Автомтическая коробка Передач (АКПП) Полная привод (4WD) Блокировка Дифференциала
Электросхема раздатки для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
Электросхема раздатки для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (behind i/p, right side of steering column) relay box 1
- (top center of left fender apron) g104
- 1.1k ohms
- 1995 models
- 1996 models
- 3.9k ohms
- 4 wheel drive fuse 16 20a
- 4wd hi ind
- 4wd ind ctrl
- 4wd lo ind
- 4wd mode sw
- 4wd mode switch
- 4wd output
- A/t
- Battery saver relay
- Boo sw input
- Brake on/off (boo) switch (on brake pedal support)
- Ccw relay
- Ccw rly ctrl
- Clutch
- Cw relay
- Cw rly ctrl
- Elc rly ctrl
- Electric shift control module (behind center of i/p)
- Electric shift relay
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box
- Fuse 13 15a
- Fuse 27 15a (1995 models) 10a (1996 models)
- G104 (top center of left fender apron)
- Generic electronic module (gem) (behind center of i/p)
- Hot at all times
- I/p fuse panel
- Illumination
- Instrument cluster
- Interior lights system (instrument illum- ination circuit)
- M/t
- Nca
- Neutral sw in
- Ohms
- Park lamps fuse 7 20a
- Pnk
- Relay box 1 (behind i/p, right side of steering column)
- Rly ctrl
- Shift motor
- Shift motor sensor
- Sw a input
- Sw b input
- Sw c input
- Sw d input
- Transfer case assembly (below vehicle, behind transmission)
- Transmission range (tr) sensor (left side of transmission)
- Wall) g123
Электросхема коробки передач АКПП для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема коробки передач АКПП для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (left side of upper radiator support) g108
- (left side of transmission) transmission range (tr) sensor
- (left side of upper radiator support) g108
- (power for heated oxygen sensors)
- (right side of safety wall) g123
- (top center of left fender apron) g104
- 2.3l & 3.0l
- 4.0l
- Boo
- Brake on/off (boo) switch (on brake pedal support)
- Case gnd
- Ccs
- Coast clutch solenoid (ccs)
- Cse gnd
- Dlc
- Dlc (+)
- Dlc (-)
- Ect
- Electronic pressure control (epc) solenoid
- Engine air cleaner assembly
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box
- Engine coolant temperature (ect) sensor (top front of engine)
- Epc
- Fuse 13 15a
- Fuse 19 25a
- Fuse 26 10a 15a
- Ho2s fuse 20 15a
- Horn/pcm memory power fuse 4 20a
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- Hot in start or run
- I/p fuse panel
- Iat
- Instrument cluster
- Intake air temperature (iat) sensor (on air intake assembly)
- Kapwr
- Maf
- Maf rtn
- Malfunction indicator lamp (mil)
- Mass air flow (maf) sensor
- Mil
- N d
- Nca
- O/d off
- Pcm power diode
- Pcm power fuse 13 30a
- Pcm power relay
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (right rear of engine compartment, through safety wall)
- Pwr gnd
- Red
- Shift solenoid (ss1)
- Shift solenoid (ss2)
- Shift solenoid (ss3)
- Sig rtn
- Ss1
- Ss2
- Ss3
- Tcc
- Tcil
- Tcs
- Tft
- Throttle position (tp) sensor (on throttle body)
- Torque converter clutch (tcc) solenoid
- Transmission (4r44e/4r55e) (left side of transmission)
- Transmission control indicator lamp (tcil)
- Transmission control switch (tcs)
- Transmission fluid temperature (tft) sensor
- Tss
- Turbine shaft speed sensor (tss)
- Vehicle speed sensor (vss) (left rear of transmission) (4x2 models) (left rear of transfer case) (4x4 models)
- Vpwr
- Vref
- Vss
Электросхема блока предохранителей и реле (1 из 2) для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема блока предохранителей и реле (1 из 2) для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (not used)
- A/c
- Acc
- Anti- lock brakes
- Anti- theft
- Battery
- Body computer
- Body computer, anti-theft sound system
- Circuit breaker 5 20a
- Cruise control
- Daytime running lamps
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box
- Engine controls
- Exterior lights
- Fuse (not used 1996, 1997)
- Fuse (not used)
- Fuse 1 50a
- Fuse 10 30a
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 10a (1995)
- Fuse 10a (1995) (1996) 7.5a (1997)
- Fuse 10a (1995) 7.5a (1996) (1997)
- Fuse 10a (ex 1996, 1997 w/ rabs) 20a (1996, 1997 w/ rabs)
- Fuse 11 20a
- Fuse 12 20a
- Fuse 15 15a
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 15a (1995) 10a (1996) (1997)
- Fuse 15a (1995) 20a (1996) (1997)
- Fuse 15a (1995) 7.5a (1996) (1997)
- Fuse 2 50a
- Fuse 25a
- Fuse 3 (not used)
- Fuse 30a
- Fuse 6 40a
- Fuse 7 20a
- Fuse 7.5a (1996) (1997)
- Fuse 8 (not used)
- Fuse 9 30a
- Generator
- Headlights
- Headlights, exterior lights
- I/p fuse panel
- Ignition switch
- Instrument cluster
- Lock
- Off
- Power door locks
- Power seats
- Power windows
- Red
- Run
- Shift interlock
- Start
- Starter motor/ solenoid
- Starter relay
- Starting/ charging
- To battery saver relay (diagram 2 of 2)
- To fuse 1 (diagram 2 of 2)
- To fuse 13 (diagram 2 of 2)
- Transmission controls
- Wiper/ washer
Электросхема блока предохранителей и реле (2 из 2) для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема блока предохранителей и реле (2 из 2) для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- Auxiliary power socket
- Battery saver relay
- Body computer, instrument cluster
- C224
- Charging
- Cigar lighter
- Data link connector (dlc)
- Engine compartment fuse/relay panel
- Engine controls
- Engine controls system
- Engine controls, horns
- Exterior lights
- Exterior lights system
- From c fuse 12 (diagram 1 of 2)
- From fuse 2 (diagram 1 of 2)
- From fuse 7 (diagram 1 of 2)
- Fuse (not used 1996)
- Fuse (not used)
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 10a (1995) 7.5a (1996) (1997)
- Fuse 10a (1996)
- Fuse 10a (1997)
- Fuse 13 30a
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 15a (1995) 10a (1996) (1997)
- Fuse 15a (1997)
- Fuse 20a
- Fuse 20a (1996)
- Fuse 20a (1997)
- Fuse 30a
- Fuse 30a (1995) 15a (1996) 25a (1997)
- G104 (top center of left fender apron)
- Generic electronic module (gem)
- Headlights system
- Ho2s fuse 20 15a
- I/p fuse panel
- Pcm power relay
