4) для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (eng harn, near pcm breakout)
- (left side of engine)
- 12 v ref
- 5 v ref
- 5v ref a
- 5v ref b
- 5v sens grd
- A/c comp rly ctrl
- A/c refrig press sig
- A/c refrig- erant pressure sensor (below accumulator)
- A/c request
- A12 pnk
- Air conditioning system
- Anti-lock brakes system
- Cam/ckp batt (+)
- Cam/ckp sens grd
- Cruise control system
- Cruise status
- Delivered torque
- Ect sens sig in
- Egr pintle pos sig
- Egr valve ctrl
- Engine oil level sensor (mounted on center of oil pan)
- Engine oil level sig
- Evap cann vent valve
- Evaporative emissions canister vent solenoid valve (below center of vehicle, in front fuel tank)
- Fuel injectors
- Fuel level in
- Fuel pump relay ctrl
- Fuel tnk press sens sig
- G112
- G112 (left side of engine)
- Generator ctrl
- Heated oxygen sensor no1 (on exhaust manifold, right side of eng)
- Heated oxygen sensor no2 (on exhaust system, behind catalytic converter)
- Ho2s sens 1 sig hi
- Ho2s sens sig 2 hi
- Hot in run, bulb test or start
- Iac "a" hi
- Iac "a" lo
- Iac "b" lo
- Iat sens in
- Inj 1 uh fuse 15a
- Inj 4 control
- Inj fuse 10a
- Low oil lamp ctrl
- Low ref
- Map sens sig in
- Mil ctrl (chk engine)
- Nca
- Pc sol val hi
- Pc sol val lo
- Pnk
- Powertrain control module (in air cleaner assembly, left front of eng compt)
- Red
- S105
- S106
- S109
- S167
- Starting/ charging system
- Tach output
- Tan
- Tcc pwm sol ctrl
- Tcc release sw
- Tps sens sig in
- Trans fluid press sw "b"
- Trans fluid press sw "c"
- Trans fluid temp sig
- Trans parity in
- Trans range "a"
- Trans range "c"
- Under- hood accessory wiring junction block
Система Фар
Электросхема фар для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема фар для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (i/p harn, 10cm from radio and rear window wiper/washer multi- function switch breakout) s219
- (i/p harn, approx 10cm from radio breakout) s204
- Ambient light sensor gnd
- Ambient light sensor in
- C2 q
- Daytime running lamps ambient light sensor (top center of dash)
- Daytime running lamps control module (right of steering column)
- Drl fuse 20a
- E10
- E11
- E12
- E13
- Exterior lamps out
- Exterior lights system
- Flash
- Fog lamp relay
- Fog lamp switch
- Fog lp fuse 10a
- Fuse block (right side of dash)
- G101 (right inner fender near battery)
- G108 (right of left headlamp on front upper crossmember)
- G201 (right side of dash, left of heater-a/c vent)
- Gnd
- Head
- Headlamp and i/p lamp dimmer switch
- Headlamp circuit breaker 20a
- Headlamp dimmer switch
- Headlamps on in
- High
- High beam indicator
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- Hot in run, bulb test or start
- Hvac/ drl fuse 10a
- Ign (run)
- Ign (run/start)
- Instrument cluster
- Instrument cluster system
- L turn sig in
- Left fog lamp
- Left headlamp
- Lf park/turn lamp out
- Low
- Off
- On ind
- Park
- Park brake in
- Park brake indicator switch (on park brake)
- Park brake out
- Park lp fuse 20a
- Pnk
- R turn sig in
- Rear window wiper/washer & multi-function switch
- Rf park/turn lamp out
- Right fog lamp
- Right headlamp
- S123
- S124
- S215
- S221 (i/p harn, 4cm from headlamp switch breakout)
- S230
- S264
- Tan
- Underhood accessory wiring junction block
Электросхема электроники подвески, С инфлятор для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема электроники подвески, С инфлятор для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (lower left "d" pillar) g999
- (under left rear of vehicle, behind wheelhouse)
- Air compressor exhaust solenoid
- Air compressor motor
- Auto level control air compressor relay
- Auto level control air inflator solenoid valve (in left rear of vehicle, behind wheelhouse)
- Auto level control inflator relay (in left rear of vehicle, behind wheelhouse)
- Auto level control sensor (mounted to rear cross- member above rear axle)
- Compressor signal
- Elc fuse 20a
- Exhaust signal
- Fuse block (right side of dash)
- G999 (lower left "d" pillar)
- Gnd
- Ground
- Hot at all times
- Hot in acc or run
- Inflator air switch (behind left rear wheelhouse)
- Mall/radio/ dic fuse 10a
- Nca
- Off
- Power input
- Reset
- Reset
- Resets after 10 minutes
- S441
- S443 (auto level control harn, under left rear wheelhouse)
- S445
- S465
- Solid state
Электросхема электроники подвески, без инфлятор для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема электроники подвески, без инфлятор для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (under left rear of vehicle, behind wheelhouse)
- Air compressor exhaust solenoid
- Air compressor motor
- Auto level control air compressor relay
- Auto level control sensor (mounted to rear crossmember, above rear axle)
- Compressor signal
- Elc fuse 20a
- Exhaust signal
- Fuse block (right side of dash)
- G999 (lower left "d" pillar)
- Ground
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run, bulb test or start
- Ign 1 fuse 10a
- Nca
- Pnk
- Power input
