Автомтическая коробка Передач (АКПП) Полная привод (4WD) Блокировка Дифференциала
Электросхема Полного привода 4WD для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
Электросхема Полного привода 4WD для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (base of left "b" pillar) (hybrid) g20 (except hybrid) g19
- (hybrid) four-wheel drive control module (except hybrid) intelligent 4wd system module
- Computer data lines system
- Except hybrid
- Fuse 10a
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run or start
- Intelligent 4wd system solenoid (except hybrid) active torque control coupling solenoid (hybrid)
- J-2280d
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
2.5L, Электросхема автоматической коробки передач АКПП, Кроме Гибрида для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
2.5L, Электросхема автоматической коробки передач АКПП, Кроме Гибрида для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (2.5l)
- (3.0l)
- (on bracket, above brake pedal) brake pedal position switch
- 0140-131
- 0140-132
- 0140-175b
- 0140-175t
- 0140-231
- 0140-232
- 0140-275b
- 0140-275t
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Engine controls system
- Floor shifter
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 15a
- G9 (rear of engine)
- Hot at all times
- Output shaft speed (oss) sensor (2.5l m/t) (on right rear of transmission, near left axle flange)
- Pcm power relay
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (upper center of firewall)
- Transmission
- Transmission control switch
2.5L, Электросхема автоматической коробки передач АКПП, Гибрид для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
2.5L, Электросхема автоматической коробки передач АКПП, Гибрид для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- 0130-101
- 0130-103
- 0140-175b
- 0140-175e
- 0140-175t
- 0517-101
- 0517-102
- 0517-103
- 0517-104
- 0517-105
- 130-112
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Computer data lines system
- Cylinder-head temperature (cht) sensor (on right front of cylinder head)
- Dc/dc converter module (right side of engine compt)
- Engine controls system
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 5a
- G5 (left front of engine compt)
- Hot at all times
- Pcm power relay
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (upper center of firewall)
- Red
- Traction battery control module
- Transaxle control module (left side of engine compt)
- Transmission range (tr) sensor (on transmission assembly)
3.0L, Электросхема автоматической коробки передач АКПП для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
3.0L, Электросхема автоматической коробки передач АКПП для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (2.5l)
- (3.0l)
- (on bracket, above brake pedal) brake pedal position switch
- 0140-131
- 0140-132
- 0140-175b
- 0140-175t
- 0140-231
- 0140-232
- 0140-275b
- 0140-275t
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Engine controls system
- Floor shifter
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 15a
- G9 (rear of engine)
- Hot at all times
- Output shaft speed (oss) sensor (2.5l m/t) (on right rear of transmission, near left axle flange)
- Pcm power relay
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (upper center of firewall)
- Transmission
- Transmission control switch
Электросхема блока предохранителей и реле (1 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема блока предохранителей и реле (1 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- 150a
- 175a
- 2.5l
- 20a
- 3.0l
- Accessory delay relay
- Air conditioning & exterior lights systems
- Air conditioning system
- Anti-lock brakes system
- Anti-lock brakes, cruise control & exterior lights systems
- Battery
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Circuit breaker 30a
- Computer data lines system
- Console power point
- Cooling fans system
- Defogger system
- Door locks & anti-theft systems
- Door locks, anti-theft, mirrors & power tops systems
- Electronic power steering system
- Engine controls & air conditioning systems
- Engine controls system
- Except hybrid
- Exterior lights & engine controls systems
- Exterior lights, defogger & air conditioning systems
- From a fuse 14 (diagram 1 of 2)
- Fuse
- Fuse (hybrid) 30a
- Fuse (hybrid) 40a
- Fuse (hybrid) 50a
- Fuse (hybrid) 5a
- Fuse (hybrid) 5a or 10a
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 10a or 15a
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 20a
- Fuse 30a
- Fuse 40a
- Fuse 50a
- Fuse 7.5a
- Fusible link
- G23 (except hybrid) g24 (hybrid) (left rear of vehicle chassis)
- Horns system
- Hybrid
- J-2280a
- J-2280d
- J-2280g
- Micro computer
- Midi fusible link 125a
- Midi fusible link 80a
- Mirrors system
- Power tops system
- Power windows system
- Red
- Seats system
- Shift interlock system
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
- Starting/ charging system
- Starting/ charging, engine controls & transmissions systems
- To fuse 18 (diagram 1 of 2)
- To fuse 7 (diagram 2 of 2)
- To ignition switch (diagram 2 of 2)
- Transmissions system
- Transmissions, engine controls & exterior lights systems
- Wiper/ washer system
Электросхема блока предохранителей и реле (2 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема блока предохранителей и реле (2 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- Acc
- Air conditioning & wiper/washer systems
- Air conditioning system
- Anti-lock brakes system
- Anti-theft system
- Electronic power steering system
- Engine controls & transmissions systems
- Exterior lights system
- From b fuse 17 (diagram 1 of 2)
- From fuse 35 (diagram 1 of 2)
- Fuse (except hybrid) 30a (hybrid) 25a
- Fuse (except hybrid) 5a
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 20a
- Fuse 5a
- Fuse 7.5a
- G13 (except hybrid) (at lower right side of dash)
- G14 (hybrid) (at lower left side of dash)
- Headlights system
- Ignition switch
- Instrument cluster system
- Interior lights system
- J-2280a
- J-2280b
- J-2280d
- J-2280e
- Key in ignition
- Key in ignition switch
- Lock solenoid
- Micro computer
- Off
- Power point
- Run
- Shift interlock & power tops systems
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
- Sound systems
- Start
- Starting/ charging & engine controls systems
- Wiper/ washer & seats systems
- Wiper/ washer system
Электросхема блоков управления кузовом (1 из 3) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема блоков управления кузовом (1 из 3) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- Acc
- Air conditioning system
- Anti-lock brakes system
- Anti-theft system
- Autolamp on
- Autolamp sens
- Back lighting
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Brk pedal sw
- Computer data lines system
- Defeat
- Dim sw gnd
- Dimmer off
- Dimmer sw
- Electronic power steering system
- Exterior lights system
- Flash to pass
- Fog lamp
- Front fog lamp
- Fuse 14 10a
- Fuse 15 10a
- Fuse 20 15a
- Fuse 26 10a
- Fuse 27 20a
- Fuse 28 5a
- Fuse 29 5a
- Fuse 31 10a
- Fuse 34 5a
- Fuse 35 10a
- Fuse 36 5a
- Fuse 37 10a
- Fuse 39 20a
- Fuse 40 20a
- Fuse 43 10a
- Fuse 46 7.5a
- Hazard
- Headlamp off
- Headlamp on
- Headlights system
- High beam
- Horn sw
- Horns system
- Ign sw
- Ignition switch
- Instrument cluster system
- Interior lighting
- Interior lights system
- J-2280a
- J-2280b
- Key in sw
- Microcomputer
- Ms can+
- Ms can-
- Off
- One touch integrated start diode