- Pnk
- Power mirrors
- Rabs test connector
- Red
- Sound system
- Transmission controls
- Transmission controls, interior lights
Электросхема блока управления кузовом (1 из 2) для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема блока управления кузовом (1 из 2) для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (1995) (1996-97)
- (behind i/p, bottom of steering column) ctm diagnostic connector
- (front)
- (not used)
- 4wd mode sw in
- Anti-theft system
- Battery
- Battery saver relay ctrl
- C 1995 vftc
- C221
- C224
- Computer data lines system
- Ctm diagnostic in
- Diagnostic in
- Door ajar ind ctrl
- Down windows command in
- Engine controls system (vehicle speed sensor)
- Fuse 10a 7.5a
- G104 (rear of left front fender)
- G108 (left radiator support)
- Generic electronic module (behind center of dash)
- Gnd
- Hot at all times
- Hot in accy or run
- Hot in run
- Hot in start
- I/p fuse panel
- Ignition (acc/run)
- Ignition (run)
- Ignition (start)
- Ignition key warning sw in
- Illuminated entry sws in
- Instrument cluster system
- Interior lamp relay ctrl
- Interior lights system
- Interval delay/wash in
- Left door ajar in
- Left/right door disarm in
- Liftgate in
- Multi- function switch
- One-touch down relay ctrl
- One-touch down sense (hi)
- One-touch down sense (lo)
- Park sense
- Park/headlamps on in
- Power window system
- Right door ajar in
- Run/park relay ctrl
- Seat belt ind ctrl
- Seat belt sw in
- Tan/red
- Up windows command in
- Vehicle speed sensor
- Warning system
- Washer pump relay ctrl
- Wiper hi-lo relay ctrl
- Wiper mode select sw in
- Wiper/washer system
Электросхема блока управления кузовом (2 из 2) для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема блока управления кузовом (2 из 2) для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (1995-96)
- (1997)
- 4wd high range ind ctrl
- 4wd low range ind ctrl
- 4wd mode sw out
- 4wd mode switch
- 4wd out
- Anti-theft system
- Brake on/off switch
- Brake sw in
- C 1995 vftc
- C222
- C223
- Ccw relay ctrl
- Cw relay ctrl
- Door ajar out (rap module)
- Electric shift relay
- Electric shift relay ctrl
- Electronic shift control module (behind center of dash)
- Fuse 15a
- G121 (center of safety wall)
- G123 (right side of safety wall)
- Generic electronic module (behind center of dash)
- Gnd (m/t) neutral sense in (a/t)
- Hot at all times
- I/p fuse panel
- Illum entry out (rap module)
- Instrument cluster system
- Nca
- Relay box #1 (behind i/p, right of steering column)
- Sw a in
- Sw b in
- Sw c in
- Sw d in
- Transfer case assembly
- Transmission range sensor (left side of transmission)
- W/ 4wd & electronic shift control
- W/ a/t
- W/ m/t
универсальная электронная схема модуля (1 из 2) для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
универсальная электронная схема модуля (1 из 2) для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (1995) (1996-97)
- (behind i/p, bottom of steering column) ctm diagnostic connector
- (front)
- (not used)
- 4wd mode sw in
- Anti-theft system
- Battery
- Battery saver relay ctrl
- C 1995 vftc
- C221
- C224
- Computer data lines system
- Ctm diagnostic in
- Diagnostic in
- Door ajar ind ctrl
- Down windows command in
- Engine controls system (vehicle speed sensor)
- Fuse 10a 7.5a
- G104 (rear of left front fender)
- G108 (left radiator support)
- Generic electronic module (behind center of dash)
- Gnd
- Hot at all times
- Hot in accy or run
- Hot in run
- Hot in start
- I/p fuse panel
- Ignition (acc/run)
- Ignition (run)
- Ignition (start)
- Ignition key warning sw in
- Illuminated entry sws in
- Instrument cluster system
- Interior lamp relay ctrl
- Interior lights system
- Interval delay/wash in
- Left door ajar in
- Left/right door disarm in
- Liftgate in
- Multi- function switch
- One-touch down relay ctrl
- One-touch down sense (hi)
- One-touch down sense (lo)
- Park sense
- Park/headlamps on in
- Power window system
- Right door ajar in
- Run/park relay ctrl
- Seat belt ind ctrl
- Seat belt sw in
- Tan/red
- Up windows command in
- Vehicle speed sensor
- Warning system
- Washer pump relay ctrl
- Wiper hi-lo relay ctrl
- Wiper mode select sw in
- Wiper/washer system
универсальная электронная схема модуля (2 из 2) для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
универсальная электронная схема модуля (2 из 2) для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (1995-96)
- (1997)
- 4wd high range ind ctrl
- 4wd low range ind ctrl
- 4wd mode sw out
- 4wd mode switch
- 4wd out
- Anti-theft system
- Brake on/off switch
- Brake sw in
- C 1995 vftc
- C222
- C223
- Ccw relay ctrl
- Cw relay ctrl
- Door ajar out (rap module)
- Electric shift relay
- Electric shift relay ctrl
- Electronic shift control module (behind center of dash)
- Fuse 15a
- G121 (center of safety wall)
- G123 (right side of safety wall)
- Generic electronic module (behind center of dash)
- Gnd (m/t) neutral sense in (a/t)
- Hot at all times
- I/p fuse panel
- Illum entry out (rap module)
- Instrument cluster system
- Nca
- Relay box #1 (behind i/p, right of steering column)
- Sw a in
- Sw b in
- Sw c in
- Sw d in
- Transfer case assembly
- Transmission range sensor (left side of transmission)
- W/ 4wd & electronic shift control
- W/ a/t
- W/ m/t
Электросхема блокировки селектора для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема блокировки селектора для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (1995) (1996-97)
- (1995-96)
- (1997)
- (brake pedal support)
- Brake on/off switch
- C 1995 vftc
- Fuse 10 10a 7.5a
- Fuse 13 15a
- G102 (top center of left fender apron)
- G104 (rear of left front fender)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- I/p fuse panel
- Shift lock actuator (behind left side of dash)
- Solid state
Электросхема заднего хода для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема заднего хода для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- A/t
- Backup light switch (left side of transmission)
- Fuse 10a
- G202 (behind left side of i/p)
- Hot in run