- Reset
- S401
- S441
- S445
Электросхема привода сидений с 6 путями для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема привода сидений с 6 путями для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- Back
- Down
- Driver seat adjuster motor
- Driver seat adjuster switch
- Entire seat
- For- ward
- Forward/ back motor
- Front height
- Front height motor
- Fuse block
- G308 (lower left "b" pillar)
- Hot at all times
- Passenger seat adjuster motor
- Passenger seat adjuster switch
- Pwr seat/psd circuit breaker 30a
- Rear height
- Rear height motor
- Red
- Red a
- S302
- S333
- Tan
- Tan d
Стартер Генератор
Электросхема Генератора для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема Генератора для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- A5 c2
- Battery
- C1 f5
- Charge indicator control
- Charge warning ind
- Fuse block (in right front door opening)
- Fusible link a (10 ga- rust)
- G101 (right inner fender, near battery)
- G110 (left of starter)
- Generator
- Generator term. l output
- Hot in run, bulb test or start
- Ign 1 fuse 10a
- Instrument cluster
- Not used
- Pnk
- Power distribution system
- Powertrain control module (air cleaner assembly)
- Red
- S209
- Starter solenoid
- Underhood accessory wiring junction block (right front of engine compt)
Электросхема стартера для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема стартера для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- Accy
- B red
- Battery
- Bulb test
- Fusible link a (10 ga- rust)
- G101 (right inner fender, near battery)
- G110 (left of starter)
- Generator
- Hold- in coil
- Ign main 1 maxifuse 40a
- Ignition switch
- Lock
- Off
- Power distribution system
- Pull- in coil
- Red
- Remote battery stud
- Run
- Start
- Starter motor
- Starter solenoid
- Transaxle range switch (on transaxle)
- Underhood accessory wiring junction block (right front of engine compt)
Стеклоочистители и Стеклоомыватели Дворники
Электросхема передних стеклоочистителей дворников и омывателя лобового стекла для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема передних стеклоочистителей дворников и омывателя лобового стекла для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- Frt wpr/wshr fuse 25a
- Fuse block (right side of dash)
- G201 (right side of dash)
- Ground
- Hot in acc or run
- Mist
- Mux1
- Mux2
- Off
- Pulse
- Red
- S249
- S280
- Washer switch
- Windshield washer pump
- Windshield wiper motor
- Windshield wiper/washer switch
- Wiper switch
Электросхема заднего стеклоочистителя дворника и омывателя для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема заднего стеклоочистителя дворника и омывателя для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (i/p harn, near breakout to blwr mtr resistor; 1998-99)
- (i/p harn, near breakout to cig ltr; 1997)
- (right side of dash)
- Delay
- Fuse block (right side of dash)
- G201
- G999 (lower left "d" pillar)
- Hot in accy or run
- Interior lights system
- Rear window washer pump
- Rear window wiper motor
- Rear window wiper/ washer switch
- Rr wpr/wshr fuse 20a
- Run
- S245
- S262
- S280
- S460
- Wash
Электросхема центрального замка для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999
Электросхема центрального замка для Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 1999 - Список элементов:
- (base of right "b" pillar) g305
- (behind center of dash) remote control door lock receiver (rcdlr)
- (body harn, under left front seat, near seat belt switch breakout) s327
- (body harn, under right front door sill)
- (lower left "d" pillar) g999
- (w/ rke)
- Accessory 1
- All door lk
- All door unlk
- B (1999) (1998)
- B/u lmp fuse 10a
- Batt (courtesy)
- Batt (door lks)
- Body control module (below right side of dash)
- C11
- C13
- Ctsy lamp fuse 10a
- Door lock in
- Door opn in
- Door unlock in
- Drivr door unlk
- Fuse block
- Ground
- Hot at all times
- Hot in accy or run
- Hot in run or start
- Ign 1 fuse 10a
- Ignition 1
- Interior lights system
- Key sw lock
- Key sw unlk
- Left door lock cylinder switch
- Left front door lock actuator motor
- Left front door lock switch
- Left rear door lock actuator motor
- Liftgate door lock actuator motor
- Liftgate lock cylinder switch
- Lock
- Mall/dic fuse 10a
- Nca
- Park in
- Pnk
- Power
- Pwr lock fuse 20a
- Radio fuse 10a
- Rfa cmd 1
- Rfa link
- Right door lock cylinder switch
- Right front door lock actuator motor
- Right front door lock switch
- Right rear door lock actuator motor
- S202
- S209
- S211
- S227
- S303
- S311 (body harn, under right front door sill)
- S314 (body harness, under right front seat)
- S315 (body harness, under right front seat)
- S319
- S323 (body harn, under left front seat, near seat belt switch breakout)
- S460
- S504
- S604
- Side door contactor (left "b" pillar)
- Side door contactor (right "b" pillar)
- Tan
- Transaxle range switch (mounted on top of transaxle)
- Trunk/tailgate fuel door release system
- Underhood accessory wiring junction block
- Unlock