- Parklamp on
- Power distribution system
- Run
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
- Sound systems
- Start
- Turn left
- Turn right
- Warning systems
Электросхема блоков управления кузовом (2 из 3) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема блоков управления кузовом (2 из 3) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (hybrid)
- Acc delay relay
- All unlock & lock
- Battery saver relay
- Door lock
- Door locks & anti-theft system
- Door locks & anti-theft systems
- Door locks, anti-theft system mirrors & power tops systems
- Door unlock
- Dr door ajar
- Driver unlock relay
- Engine controls & transmissions system
- Engine controls system
- Except hybrid
- Exterior lights & cruise control systems
- Exterior lights system
- Floor shift
- Fuse 1 30a
- Fuse 11 10a
- Fuse 12 7.5a
- Fuse 18 20a
- Fuse 19 25a
- Fuse 19 30a
- Fuse 2 15a
- Fuse 35 10a
- Fuse 38 20a
- Fuse 4 30a
- Fuse 41 15a
- Fuse 43 10a
- Fuse 46 7.5a
- G19 (except hybrid) (base of left "b" pillar)
- G20 (hybrid) (right kick panel)
- Headlights, instrument cluster & warning systems
- Hybrid
- Interior lights system
- J-2280c
- J-2280d
- Liftgate ajar sw
- Liftgate lock
- Liftgate/glass ajar
- Liftglass release relay
- Liftglass sw
- Logic gnd
- Lr stop/turn lamp
- Microcomputer
- Mirrors system
- Park brake
- Park lamp relay
- Power tops system
- Power windows system
- Pr door ajar
- Pwr gnd
- Rr stop/turn lamp
- Seats system
- Shift interlock system
- Smart junction box (sjb) (behind center of dash)
- Sound systems
- Transmissions system
- Wiper/washer & seats systems
- Wiper/washer system
Электросхема блоков управления кузовом (3 из 3) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема блоков управления кузовом (3 из 3) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (hybrid)
- Anti-lock brakes system
- Battery junction box (bjb) (on left side of engine compt)
- Brake fluid sw
- Exterior lights system
- Fog lamp relay
- Fuse 45 5a
- Fuse 5 10a
- Headlights system
- High beam relay
- Horn relay
- Horns system
- Hot at all times
- Ign sw
- J-2280e
- J-2280f
- J-2280g
- Left low beam
- Left turn lamp
- Microcomputer
- Midi fusible link 125a
- Park lamp relay
- Right low beam
- Right turn lamp
- Smart junction box (sjb) (behind center of dash)
- Wiper mtr on input
- Wiper/washer & air conditioning systems
- Wiper/washer system
Электросхема блокировки селектора для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема блокировки селектора для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- Brake pedal position switch (on bracket, above brake pedal)
- Computer data lines system
- Except hybrid
- Fet
- Floor shifter
- Fuse 2 15a
- Fuse 27 20a
- Fuse 5 10a
- G13 (except hybrid) g14 (hybrid) (lower right side of dash)
- Hot at all times
- Ignition switch
- Interior lights system
- J-2280a
- J-2280b
- J-2280c
- J-2280d
- Key in ignition
- Lock
- Microcomputer
- Park range
- Shift lock solenoid
- Smart junction box (sjb) (behind center of dash)
Электросхема заднего хода для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема заднего хода для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- 0140-175t
- A/t
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Electrochromatic rearview mirror (hybrid)
- Except hybrid
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 10a fuse 15a
- G11 (left front of engine compt)
- G19 (except hybrid) (base of left "b" pillar)
- G20 (hybrid) (base of left "b" pillar)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run or start
- Hybrid
- Left reverse lamp
- M/t
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (upper center of firewall)
- Reverse lamp relay
- Reversing lamp switch (except hybrid) (top of transmission)
- Right reverse lamp
Электросхема внешнего освещения (1 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема внешнего освещения (1 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (left side of dash) g16 (hybrid) (behind left side of dash)
- Auto
- Brake sw
- C2280e
- Computer data lines system
- Ftp
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 20a
- G11 (left front of engine compt)
- G15 (except hybrid)
- Hazard
- High beam
- Hot at all times
- J-2280b
- J-2280d
- J-2280f
- Left front park/ turn lamp
- Lf turn
- Lf turn lamp (fet)
- Lh turn
- Lo beam
- Lr stop/ turn lamp
- Lr stop/ turn lamp (fet)
- Main light switch
- Microcomputer
- Ms can +
- Ms can -
- Off
- Park
- Park lamp on
- Park lamp relay
- Rf turn
- Rf turn lamp (fet)
- Rh turn
- Right front park/ turn lamp
- Rr stop/ turn lamp
- Rr stop/ turn lamp (fet)
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
Электросхема внешнего освещения (2 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема внешнего освещения (2 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (upper center of firewall) powertrain control module
- 0140-175b
- 0140-275b
- 3.0l
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Brake pedal position switch (on bracket, above brake pedal)
- Connector
- Except 3.0l
- Ftp
- Ftp switch
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 20a
- G11 (left front of engine compt)
- G14 (except hybrid) (lower left side of dash)
- G15 (hybrid) (left side of dash)
- G20 (except hybrid) (right kick panel)
- G21 (hybrid) (right front kick panel)
- G23 (except hybrid) g24 (hybrid) (left rear of vehicle chassis)
- G23 (left rear of vehicle chassis)
- G24 (except hybrid) (left rear of vehicle chassis)
- G25 (hybrid) (right rear quarter panel)
- Hazard switch
- High
- High mounted stop lamp
- Hot at all times
- Left license plate lamp
- Left rear park/stop/ turn lamp
- Low
- Multi- function switch
- On/off
- Red
- Rest
- Right license plate lamp
- Right rear park/stop/ turn lamp
- Trailer tow
- Trailer tow left turn relay
- Trailer tow park lamp relay
- Trailer tow right turn relay
- Turn signal switch
Электросхема подсветки для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема подсветки для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (base of left "b" pillar) (except hybrid) g19 g20 (hybrid) (base of left "b" pillar)
- (except hybrid) (near base of left "b" pillar)
- (hybrid: in driver's door)
- (near base of left "b" pillar) (except hybrid) g18
- (near base of left "b" pillar) (except hybrid) g18 g19 (hybrid) (base of left "b" pillar)
- 0918-805
- 0918-806
- Battery saver relay
- Cargo lamp
- Driver side front door lock unit
- Front interior lamp (w/ roof opening panel)
- Front interior lamp (w/o roof opening panel)
- Front interior/ map lamps assembly (w/ roof opening panel)
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 15a
- G18 g19 (hybrid) (base of left "b" pillar)
- G19 (except hybrid) (base of left "b" pillar)
- G19 (hybrid) (base of left "b" pillar)
- G20 (hybrid) (base of left "b" pillar)
- Hot at all times
- Interior lighting (fet)
- J-2280a
- J-2280c
- J-2280d
- Left rear door lock actuator
- Left vanity mirror lamp
- Liftgate ajar switch (except hybrid: on liftgate latch)
- Liftgate glass ajar switch (except hybrid: base of liftgate)
- Microcomputer
- Off
- Passenger side front door lock unit (hybrid: in front passenger's door)
- Right rear door lock actuator
- Right vanity mirror lamp
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
Электросхема подсветки приборов для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема подсветки приборов для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (left side of dash) (hybrid) g15