- I/p fuse panel
- Left backup light
- M/t
- Right backup light
- Transmission range (tr) sensor (rear left side of transmission)
Электросхема внешнего освещения для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема внешнего освещения для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- Anti- theft
- Anti-lock brakes cruise control body computer
- Anti-theft system
- Brake on/ off (boo) switch (on brake pedal support)
- C214
- C215
- C221
- C253
- C409
- Flasher (behind left side of i/p)
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 7.5a
- G104 (rear of left front fender)
- G105 (rear of right front fender)
- G202 (behind left side of i/p)
- General electronic module (gem) or central timer module (ctm) (gem, behind center of dash) (ctm, behind right side of dash)
- Ground
- Hazard
- Hazard sw out
- Head
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- I/p fuse panel
- Ignition
- Instrument cluster
- Interior lights system
- Left front park/ turn light
- Left license light
- Left rear park/ stop light
- Left rear turn light
- Left turn
- Left turn indicator
- Main light switch
- Multi-function switch (top left side of steering column)
- Normal
- Off
- Outside cargo/ high mount stop light
- Park
- Park lamps relay
- Power
- Relay box #1 (behind i/p, right of steering column)
- Remote anti- theft personality (rap) module (left rear corner of cab)
- Right front park/ turn light
- Right license light
- Right rear park/ stop light
- Right rear turn light
- Right turn
- Right turn indicator
- Turn signal sw
- W/ anti- theft
- W/o anti- theft
- W/o w/ anti- theft
Электросхема ламп подсветки для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема ламп подсветки для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- Base model
- Battery saver relay
- Dome lamp
- Dome/ map lamp
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box (left rear of engine compt)
- Engine compartment lamp
- Except base model
- Exterior lamps system
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 7 20a
- G104 (rear of left front fender)
- G202 (left side of i/p)
- Generic electronic module (behind center of dash)
- Glove box lamp switch
- High mount stop lamp
- Hot at all times
- I/p fuse panel
- Interior lamp relay
- Outside cargo lamp
- Outside cargo/ high mount stop lamp
- Pnk
- Pulse width dimming module (behind left side of dash)
- Relay box #1 (behind dash, right of steering column)
- T-224
Электросхема подсветки приборов для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема подсветки приборов для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (1995) (1996)
- (1996 only)
- (6 bulbs)
- (not used)
- 4 x 4 shift control switch illumination
- A/c-heater or heater control assembly illumination
- C214
- C215
- Clockspring assembly (top of steering column)
- Cruise control switch assembly illumination
- Dome
- E236
- Exterior lights system
- Fuse 3 15a
- Fuse 7 10a 7.5a
- G104 (rear of left front fender)
- G104 (top center of left fender apron)
- G108 (left side of radiator support)
- Generic electronic module (gem)
- Head
- Hot at all times
- I/p fuse panel (behind left side of dash)
- Ignition tamper switch
- Instrument cluster illumination
- Interior lights system
- Main light switch illumination
- Nca
- Off
- Park
- Park lamps relay (relay box #1)
- Pulse width dimming module (behind left side of dash)
- Radio illumination
- Remote anti-theft personality (rap) module (left rear corner of cab)
- Solid state
- Theft
- W/ anti- theft
- W/o anti-
Электросхема подключение массы заземления (1 из 2) для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема подключение массы заземления (1 из 2) для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (1997 2.3l only) engine coolant temperature sensor
- (3.0l/4.0l only) camshaft position (cmp) sensor
- 3.0l/4.0l only
- 4 wheel anti-lock brake system (4wabs) main relay
- 4 wheel anti-lock brake system (4wabs) module
- 4 wheel anti-lock brake system (4wabs) pump motor
- 4wd mode switch
- A/c clutch diode
- A/c clutch field coil
- Air bag module
- All lock relay
- All unlock relay
- Auxiliary power socket
- B-111
- Battery
- Blend door actuator
- Brake fluid level switch
- C-214
- C-215
- C-216
- Cigar lighter
- Clock- spring assembly
- Data link connector (dlc)
- Electric shift control module
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box
- Engine compartment lamp
- Flasher
- Fuel pump module
- G104 (rear of left front fender)
- G108 (left radiator support)
- G110 (left front of engine)
- G112 (left side of engine)
- Generic electronic module (gem)/ central timer module (ctm)
- Gnd
- Heater or a/c- heater control assembly
- Ignition switch
- Ignition tamper switch
- Instrument cluster
- Instrument illumination dimmimg module
- Left front park/turn lamp
- Left headlamp
- Main light switch
- Mass air flow (maf) sensor
- O-154
- Passive deactivation (pad) module
- Pcm power relay
- Power window relay
- Powertrain control module (pcm)
- Purge flow (pf) sensor
- Radio
- Rear anti-lock brake system (rabs) module
- Rear anti-lock brake system (rabs) proportioning valve switch assembly
- Relay box #1
- Relay box #3
- Remote anti-theft personality (rap) module
- Right door ajar switch
- Right door disarm switch
- Right door lock switch
- Right illuminated entry switch
- S-250
- S-251
- Shift lock actuator
- Speed control servo/ amplifier assembly
- T-221
- T-224
- T-410
- Vehicle speed sensor (vss)
- W/ 4wabs
- W/o 4wabs
- Windshield wiper motor
Электросхема подключение массы заземления (2 из 2) для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема подключение массы заземления (2 из 2) для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- Amplifier
- Anti-theft hood switch
- B-111
- Camshaft position sensor (cmp) shield
- Cd changer
- Crankshaft position sensor (ckp) shield
- Fuel pump module
- G105 (rear of right front fender)
- G121 (center of safety wall)
- G202 (left side of i/p)
- G203 (behind right kick panel)
- Generic electronic module (gem)/central timer module (ctm)