- (lower right side of dash) (except hybrid) g13
- Audio/climate control switch
- Auto 1
- Backlighting led (fet)
- Clock spring (hybrid: behind steering wheel)
- Defeat
- Dim
- Floor shifter
- Fuse 15a
- G14 (except hybrid) (lower right side of dash)
- G14 (hybrid) (lower right side of dash)
- G15 (except hybrid) (left side of dash) g16 (hybrid) (behind left side of dash)
- Hot at all times
- Illumination dimmer
- J-2280b
- Low
- Main light switch
- Message center switch (hybrid)
- Microcomputer
- Nca
- Off
- Off dim
- Park
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
- Steering wheel/ speed control switch
- Traction assist disable switch (except hybrid)
Электросхема подключение массы заземления, кроме гибрида (1 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема подключение массы заземления, кроме гибрида (1 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (m/t) &
- (m/t),
- A/c clutch solenoid, right head lamp, right front fog lamp & right front park/turn lamp
- Abs control module
- Battery
- Battery junction box & engine cooling fan motor 1
- Crankshaft position sensor shield, powertrain control module & mass air flow/intake air temperature (maf/iat) sensor
- Front control interface module, audio unit & satellite radio receiver
- Fuel pump relay &
- Fuel tank unit shield
- G1 (at left rear of engine compt)
- G11 (left front of engine compt)
- G12 (lower right side of dash)
- G13 (lower right side of dash)
- G14 (lower left side of dash)
- G15 (left side of dash)
- G17 (center of dash)
- G2 (right front of engine compt)
- G22 (left rear quarterpanel)
- G25 (right rear quarter panel)
- G3 (right front of engine compt)
- G4 (right front of engine compt)
- G5 (left front of engine compt)
- G6 (left rear of engine compt)
- G7 (right front of engine compt)
- G8 (front of engine)
- G9 (rear of engine)
- Main light switch, datalink connector & instrument cluster
- Manual climate control module & front blower motor resistor assembly
- Nca
- Passive anti-theft transceiver, power point, floor shifter, main light switch, clock spring, instrument cluster & datalink connector
- Pcm power relay, fuel pump relay, abs test connector, brake fluid level switch, trailer tow left turn relay, clutch cut off switch clutch switch windshield wiper motor,
- Power steering control module
- Subwoofer amplifier (w/ premium audio)
- Traction assist disable switch, multi function switch manual climate control module, auto lamp sensor & front display interface module
- Trailer tow right turn relay, left head lamp, left front park/turn lamp, left front fog lamp, horn,
- Windshield wiper motor
Электросхема подключение массы заземления, кроме гибрида (2 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема подключение массы заземления, кроме гибрида (2 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- Driver front side door lock unit & driver side door lock switch
- Driver seat position sensor & driver seat belt buckle switch
- G18 (near base of left "b" pillar)
- G19 (base of left "b" pillar)
- G20 (right kick panel)
- G21 (right front kick panel)
- G23 (left rear of vehicle chassis)
- G24 (left rear of vehicle chassis)
- High mounted stop lamp & rear wiper motor assembly
- Left power seat switch & passenger side front heated seat element
- Left rear door lock actuator & park brake switch (w/ auto lamps)
- Left rear park/stop turn lamp, right rear park/stop turn lamp & console power point
- Left reversing lamp, cargo lamp & smart junction box
- Liftgate lock actuator & liftgate glass ajar switch
- Master window adjust switch & driver side extended rearview mirror
- Occupant classification sensor (ocs)
- Passenger front side door lock unit & passenger side door lock switch
- Passenger seat belt buckle switch & safety belt tension sensor
- Passenger side extended rearview mirror
- Rear window defrost grid, right license plate lamp, liftgate glass release switch, left license plate lamp & liftgate release switch
- Rear wiper motor assembly & trailer tow connector
- Right rear door lock actuator
- Right reversing lamp, intelligent 4wd system module, exterior rear view mirror switch, driver side front heated seat element & smart junction box
- Roof opening panel control module, left vanity mirror lamp, right vanity mirror lamp, front assembly interior/map lamps (w/ roof opening panel) & front interior lamp
Электросхема подключение массы заземления, гибрид (1 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема подключение массы заземления, гибрид (1 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (lower right side of dash)
- A/c compressor clutch field coil, windshield wiper motor & left front fog lamp
- Abs test connector, heater pump motor & m/e coolant pump motor
- Anti-lock brake system (abs) module
- Audio unit
- Battery
- Blower motor control module
- Brake fluid level switch, fuel injector relay & a/c clutch diode
- Datalink connector, instrument cluster & main light switch
- Datalink connector, instrument cluster, main light switch, message center switch, clock spring, floor shifter & passive anti-theft transceiver
- Dc/dc convertor module
- Dual pressure switch & windshield wiper motor
- Engine cooling fan motor 1, engine cooling fan motor 2 & vaccum pump motor
- Front control interface module & satellite radio receiver
- Front display interface module, autolamp/sunload sensor, traction control switch & dual automatic temperature control module
- Fuel tank unit shield & fuel pump control module
- G1 (left front of engine compt)
- G10 (left rear of engine compt)
- G11 (left front of engine compt)
- G12 (lower left side of dash)
- G13 (lower right side of dash)
- G14
- G15 (left side of dash)
- G16 (behind left side of dash)
- G17 (center of dash)
- G18 (center of dash)
- G2 (right front of engine compt)
- G23 (left rear of vehicle chassis)
- G3 (right front of engine compt)
- G4 (right front of engine compt)
- G5 (left front of engine compt)
- G6 (left rear of engine compt)
- G7 (right front of engine compt)
- G9 (rear of engine)
- Left head lamp, left front park/turn lamp &
- Left horn
- Multi function switch
- Nca
- Power point
- Power steering control module
- Powertrain control module & mass air flow/intake air temperature (maf/iat) sensor
- Right front fog lamp, right head lamp & right front park/turn lamp
- Transaxle control module
Электросхема подключение массы заземления, гибрид (2 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема подключение массы заземления, гибрид (2 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- Driver front side door lock unit & driver side door lock switch
- Driver seat position sensor & driver seat belt buckle switch
- G19 (base of left "b" pillar)
- G20 (base of left "b" pillar)
- G21 (right front kick panel)
- G22 (right "a" pillar)
- G24 (left rear of vehicle chassis)
- G25 (right rear quarter panel)
- G26 (right rear quarterpanel)
- High mounted stop lamp & rear wiper motor assembly
- Left power seat switch & driver side front heated seat element
- Left rear door lock actuator, park brake switch & traction battery control module
- Left reversing lamp, extended rearview mirror switch, dc/ac inverter module, four wheel drive control module & cargo lamp
- Liftgate lock actuator & liftgate glass ajar switch
- Master window adjust switch & driver side extended rearview mirror
- Occupant classification sensor (ocs) & passenger seat belt buckle switch