- Left backup lamp
- Left door ajar switch
- Left door disarm switch
- Left door lock switch
- Left illuminated entry switch
- Left license lamp
- Left power bolster lumbar motor
- Left rear park/stop lamp
- Left rear turn lamp
- Left seat control switch
- M/t only
- Master window control switch
- Outside cargo/high mount stop lamp
- Power mirror switch
- Powertrain control module (pcm)
- Radio
- Right backup lamp
- Right front park/turn lamp
- Right headlamp
- Right license lamp
- Right power lumbar motor
- Right rear park/stop lamp
- Right rear turn lamp
- Seat belt switch
- T-223
- Transmission range (tr) sensor
- Windshield washer pump
Звуковой сигнал Гудок
Электросхема звукового сигнал Гудка для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема звукового сигнал Гудка для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- 20a
- Clock spring
- Cruise control system
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box
- Except
- Fuse 4
- G108 (left radiator support)
- High pitch horn (left front side of engine compartment)
- Horn relay (engine compt fuse/relay box)
- Horn switch
- Hot at all times
- Low pitch horn (left front side of engine compartment)
- Ohms
- Remote anti-theft personality system (left rear corner of cab)
- Steering wheel
Магнитола Мультимедия
Стандартная комплектация для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Стандартная комплектация для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 7.5a
- G104 (rear of left fender apron)
- G203 (behind right kick panel)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in acc or run
- I/p fuse panel (behind left side of dash)
- Interior lights system
- J228
- J229
- Left door speaker
- Left rear speaker
- Radio
- Right door speaker
- Right rear speaker
Электросхема премиум магнитолы для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема премиум магнитолы для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- 1995 vftc c
- Amplifier
- Cd changer
- Connector j243 grounds shield at radio
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box (left rear side of engine compt)
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 20a
- Fuse 7.5a
- G104 (rear of left fender apron)
- G203 (behind right kick panel)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in accy or run
- I/p fuse panel (behind left side of dash)
- Interior lights system
- J228
- J243
- J414
- J415
- Left door speaker
- Left rear speaker
- Radio
- Right door speaker
- Right rear speaker
- Tan
Электросхема подушек безопасности SRS AirBag, С Подушка безопасности Пассажирской стороны для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема подушек безопасности SRS AirBag, С Подушка безопасности Пассажирской стороны для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (left side of i/p) data link connector
- (left upper radiator support)
- Air bag diagnostic monitor (behind right side of cowl panel)
- Air bag indicator
- C216
- C250
- C251
- Clock- spring assembly
- Driver's air bag
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box (left rear of engine compt)
- Fuse 15 7.5a
- Fuse 19 10a
- Fuse 6 7.5a
- G108
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- Hot in run or start
- I/p fuse panel (below left side of i/p)
- Instrument cluster
- Left primary crash sensor (left front upper radiator support)
- Nca
- Off
- Passenger airbag deactivation module
- Passenger's air bag
- Right primary crash sensor (right front upper radiator support)
- Shorting bar
- X-01
Электросхема подушек безопасности SRS AirBag, без Подушка безопасности Пассажирской стороны для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема подушек безопасности SRS AirBag, без Подушка безопасности Пассажирской стороны для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (left upper radiator support)
- Air bag diagnostic monitor (behind right side of cowl panel)
- Air bag indicator
- C216
- C250
- C251
- Clock- spring assembly
- Data link connector (left side of i/p)
- Driver's air bag
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box (left rear of engine compt)
- Fuse 15 7.5a
- Fuse 19 10a
- Fuse 6 7.5a
- G108
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- Hot in run or start
- I/p fuse panel (below left side of i/p)
- Instrument cluster
- Left primary crash sensor (left front upper radiator support)
- Nca
- Right primary crash sensor (right front upper radiator support)
- Shorting bar
- Simulator
- X-01
Электросхема предупреждающей системы для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема предупреждающей системы для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (behind i/p, right of steering column) relay box #1
- C215
- C216
- Clock spring assembly (top of steering column)
- Courtesy lamps
- Exterior lights system
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 7.5a
- G104 (rear of left front fender)
- G108 (left radiator support)
- G200 (behind left cowl panel)
- Generic electronic module (gem) (behind center of i/p)
- Ground
- Head
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run or start
- I/p fuse panel (behind left side of i/p)
- Ign key warn sw
- Ignition key warning switch (steering wheel assembly)
- Instrument cluster
- Left door ajar switch
- Left door sw in
- Main light switch
- N-219
- Nca
- Off
- Park
- Park lamps relay
- Pwr (battery)
- Right door ajar switch
- Right door sw in
- Seat belt ind
- Seat belt indi- cator
- Seat belt sw in
- Seat belt switch (in left buckle assembly)
- T-221
- T-224
- W/ anti- theft
- W/o anti-theft
Электросхема панели приборов для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема панели приборов для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (1997)
- (left rear of trans./ transfer case) vehicle speed sensor (vss)
- 4w- abs
- 4wd hi range indicator
- 4wd indicator switch (top front of transfer case assembly)
- 4wd low range indicator
- Acc
- Air bag indi- cator
- Anti- slosh module
- Anti-lock brake indicator
- Anti-lock brakes system