- Passenger front side door lock unit
- Passenger side door lock switch &
- Passenger side extended rearview mirror
- Rear window defrost grid, right license plate lamp, liftgate glass release switch, left license plate lamp & liftgate release switch
- Rear wiper motor assembly
- Right rear door lock actuator
- Right reversing lamp, passenger side front heated seat element & smart junction box
- Roof opening panel module, electrochromatic rearview mirror, left vanity mirror lamp, right vanity mirror lamp, interior/map lamps (w/ roof opening panel) & front interior lamp
- Safety belt tension sensor
- Subwoofer amplifier
- Traction battery control module, right rear park/stop turn lamp, left rear park/stop turn lamp & console power point
Звуковой сигнал Гудок
Электросхема звукового сигнал Гудка для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема звукового сигнал Гудка для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- Clock spring
- Clock spring (hybrid: behind steering wheel)
- Fuse 20a
- G11 (left front of engine compt)
- G13 (except hybrid) (lower right side of dash)
- G14 (hybrid) (lower right side of dash)
- Horn (except hybrid) left horn (hybrid) (except hybrid: left front corner of engine compt)
- Horn relay
- Horn switch
- Hot at all times
- J-2280b
- J-2280e
- Microcomputer
- Nca
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
Магнитола Мультимедия
Эдектросхема магнитолы. Базовая комплектация. для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Эдектросхема магнитолы. Базовая комплектация. для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- 0920-201
- 0920-206
- Audio jack
- Audio unit
- Clockspring (hybrid: behind steering wheel)
- Computer data lines system
- Fuse 20a
- Fuse 5a
- G17 (center of dash)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in start
- J-2280a
- J-2280b
- Left front speaker
- Left rear speaker
- Media
- Nca
- Right front speaker
- Right rear speaker
- Seek +
- Seek -
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
- Steering wheel/audio control switch
- Vol+
- Vol-
Электрсхема магнитолы. Премиум комплектация., кроме гибрида для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электрсхема магнитолы. Премиум комплектация., кроме гибрида для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- 0920-201
- 0920-206
- 0920-207
- Audio jack
- Audio unit
- Clockspring
- Computer data lines system
- Front control interface module (center of dash)
- Front display interface module
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 20a
- Fuse 5a
- G14 (lower left side of dash)
- G17 (center of dash)
- G25 (right rear quarter panel)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in start
- J-2280a
- J-2280b
- J-2280d
- Left front speaker
- Left rear speaker
- Media
- Nca
- Right front speaker
- Right rear speaker
- Satellite radio receiver
- Seek +
- Seek -
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
- Steering wheel/audio control switch
- Subwoofer amplifier
- Vol+
- Vol-
Электрсхема магнитолы. Премиум комплектация., гибрид для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электрсхема магнитолы. Премиум комплектация., гибрид для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (behind center of dash) satellite radio receiver
- 0920-201
- 0920-206
- 0920-207
- 0920-214
- 0920-215
- Audio amplifier
- Audio jack
- Audio unit
- Clockspring (behind steering wheel)
- Computer data lines system
- Front control interface module (center of dash)
- Front display interface module (center of dash)
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 20a
- Fuse 5a
- G15 (left side of dash)
- G17 (center of dash)
- G18 (center of dash)
- G26 (right rear quarter panel)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in start
- J-2280a
- J-2280b
- J-2280d
- Left front speaker
- Left rear speaker
- Media
- Nca
- Right front speaker
- Right rear speaker
- Seek +
- Seek -
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
- Steering wheel/audio control switch
- Subwoofer amplifier (right rear quarter panel)
- Vol+
- Vol-
Подогрев стекол и зеркал
Электросхема подогрева стекол и зеркал для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема подогрева стекол и зеркал для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (except hybrid) (left rear of vehicle chassis)
- (hybrid) (right rear quarter panel)
- 0740-101
- 0912-102
- 0912-103
- Automatic a/c
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Driver side exterior rear view mirror
- Dual automatic temperature control module (hybrid: center of dash)
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 30a
- G24
- G25
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run or start
- Hybrid
- Manual a/c
- Manual climate control module (except hybrid: center of dash)
- Passenger side exterior rear view mirror
- Rear window defrost grid
- Rear window defrost relay
Электросхема подушек безопасности SRS AirBag (1 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема подушек безопасности SRS AirBag (1 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (right "a" pillar)
- 0810-101
- 0810-102
- 0810-111
- 0810-112
- Clock spring (hybrid: behind steering wheel)
- Computer data lines system
- Driver seat belt buckle switch (hybrid: under seat bottom)
- Driver seat position sensor (under driver's seat bottom)
- Driver side air bag module
- Driver side impact sensor 1 (w/ side air curtain) (left "b" pillar)
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 7.5a
- G21 (except hybrid) (right front kick panel)
- G22 (hybrid)
- Hot in run or start
- Inflator 1
- Inflator 2
- J-2280b
- J-2280d
- Nca
- Passenger air bag deactivation indicator
- Passenger seat belt buckle switch (hybrid: left side of passenger's seat)
- Passenger side air bag module
- Passenger side impact sensor 2 (w/ side air curtain) (right "b" pillar)
- Restraints control module (hybrid: under lower center of dash, on floor)
- Right front impact sensor (except hybrid: front of engine compt)
- Shorting bar
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
Электросхема подушек безопасности SRS AirBag (2 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема подушек безопасности SRS AirBag (2 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (below driver's front seat cushion) driver safety belt retractor pretensioner
- (hybrid: left side of seat bottom passenger safety belt buckle pretensioner
- (hybrid: right side of seat base)
- (right front kick panel) (except hybrid) g21
- Abs control module (except hybrid: left rear of engine compt)
- Computer
- Computer data lines system
- Data lines system
- Driver safety belt buckle pretensioner
- Driver side impact sensor 2 (w/ side air curtain) (except hybrid: left "b" pillar) (hybrid: left rear quarter panel)
- G22 (hybrid) (right "a" pillar)
- Inflator
- Left front impact sensor (except hybrid: front of engine compt)
- Left safety canopy (w/ side air curtain)
- Left side air bag module (w/ side air curtain)
- Nca
- Occupant classification sensor (ocs) (except hybrid: in passenger's seat bottom)
- Passenger safety belt retractor pretensioner
- Passenger side impact sensor 1 (w/ side air curtain) (except hybrid: right "b" pillar)
- Right safety canopy (w/ side air curtain)
- Right side air bag module (w/ side air curtain)
- Safety belt tension sensor (except hybrid: passenger's "b" pillar)