- Anti-lock brakes system (rabs module pin2)
- Anti-theft system (rap module c409, pin 16)
- Body computer system (gem/ctm)
- Brake fluid level sender (brake fluid reser- voir)
- Brake indicator
- C168
- C214
- C215
- C216
- C223
- Charge gauge
- Charge indi- cator
- Check gauge
- Cruise control indicator (1997)
- Cruise control system
- Daytime running lamps (drl) module (left side of lower radiator support)
- Door ajar indicator
- Electronic shift control
- Engine controls system (pcm pin 48)
- Engine controls system (pcm pin2)
- Engine coolant temperature gauge
- Engine coolant temperature sender (3.0l/4.0l: top front of engine; 2.3l: left rear of engine)
- Exterior lights system (multi- function sw)
- Exterior lights system (multi-function sw)
- Fuel gauge
- Fuel pump module (top center of fuel tank)
- Fuel reset switch indicator
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 7.5a
- G104 (top center of left fender apron)
- G108 (left side of upper radiator support)
- General electronic module (gem) (behind center of i/p)
- Generator/ voltage regulator
- Gnd
- Head
- Headlights system
- High beam indi- cator
- Hot at all times
- Hot in hi or pass
- Hot in run or start
- I/p fuse panel (behind left side of i/p)
- Ignition switch
- Inertia fuel shut-off (ifs) (below glove box)
- Instrument cluster
- Instrument cluster illumination
- Interior lights system (instrument illumination)
- Left turn indicator
- Lock
- Low fluid resistor (rabs)
- Main light switch
- Manual shift control
- Multi-function indicator lamp (mil)
- Off
- Ohms
- Oil pressure gauge
- Oil pressure sender (4.0l: lower left front of engine; 3.0l: right rear of engine; 2.3l: left rear of cylinder head)
- Only
- Overdrive indicator
- Park
- Park brake switch (on park brake assembly)
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (right rear of engine compt, on fire- wall)
- Pulse width dimming module (top left side of i/p)
- Rabs
- Rabs diode
- Red
- Right turn indicator
- Run
- Seat belt indicator
- Speedometer
- Start
- Tachometer
- Theft indi- cator
- W/ drl
- W/o drl
- Warning systems
Электросхема привода зеркал для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема привода зеркал для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (1995) (1996-97)
- Direct- tional switch
- Fuse 10a 7.5a
- G202 (left side of dash)
- Hot at all times
- I/p fuse panel (behind left side of i/p)
- L/r
- L/r motor
- Left mirror
- Left/ right switch
- Motor
- Nca
- Power mirror switch
- Red
- Right mirror
- Up/dn
- Up/dn motor
Электросхема стеклоподъемников для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема стеклоподъемников для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- 1996 vftc c
- Circuit breaker 5 20a
- Down
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box
- Fuse 10a
- G104 (rear of left front fender)
- G202 (left side of i/p)
- Generic electronic control module (gem) (behind center of i/p)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in accy or run
- I/p fuse panel
- Left
- Left power window motor
- Master window control switch
- One touch down relay (in relay box 1, behind i/p, right of steering column)
- Power window relay (under right side of i/p)
- Red
- Right
- Right power window motor
- Right window switch
- Wiper/ washer system
- X-01
- X-02
схема ABS с приводом на все колеса для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
схема ABS с приводом на все колеса для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (1995, 96) (1997)
- 4wabs control module (left front of engine compartment)
- 4wabs diode
- 4wabs hydraulic unit (left side of engine compartment)
- 4wabs main relay
- 4wabs main relay fuse 30a
- 4wabs pump motor
- 4wabs pump relay
- 4wabs pump relay fuse 30a
- Acceleration sensor (on inside of left frame rail)
- Anti-lock brakes indicator
- Brake on/off (boo) switch (on brake pedal support)
- Brake on/off sw feed
- Data link connector (behind left side of i/p)
- Dump valve
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 15a
- G-switch #1
- G-switch status
- G104 (top center of left fender apron)
- G108 (left side of radiator support)
- Gem iso link
- Ground
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- Hot in run or start
- I/p fuse panel
- Ignition
- Instrument cluster
- Iso valve
- L fnt dump valve
- L fnt iso valve
- L fnt sensor (hi)
- L fnt sensor (lo)
- Left front
- Left front wheel 4wabs sensor
- Motor speed sens #2
- Nca
- Pnk
- Pump motor rly coil (-) g-switch #2
- Rear
- Rear axle sensor
- Rear dump valve
- Rear iso valve
- Rear sensor (hi)
- Rear sensor (lo)
- Red/pnk
- Relay box #3
- Relay coil (-)
- Right front
- Right front wheel 4wabs sensor
- Rt fnt dump valve
- Rt fnt iso valve
- Rt fnt sensor (hi)
- Rt fnt sensor (lo)
- Tan
- Tan/ red
- Tan/red
- Vehicle power
- Warning lamp
задняя схема ABS колеса для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
задняя схема ABS колеса для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (1995, 96) (1997)
- Abs ind
- Acc
- Boo switch input
- Brake fluid level sig
- Brake fluid level switch (left rear of engine compartment, on brake fluid reservoir)
- Brake ind
- Brake on/off (boo) switch (behind left side of i/p, on brake pedal support)
- Diag/keep alive input
- Diff speed sens (hi)
- Diff speed sens (lo)
- Dump sol output
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box
- Fuse 11 10a 7.5a
- Fuse 13 15a
- Fuse 14 20a
- Fuse 9 10a
- G104 (top center of left fender apron)
- G108 (left side of radiator support)
- Ground
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- Hot in run or start
- I/p fuse panel
- Ignition switch
- Instrument cluster
- Iso sol output
- Isolation solenoid
- Lock
- Nca
- Off
- Power input
- Rabs diode
- Rabs ind ctrl
- Rabs resistor
- Rabs test connector (behind right side of i/p)
- Rabs test connector (on rear of engine compartment fuse/relay box)
- Rear anti-lock brake system (rabs) module (behind lower center of i/p, left side of ashtray assembly)
- Rear anti-lock brake system (rabs) proportioning valve switch assembly (below left side of vehicle, on inside of left frame rail)
- Rear axle sensor (top of rear differential)
- Red
- Red/pnk
- Run
- Start
- Valve reset input
- Valve reset switch
Электросхема кондиционера A/C для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема кондиционера A/C для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (1995) (1996)
- 10a 7.5a
- A/c clutch diode
- A/c clutch field coil
- A/c pressure cutoff switch (left front of engine on a/c line)
- A/c-heater control assembly
- Blend door actuator (behind right side of i/p)
- Blower motor
- Blower motor relay (in relay box 2)
- Blower motor resistor assembly (right rear of engine comparment)
- Blower switch
- C 1995 vftc
- Clutch cycling pressure switch (right rear of engine compartment, on accumulator)
- Def
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box
- Flr
- Flr/def
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 2 fuse 6
- Fuse 40a
- G-231
- G-232
- G-233
- G-234
- G102 (top center of left fender apron)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- I/p fuse panel
- Illumi- nation
- Interior lights system
- Max
- Norm
- Off
- Pan/flr
- Panel
- Pcm power relay
- Powertrain control module (right rear of engine compartment, through safety wall)
- Red
- Wide open throttle a/c cutoff relay (in engine compartment fuse/relay box)
схема нагревателя для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
схема нагревателя для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (1995) (1996)
- (top center of left fender apron)
- 1995 vftc c
- Blower motor
- Blower motor relay (in relay box 2)
- Blower motor resistor assembly (right rear of engine comparment)
- Blower switch
- Def
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box
- Flr
- Flr/def
- Fuse 2 fuse 6 10a 7.5a
- Fuse 40a
- G-232
- G-233
- G-234
- G102
- Heater control assembly
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- I/p fuse panel
- Illumi- nation
- Interior lights system
- Off
- Pan/flr
- Panel
Электросхема системы круизконтроля для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема системы круизконтроля для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (1995) (1996, 1997)
- (1995) (1996, 97)
- (1997)
- (left side of radiator support)
- (rear of left front fender)
- 10a 7.5a
- 15a
- 7.5a
- A/t
- Accel
- Anti-theft system
- Brake on/off (boo) switch (on brake pedal support)
- Brake on/off sw in
- Brake press input
- C 1995 vftc
- C-215
- Clock spring assembly (top of steering column)
- Clutch pedal position (cpp) switch (top of clutch pedal support)
- Clutch pedal position (cpp) switch jumper (left of steering column)
- Coast
- Cruise control indicator (1997)
- Cruise control switch assembly
- Cruise indicator
- Deactivator switch (left side of engine compartment)
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box (left side of engine compartment)
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box (left side of enigne compartment)
- Fuse 10
- Fuse 11
- Fuse 13
- Fuse 4 fuse 15 20a
- G104
- G108
- General electronic module (gem) (behind center of i/p)
- Ground
- Head
- Horn relay
- Horn switches
- Horns system
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- Hot in run or start
- I/p fuse panel (behind left side of i/p)
- Instrument cluster
- Interior lights system
- M/t
- Main light switch
- Nca
- Off
- Ohms
- Only
- Park
- Power (hot in run)
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (right rear of engine compartment)
- Pulse width dimming module
- Resume
- Set/
- Speed cont sw gnd
- Speed cont sw in
- Speed control servo/ amplifier assembly (right side of engine compartment)
- Steering wheel
- Vehicle speed input
- Vehicle speed sensor (vss) (4x2: left rear of transmission 4x4: left rear of transfer case)
- Vss input
Электросхема компьютерной линии передачи данных CAN для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема компьютерной линии передачи данных CAN для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (right rear of engine compt through safety wall) powertrain control module (pcm)
- 1995 vftc c
- 4 wheel anti- lock brake system (4wabs) module (left front of engine compt)
- Air bag diagnostic module (behind right side of dash)
- Dash fuse panel (behind left side of dash)
- Data link connector (dlc) (fastened to bottom of dash, near steering column)
- Fuse 10a
- G104 (rear of left front fender)
- G108 (left radiator support)
- Generic electronic module (gem)/ central timer module (ctm) (gem, center of dash) (ctm, right side of dash)
- Hot at all times
- Remote anti-theft personality (rap) module (left rear corner of cab)
схема соединителя канала связи для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
схема соединителя канала связи для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (right rear of engine compt through safety wall) powertrain control module (pcm)
- 1995 vftc c
- 4 wheel anti- lock brake system (4wabs) module (left front of engine compt)
- Air bag diagnostic module (behind right side of dash)
- Dash fuse panel (behind left side of dash)
- Data link connector (dlc) (fastened to bottom of dash, near steering column)
- Fuse 10a
- G104 (rear of left front fender)
- G108 (left radiator support)
- Generic electronic module (gem)/ central timer module (ctm) (gem, center of dash) (ctm, right side of dash)
- Hot at all times
- Remote anti-theft personality (rap) module (left rear corner of cab)
3.0L, Электросхема системы управления двигателя (1 из 4) для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
3.0L, Электросхема системы управления двигателя (1 из 4) для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (a/t only)
- 4x4l
- Accs
- Air conditioning system
- C216
- Ccs
- Cd1
- Cd2
- Ckp(+)
- Ckp(-)
- Crankshaft position (ckp) sensor (lower front of engine)
- Data link connector (dlc) (bottom of i/p, right of steering column)
- Dlc bus (+)
- Dlc bus (-)
- Ect
- Egr/vr
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box (left rear of engine compt.)