- Seat pressure sensor (except hybrid: in passenger seat bottom) (hybrid: in seat bottom)
- Shorting bar
Электросхема предупреждающей системы для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема предупреждающей системы для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (base of left "b" pillar) (except hybrid) g19
- (lower right side of dash) (except hybrid) g13 g14 (hybrid) (lower left side of dash)
- (near base of left "b" pillar) (except hybrid) g18
- (near base of left "b" pillar) (except hybrid) g18 g19 (hybrid) (base of left "b" pillar)
- (right front kick panel) (except hybrid) g21
- 0810-102
- Abs control module (except hybrid: left rear of engine compt)
- Auto 1
- Brake fluid level switch (except hybrid) (left rear of engine compartment)
- Computer data lines system
- Driver seat belt buckle switch (hybrid: under seat bottom)
- Driver side front door lock unit (hybrid: in driver's door)
- Except hybrid
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 20a
- Fuse 5a
- G11 (left front of engine compt)
- G15 (except hybrid) (left side of dash) g16 (hybrid) (behind left side of dash)
- G18 (near base of left "b" pillar)
- G19 (base of left "b" pillar)
- G19 (hybrid) (base of left "b" pillar)
- G22 (hybrid) (right "a" pillar)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run or acc
- Hot in run or start
- Hybrid
- Ignition switch
- Instrument cluster
- J-2280a
- J-2280b
- J-2280c
- J-2280d
- J-2280f
- Key in ignition switch
- Left rear door lock actuator
- Liftgate ajar switch (except hybrid: on liftgate latch)
- Liftgate glass ajar switch (except hybrid: base of liftgate)
- Low
- Main light switch
- Microcomputer
- Multi-function switch
- Off
- Park
- Park brake switch
- Passenger seat belt buckle switch (hybrid: left side of passenger's seat)
- Passenger side front door lock unit (hybrid: in front passenger's door)
- Restraints control module (rcm) (hybrid: under lower center of dash, on floor)
- Right rear door lock actuator
- Smart junction box (sjb) (behind center of dash)
Электросхема панели приборов для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема панели приборов для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (hybrid) (lower right side of dash)
- (hybrid: in front passenger's door) passenger side front door lock unit
- (left side of dash) (except hybrid) g15 g16 (hybrid) (behind left side of dash)
- (near base of left "b" pillar) (except hybrid) g18
- (near base of left "b" pillar) (except hybrid) g18 g19 (hybrid) (base of left "b" pillar)
- Ajar
- Anti-theft system
- Brake fluid level switch (except hybrid: left rear of engine compt) (hybrid: on brake master cylinder fluid reservoir)
- Computer data lines system
- Driver side front door lock unit (hybrid: in driver's door)
- Except hybrid
- Fuel tank unit (top of fuel tank)
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 5a
- G11 (left front of engine compt)
- G14 g13 (except hybrid) (lower right side of dash)
- G18 (near base of left "b" pillar)
- G19 (base of left "b" pillar)
- G19 (hybrid) (base of left "b" pillar)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run or acc
- Hot in start or run
- Hybrid
- Info
- Instrument cluster
- Interior lights system
- J-2280a
- J-2280b
- J-2280c
- J-2280d
- J-2280f
- Left rear door lock actuator
- Liftgate ajar switch (except hybrid: on liftgate latch)
- Liftgate glass ajar switch (except hybrid: base of liftgate)
- Main light switch
- Message center switch (hybrid)
- Microcomputer
- Mirrors system
- Oil pressure switch (hybrid: on lower left front of engine block)
- Park brake switch
- Reset
- Right rear door lock actuator
- Set up
- Smart junction box (sjb) (behind center of dash)
Электросхема затемняющегося зеркала заднего вида для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема затемняющегося зеркала заднего вида для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- Electrochromatic rear view mirror
- Exterior lights system
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 5a
- G20 (except hybrid: right kick panel) (hybrid: base of left "b" pillar)
- Hot in run or acc
- Hot in run or start
- Hot w/ accessory delay relay energized
- Instrument cluster
- J-2280b
- J-2280d
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
Электросхема привода зеркал для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема привода зеркал для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- Defogger system
- Down
- Driver side exterior rear view mirror
- Except hybrid
- Exterior rear view mirror switch
- Fuse 7.5a
- G19 (except hybrid) g20 (hybrid) (base of left "b" pillar)
- Hot at all times
- J-2280d
- Left
- Passenger side exterior rear view mirror
- Right
- Select
- Smart junction box (sjb) (behind center of dash)
Электросхема привода люка или крыши для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема привода люка или крыши для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- Acc rly
- Accessory delay relay
- Auto
- Battery
- Close
- Common
- Except hybrid
- Floor shifter (except hybrid)
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 20a
- Fuse 30a
- G19 (except hybrid) g20 (hybrid) (base of left "b" pillar)
- Gnd
- Hot at all times
- Ign
- Ignition switch
- J-2280a
- J-2280d
- Micro- computer
- Open
- Roof opening panel control module
- Roof opening panel control switch
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
Электросхема стеклоподъемников для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема стеклоподъемников для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- 0912-201a
- 0912-201b
- Accessory delay relay
- Auto dn
- Auto dn circuit
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Circuit breaker 30a
- Down relay
- Driver
- Except hybrid
- Front driver side power window motor (except hybrid: in left front door)
- Front passenger side power window motor (except hybrid: in right front door)
- G24 (except hybrid) (left rear of vehicle chassis) g25 (hybrid) (right rear quarter panel)
- Hot at all times
- Hybrid
- J-2280g
- J2280d
- Left rear
- Left rear power window motor (except hybrid: in left rear door)
- Left rear window adjust switch
- Master window adjust switch
- Micro computer
- Midi fusible link 125a
- Pass
- Passenger side window adjust switch
- Right rear
- Right rear power window motor (except hybrid: in right rear door)
- Right rear window adjust switch
- Sensing resistor
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
- Window lockout
Противоугонная система Сигнализация
Электросхема открывания авто, кроме гибрида (1 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема открывания авто, кроме гибрида (1 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- All lock relay
- All unlock relay
- Door ajar
- Driver side front door lock unit
- Driver unlock relay
- Fet
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 20a
- G18 (near base of left "b" pillar)
- G19 (base of left "b" pillar)
- Horn relay
- Horns system
- Hot at all times
- Hot w/ accessory delay relay energized
- J-2280b
- J-2280c
- J-2280d
- J-2280e
- Left rear door lock actuator
- Liftglass release relay
- Microcomputer
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
Электросхема открывания авто, кроме гибрида (2 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема открывания авто, кроме гибрида (2 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- Door ajar
- Driver side door lock switch
- G18 (near base of left "b" pillar)