- Feps
- Fpm
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 13 30a
- Fuse 25a
- G104 (top center of left fender apron)
- G108 (left side of radiator support)
- G123 (right side of safety wall)
- Gnd
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run or start
- I/p fuse panel (left side of i/p)
- Iat
- Idmpw
- Ignition coil (top right rear of engine)
- Instrument cluster
- Instrument cluster system
- Maf
- Malfunction indicator lamp (mil)
- Mil
- Noise capacitor (near ignition coil)
- O2s12
- Oct adj
- Pcm power diode
- Pcm power relay
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (right rear of engine compt.)
- Primary
- Red
- Secondary
- Ss1
- Ss2
- Tcs
- Tft
- To spark plugs
3.0L, Электросхема системы управления двигателя (2 из 4) для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
3.0L, Электросхема системы управления двигателя (2 из 4) для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- 3.0l
- 4.0l
- A/t
- Air conditioning system
- Clutch pedal position (cpp) switch (clutch pedal support)
- Clutch pedal position (cpp) switch jumper (left side of i/p)
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box (left rear of engine compt.)
- Engine coolant temperature (ect) sensor (top left front of engine)
- Evaporative emissions (evap) canister purge valve (left front of engine compt.)
- Fuel pump relay
- Fuse 12 20a
- Fuse 4 20a
- G108 (left side of radiator support)
- Hot at all times
- Intake air temperature (iat) sensor (air intake assembly)
- M/t
- Nca
- Pcm shorting bar (near pcm)
- Power distribution system
- Pressure feedback egr (pfe) sensor (left front of engine)
- Purge flow sensor (left front of engine compt.)
- Red
- Throttle position (tp) sensor (throttle body)
3.0L, Электросхема системы управления двигателя (3 из 4) для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
3.0L, Электросхема системы управления двигателя (3 из 4) для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (4.0l) (3.0l)
- (below glove box) inertia fuel shut-off (ifs)
- Egr vacuum regulator (evr) solenoid (left rear of engine) (right side of engine)
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box (left rear of engine compt.)
- Fuel injectors
- Fuel pump/ fuel gauge sender (top of fuel tank)
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 20 15a
- G200 (behind left cowl panel)
- Hot in run
- I/p fuse panel (left side of i/p)
- Instrument cluster system
- Red
- Tan
- Transmission control switch (tcs)
3.0L, Электросхема системы управления двигателя (4 из 4) для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
3.0L, Электросхема системы управления двигателя (4 из 4) для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (a/t only)
- (left side of radiator support)
- (top of transaxle) transmission range sensor
- 4r44e/55e transmission
- Air conditioning system
- Boo
- Brake on/off switch
- Camshaft position sensor (top rear of engine)
- Cd3
- Cid
- Coast clutch solenoid
- Cruise control system, instrument cluster system, body computer system
- Dpfegr
- Electronic pressure control solenoid
- Epc
- Evapcp
- Fuse 15a
- G108
- G108 (left side of radiator support)
- G123 (right side of safety wall)
- Gnd
- Heated oxygen sensor #1 (right rear of engine)
- Heated oxygen sensor #2 (lower left rear of engine)
- Heated oxygen sensor #3 (near right side of transmission)
- Hot at all times
- Htr11a
- Htr12a
- Htr21a
- I/p fuse panel (left side of i/p)
- Iac
- Idle air control (iac) valve (top left rear of engine)
- Inj-1
- Inj-2
- Inj-3
- Inj-4
- Inj-5
- Inj-6
- Instrument cluster system
- Maf v
- Mass air flow (maf) sensor (air cleaner assembly)
- Nca
- O2s11
- O2s21
- Pnp/tr
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (right rear of engine compt.)
- Pwr
- Red
- Ref volt
- Shift solenoids
- Sig rtn
- Ss3
- Tan
- Tcc
- Tcil
- Torque converter clutch solenoid
- Tpv
- Transmission fluid temperature sensor
- Tss
- Turbine shaft speed sensor (tss)
- Vehicle speed sensor (vss) (left rear of trans./transfer case)
- Vss(+)
- Wac
Система Фар
Электросхема фар, С DRL для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема фар, С DRL для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (1995)
- (1995) (1996-97)
- (1996-97)
- (rear
- (rear of left front fender)
- (rear of right front fender)
- 1995-96
- Acc
- Anti-lock brakes system (rear anti- lock brake system (rabs module)
- Brake fluid level switch (left rear of engine compartment, on brake fluid reservoir)
- Brake indicator
- C215
- C216
- Daytime running lamps (drl) module (left side of lower radiator support)
- Dimmer switch
- Drl/sys fog lamps fuse 15 20a 15a
- Engine compart- ment fuse/ relay box (left rear of engine compart- ment)
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box (left rear of engine compartment)
- Flash- to-pass switch
- Fuse 11 10a 7.5a
- Fuse 15a 10a
- Fuse 33 20a 15a
- Fuse 4 15a 10a
- Fuse 8 15a 10a
- G104
- G105
- Gnd
- Head
- Headlamps fuse 11 20a
- Hi beam indicator
- Hot at all times
- Hot in on or start
- Hot in run
- I/p fuse panel (behind left side of i/p)
- Ignition switch
- Instrument cluster
- Left headlamp
- Lock
- Main light switch
- Multi- function switch
- Nca
- Of left front fender) g104
- Off
- Park
- Park brake switch (below left side of i/p, on park brake assembly)
- Pass
- Rabs diode
- Rabs resistor
- Right headlamp
- Run
- Start
- W/ 4wabs
- W/ rabs
- W/ rabs only
Электросхема фар, без DRL для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема фар, без DRL для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (1995)
- (1995) (1996-97)
- (1996-97)
- (1996-97) (1995)
- C215
- C215 c215
- Dimmer switch
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box (left rear of engine compartment)
- Flash- to-pass switch
- Fuse 33 20a 15a
- Fuse 4 15a 10a
- Fuse 8 15a 10a
- G104 (rear of left front fender)
- G105 (rear of right front fender)
- Head
- Headlamps fuse 11 20a
- Hi beam indicator
- Hot at all times
- I/p fuse panel (behind left side of i/p)
- Instrument cluster
- Left headlamp
- Main light switch
- Multi- function switch
- Off
- Park
- Pass
- Right headlamp
Поясничная Схема / Схема Подушки для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Поясничная Схема / Схема Подушки для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- 1995 vftc c
- Circuit breaker 20a
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box
- G202 (left side of i/p)
- Hot at all times
- Left power bolster lumbar motor
- Left power bolster switch (1995-96)
- Left power lumbar switch
- Left seat control switch
- Nca
- Red
- Right power lumbar motor
- Right power lumbar switch
Электросхема привода сидений для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема привода сидений для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- 1995 vftc c
- Circuit breaker 20a
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box
- Entire seat
- Front height motor
- Front of seat
- Fwd
- Fwd/rwd motor
- G202 (left side of i/p)
- Hot at all times
- Left seat control switch
- Nca
- Power seat motor
- Rear height motor
- Rear of seat
- Rwd
Стартер Генератор
Электросхема Генератора для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема Генератора для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- 1994 vftc c
- Acc
- Battery
- Charge indicator
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box
- Fuse 1 50a
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 17 15a
- Fusible link a (12 ga)
- G112 (left side of engine)
- Generator
- I/p fuse panel
- Ignition switch
- Instrument cluster
- Lock
- Nca
- Off
- Red
- Run
- Start
- Starter relay
- Starting system
Электросхема стартера для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема стартера для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- A/t
- Acc
- Battery
- Clutch pedal position switch (top of clutch pedal support)
- Clutch pedal position switch jumper (left of steering column)
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box
- Fuse 15a
- G112 (left side of engine)
- Hold
- I/p fuse panel
- Ignition fuse 1 50a
- Ignition switch
- Lock
- M/t
- Off
- Pnk
- Pull-in
- Red
- Remote anti- theft personality module (left rear corner of cab)
- Run
- Start
- Starter interrupt relay (in relay box 1)
- Starter motor/solenoid
- Starter relay (left fender apron, near battery)
- Transmission range sensor (left side of transmission)
- W/ anti-theft
- W/o anti-theft
Стеклоочистители и Стеклоомыватели Дворники
Электросхема стеклоочистителя, дворников и омывателя для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема стеклоочистителя, дворников и омывателя для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (rear of left front fender) g104
- (rear of right front fender) g105
- 103.3k ohms
- 11.3k
- 13.3k ohms
- 1996 vftc c
- 4.08k
- Fuse 12 10a
- Fuse 16 30a
- Generic electronic module (gem) (1995 models) generic electronic module (gem) or central timer module (ctm) (1996-97 models) (behind center of i/p)
- Hot in acc or run
- I/p fuse panel
- Int max
- Int min
- Multi- function switch
- Nca
- Off
- Off 47.6k ohms
- Ohms
- Power window system
- Red
- Relay box 2 (right front of engine compartment)
- T-221
- Tan/ red
- Tan/red
- Transmissions systems (4x4 shift control switch)
- Washer pump relay
- Washer switch
- Windshield washer pump
- Windshield wiper motor
- Wiper hi-lo relay
- Wiper run/ park relay
- Wiper switch
Электросхема центрального замка для Mazda BSE 1996 3000
Электросхема центрального замка для Mazda BSE 1996 3000 - Список элементов:
- (left side of i/p) g202
- (rear of left front fender) g104
- 1996 vftc c
- All lock relay (in relay box 1, right side of steering column)
- All unlock relay (in relay box 1, right side of steering column)
- C.b. 20a
- Driver's unlock relay (behind left side of i/p)
- Engine compartment fuse/relay box
- G104 (rear of left front fender)
- Hot at all times
- Left door lock motor
- Left door lock switch
- Lock
- Remote anti-theft personality (rap) module (behind left "a" pillar)
- Right door lock motor
- Right door lock switch
- T-409
- T-410
- Unlock
- W/anti- theft system
- W/o anti- theft system