- G24 (left rear of vehicle chassis)
- Left license plate lamp
- Liftgate ajar switch (on liftgate latch)
- Liftgate glass ajar switch (base of liftgate)
- Liftgate glass release switch
- Liftgate lock actuator
- Liftgate release switch
- Lock
- Passenger side door lock switch
- Passenger side front door lock unit
- Right license plate lamp
- Right rear door lock actuator
- Unlock
Электросхема открывания авто, гибрид (1 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема открывания авто, гибрид (1 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- All lock relay
- All unlock relay
- Door ajar
- Driver unlock relay
- Driver's side front door lock unit (in driver's door)
- Fet
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 20a
- G19 (base of left "b" pillar)
- G20 (base of left "b" pillar)
- Horn relay
- Horns system
- Hot at all times
- Hot w/ accessory delay relay energized
- J-2280b
- J-2280c
- J-2280d
- J-2280e
- Left rear door lock actuator
- Liftglass release relay
- Microcomputer
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
Электросхема открывания авто, гибрид (2 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема открывания авто, гибрид (2 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- Door ajar
- Driver side door lock switch
- Front passenger's side door lock unit (in front passenger's door)
- G19 (base of left "b" pillar)
- G25 (right rear quarter panel)
- Left license plate lamp
- Liftgate ajar switch
- Liftgate glass ajar switch
- Liftgate glass release switch (in liftgate assembly)
- Liftgate lock actuator (in tailgate assembly)
- Liftgate release switch
- Lock
- Passenger side door lock switch
- Right license plate lamp
- Right rear door lock actuator
- Unlock
Электросхема иммобилайзера для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема иммобилайзера для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- Computer data lines system
- Floor shifter
- Fuse 5a
- G13 (except hybrid) g14 (hybrid) (lower right side of dash)
- Hot in run or start
- Instrument cluster
- J-2280b
- Passive anti-theft transceiver (except hybrid: behind lower left side of dash, near steering column)
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
Электросхема антиблокировочной тормозной системы АБС (ABS), кроме гибрида для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема антиблокировочной тормозной системы АБС (ABS), кроме гибрида для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- 0810-102
- Abs control module (left rear of engine compt)
- Abs test connector
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Brake fluid level switch (left rear of engine compt)
- Brake pedal position switch (on bracket, above brake pedal)
- Computer data lines system
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 20a
- Fuse 50a
- Fuse 5a
- G11 (left front of engine compt)
- G14 (lower left side of dash)
- G5 (left front of engine compt)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run or start
- J-2280b
- J-2280d
- J-2280f
- Left front wheel speed sensor (left rear of engine compt)
- Left rear wheel speed sensor (left rear wheelwell)
- Microcomputer
- Red
- Restraints control module
- Right front wheel speed sensor (right rear of engine compt)
- Right rear wheel speed sensor (right rear wheelwell)
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
- Traction assist disable switch
Электросхема антиблокировочной тормозной системы АБС (ABS), гибрид для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема антиблокировочной тормозной системы АБС (ABS), гибрид для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (center rear of engine compt) brake booster travel sensor
- (on bracket, above brake pedal) brake pedal position switch
- (rear of engine) g9
- (under lower center of dash, on floor) restraints control module
- 0810-102
- Abs test connector
- Auxiliary relay box
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Brake booster solenoid (center rear of engine compt)
- Brake booster vacuum sensor (left rear of engine compt)
- Brake fluid level switch (on brake master cylinder fluid reservoir)
- Brake pedal sensor (left rear of engine compt)
- Brake system control module
- Computer data lines system
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 40a
- Fuse 50a
- Fuse 5a
- G11 (left front of engine compt)
- G12 (lower right side of dash)
- G15 (left side of dash)
- G3 (right front of engine compt)
- Hot at all times
- Interior lights system
- J-2280b
- J-2280d
- J-2280f
- Left front wheel speed sensor (left rear of engine compt)
- Left rear wheel speed sensor (left rear wheelwell)
- Microcomputer
- Pcm power relay
- Red
- Right front wheel speed sensor (right rear of engine compt)
- Right rear wheel speed sensor (right rear wheelwell)
- Simulator cut-off valve solenoid
- Simulator fluid pressure sensor
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
- Traction control switch
- Vacuum pump motor
- Vacuum pump relay
схема кондиционера, кроме гибрида (1 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
схема кондиционера, кроме гибрида (1 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- 0740-101
- 0740-102
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Blower motor relay
- Computer data lines system
- Defogger system
- Front blower motor (right side of dash)
- Front blower motor resistor assembly (under right side of dash)
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 40a
- Fuse 5a
- G12 (lower right side of dash)
- G14 (lower left side of dash)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run or acc
- Hot in run or start
- J-2280a
- J-2280b
- J-2280e
- Manual climate control module (center of dash)
- Mode door actuator (center of dash)
- Recirculation blend door actuator (dash)
- Seats system
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
- Temperature blend door actuator (right side of dash)
- Wiper/ washer system
схема кондиционера, кроме гибрида (2 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
схема кондиционера, кроме гибрида (2 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (2.5l)
- (3.0l)
- (right front of engine compt) a/c clutch solenoid
- 0140-175b
- 0140-175e
- 0140-275b
- 0140-275e
- 2.5l
- 3.0l
- A/c clutch relay
- A/c pressure transducer (left side of engine compt)
- Ambient air temperature sensor (behind left side of front grille)
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Computer data lines system
- Cooling fan relay
- Cylinder head temperature sensor (2.5l: on right front of cylinder head) (3.0l: on right rear of engine)
- Engine control system
- Engine cooling fan motor 1 (front of engine compt)
- Engine cooling fan motor 2 (front of engine compt)
- Engine cooling fan motor 3 (front of engine compt)
- Evaporator discharge temperature sensor (right side of dash)
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 40a
- G11 (left front of engine compt)
- G3 (right front of engine compt)
- High speed fan control relay
- Hot at all times
- Low speed fan control relay
- Pcm power relay
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (upper center of firewall)
- Red
схема кондиционера, гибрид (1 из 4) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
схема кондиционера, гибрид (1 из 4) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- 0740-101
- 0740-102
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Blower motor control module
- Blower motor relay
- Computer data lines system
- Defogger system
- Dual automatic temperature control module (center of dash)
- Front blower motor (right side of dash)
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 40a
- Fuse 5a
- G13 (lower right side of dash)
- G15 (left side of dash)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run or acc
- Hot in run or start
- In-vehicle temperature/ humidity sensor (left side of dash)
- J-2280a
- J-2280b
- J-2280e
- Micro- computer
- Passenger temperature blend door actuator (right side of dash)
- Seats system
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
- Wiper/ washer system
схема кондиционера, гибрид (2 из 4) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
схема кондиционера, гибрид (2 из 4) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (right front of engine compt) g4
- Air inlet mode door actuator
- Ambient air temperature sensor (behind left side of front grille)
- Autolamp/ sunload sensor (dash)
- Driver temperature blend door actuator (right side of dash)
- Dual pressure switch
- Evaporator discharge temperature sensor (right side of dash)
- G15 (left side of dash)
- Mode door actuator (center of dash)
- Solid state control
схема кондиционера, гибрид (3 из 4) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
схема кондиционера, гибрид (3 из 4) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- 0130-101
- 0140-175b
- 0140-175e
- 0140-175t
- A/c clutch cycling pressure switch (right rear of engine compt)
- Auxiliary evaporator air discharge thermistor (front of traction battery)
- Auxiliary mode door actuator
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Battery zone valve (left rear of vehicle chassis)
- Computer data lines system
- Coolant pump motor (front center of engine compt)
- Cylinder head temperature sensor (on right front of cylinder head)
- Engine control system
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 5a
- G12 (lower left side of dash)
- Heater pump motor (left front of engine compt)
- Heater pump relay
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run on start
- M/e coolant pump relay
- Passenger zone valve
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (upper center of firewall)
- Red
- Traction battery control module
схема кондиционера, гибрид (4 из 4) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
схема кондиционера, гибрид (4 из 4) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- A/c clutch diode
- A/c clutch relay
- A/c clutch solenoid (front of engine)
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Computer data lines system
- Engine cooling fan motor 1 (front of engine compt)
- Engine cooling fan motor 2 (front of engine compt)
- Engine cooling fan motor 3
- Fan control relay 1
- Fan control relay 2
- Fan control relay 3
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 40a
- G11 (left front of engine compt)
- G3 (right front of engine compt)
- Hot at all times
- Pcm power relay
- Red
Электросхема системы круизконтроля для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема системы круизконтроля для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (left front of engine compt) g11
- (left rear of engine compt) (hybrid) g6
- 0140-175b
- 0140-175e
- 0140-175t
- Accelerator pedal position (app) sensor (under left side of dash)
- Brake pedal position switch (on bracket, above brake pedal)
- Clock spring
- Clutch cutoff switch (m/t & except hybrid) (left rear of engine compt)
- Clutch switch (m/t & except hybrid) (left side of dash)
- Computer data lines system
- Electronic throttle control (etc) motor (top of engine)
- Except hybrid
- Fuse 15a
- G9 (except hybrid) (rear of engine)
- Hot at all times
- Hybrid
- J-2280d
- Nca
- Off
- Output shaft speed (oss) sensor (2.5l) (on right rear of transmission, near left axle flange)
- Powertrain control module (upper center of firewall)
- Resume
- Set+
- Set-
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
- Steering wheel/speed control switch
Электросхема системы охлаждения, кроме гибрида для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема системы охлаждения, кроме гибрида для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (2.5l)
- (3.0l)
- 0140-175b
- 0140-175e
- 0140-275b
- 0140-275e
- 2.5l
- 3.0l
- Battery junction box (bjb) (on left side of engine compt)
- Computer data lines system
- Cooling fan relay
- Cylinder head temperature sensor (2.5l: on right front of cylinder head) (3.0l: front center of engine)
- Engine control system
- Engine cooling fan motor 1 (front of engine compt)
- Engine cooling fan motor 2 (front of engine compt)
- Engine cooling fan motor 3 (front of engine compt)
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 40a
- G3 (right front of engine compt)
- High speed fan control relay
- Hot at all times
- Low speed fan control relay
- Pcm power relay
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (upper center of firewall)
- Red
Электросхема системы охлаждения, гибрид для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема системы охлаждения, гибрид для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- 0140-175b
- 0140-175e
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Computer data lines system
- Cylinder head temperature (cht) sensor (on right front of cylinder head)
- Engine controls system
- Engine cooling fan motor 1 (front of engine compt)
- Engine cooling fan motor 2 (front of engine compt)
- Engine cooling fan motor 3
- Fan control relay 1
- Fan control relay 2
- Fan control relay 3
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 40a
- G3 (right front of engine compt)
- Hot at all times
- Pcm power relay
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (upper center of firewall)
- Red
Электросхема линии передачи данных CAN, кроме гибрида для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема линии передачи данных CAN, кроме гибрида для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (2.5l)
- (3.0l)
- 0140-175b
- 0140-275b
- 0613-01
- 0740-101
- 0810-102
- 0920-206
- 4wd control module
- Abs control module (left rear of engine compartment)
- Abs test connector
- Audio unit
- Data link connector (dlc)
- Front control interface module (center of dash)
- Front display interface module
- Fuse 15a
- G13 (lower right side of dash)
- G15 (left side of dash)
- Hot at all times
- Instrument cluster
- J-2280a
- J-2280b
- Manual climate control module (center of dash)
- Microcomputer
- Occupant classification sensor (ocs) (in passenger's seat bottom)
- Power steering control module (left rear of engine compt)
- Powertrain control module (upper center of firewall)
- Restraints control module (rcm)
- Satellite radio receiver (w/ satellite radio)
- Smart junction box (sjb) (behind center of dash)
- W/ satellite radio
- W/o satellite radio
Электросхема линии передачи данных CAN, гибрид для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема линии передачи данных CAN, гибрид для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- 0130-101
- 0140-175b
- 0517-101
- 0613-01
- 0740-101
- 0810-102
- 0920-206
- Abs test connector
- Anti-lock brake system control module
- Audio unit
- Data link connector (dlc) (on lower left side of dash)
- Dual automatic temperature control module (center of dash)
- Four wheel drive control module
- Front control interface module (center of dash)
- Front display interface module (center of dash)
- Fuse 15a
- G14 (lower right side of dash)
- G16 (behind left side of dash)
- Hot at all times
- Instrument cluster
- J-2280a
- J-2280b
- Microcomputer
- Occupant classification sensor (ocs)
- Power steering control module (left rear of engine compt)
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (upper center of firewall)
- Restraints control module (under lower center of dash,on floor)
- Satellite radio receiver (w/ satellite radio) (behind center of dash)
- Smart junction box (sjb) (behind center of dash)
- Traction battery control module
- Transaxle control module (left side of engine compt)
- W/ satellite radio
- W/o satellite radio
2.5L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем, кроме гибрида (1 из 4) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
2.5L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем, кроме гибрида (1 из 4) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (top of engine)
- (top of engine) electronic throttle control motor
- 0140-175e
- Acc
- Camshaft position sensor (on left rear of cylinder head)
- Coil on plug 1 (top right of engine)
- Coil on plug 2 (top right of engine)
- Coil on plug 3 (top right of engine)
- Coil on plug 4 (top left of engine)
- Crankshaft position sensor (front of engine block)
- Cylinder head temperature (cht) sensor (on right front of cylinder head)
- Fuel injector 1
- Fuel injector 2
- Fuel injector 3
- Fuel injector 4
- Hot at all times
- Ignition switch
- Ignition transformer capacitor (on top of engine)
- Knock sensor
- Manifold absolute pressure (map) sensor (front of engine compt)
- Off
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (upper center of firewall)
- Run
- Start
2.5L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем, кроме гибрида (2 из 4) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
2.5L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем, кроме гибрида (2 из 4) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (left front of engine compt) g11
- (rear of engine compt)
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Egr stepper motor (left rear of engine)
- Electric vapor management valve (under center of vehicle)
- Evaporative emission (evap) canister purge valve (rear of engine compt)
- Fuel injector relay
- Fuel pump diode
- Fuel pump relay
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 20a
- G11 (left front of engine compt)
- Heated oxygen sensor (ho2s) 11 (right side of engine)
- Heated oxygen sensor (ho2s) 12
- Hot at all times
- M/t
- Output shaft speed (oss) sensor (m/t) (on right rear of transmission, near left axle flange)
- Pcm power relay
- Variable camshaft timing (vct) valve (top front of engine)
2.5L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем, кроме гибрида (3 из 4) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
2.5L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем, кроме гибрида (3 из 4) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (under center of vehicle) evap canister vent control solenoid
- (under left rear of vehicle, above fuel tank) fuel tank pressure transducer sensor
- 0140-131
- 0140-132
- 0140-175t
- Exterior lights system
- Floor shifter
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (upper center of firewall)
- Transmission
- Transmission control switch
2.5L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем, кроме гибрида (4 из 4) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
2.5L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем, кроме гибрида (4 из 4) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (behind right kick panel) inertia fuel shutoff (ifs) switch
- (left rear of engine compt)
- (left side of dash) (m/t) clutch switch
- (m/t) clutch cutoff switch
- (top of fuel tank)
- 0140-175b
- Accelerator pedal position (app) sensor (under left side of dash)
- Air conditioning system
- Computer data lines system
- Cooling fans system
- Cruise control system
- Exterior lights system starting/charging system
- Fuel pump relay
- Fuel tank unit
- G11 (left front of engine compt)
- G22 (left rear quarterpanel)
- G9 (rear of engine)
- Instrument cluster
- Mass air flow/ intake air temperature (maf/iat) sensor (near rear of cylinder head, in air intake duct)
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (upper center of firewall)
- Starting/charging system
2.5L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем, гибрид (1 из 5) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
2.5L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем, гибрид (1 из 5) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (engine compt) electronic throttle control (etc) motor
- (top of engine)
- 0140-175e
- Acc
- Camshaft position sensor (on left rear of cylinder head)
- Coil on plug 1 (top of engine)
- Coil on plug 2
- Coil on plug 3
- Coil on plug 4
- Crankshaft position sensor (front right of engine)
- Cylinder head temperature sensor (on right front of cylinder head)
- Fuel injector 1
- Fuel injector 2
- Fuel injector 3
- Fuel injector 4
- Hot at all times
- Ignition switch
- Ignition transformer capacitor 1
- Knock sensor (right front of engine)
- Manifold absolute pressure (map) sensor (front of engine compt)
- Nca
- Off
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (upper center of firewall)
- Run
- Start
2.5L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем, гибрид (2 из 5) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
2.5L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем, гибрид (2 из 5) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (left front of engine compt) g11
- (rear of engine compt)
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Egr stepper motor (left rear of engine)
- Evaporative emission (evap) canister purge valve (engine compt)
- Fuel injector relay
- Fuel vapor vent valve
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 20a
- Fuse 5a
- Heated oxygen sensor (ho2s) 11
- Heated oxygen sensor (ho2s) 12
- Hot at all times
- Pcm power diode
- Pcm power relay
- Reverse lamp relay
- Variable camshaft timing (vct) valve
2.5L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем, гибрид (3 из 5) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
2.5L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем, гибрид (3 из 5) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (front of traction battery) auxiliary evaporator discharge air thermistor
- (left rear of vehicle chassis) battery zone valve
- (right side of engine compt) dc/dc converter module
- (under left rear of vehicle, above fuel tank) fuel tank pressure sensor
- (vehicle overview) evap canister vent control solenoid
- 0130-109
- 0130-110
- 0130-111
- 0130-112
- 0140-175t
- 150a
- Air conditioning system
- Exterior lights system
- Fusible link
- G7 (right front of engine compt)
- Hot at all times
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (upper center of firewall)
- Red
- Transmissions system
2.5L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем, гибрид (4 из 5) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
2.5L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем, гибрид (4 из 5) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (base of left "b" pillar) g19
- (front center of vehicle floor pan) dc/ac inverter module
- (left rear of vehicle chassis) g24
- (right side of cargo area) high voltage cutoff switch
- 0130-101
- 0130-103
- 0130-113
- 0130-114
- Ac outlet connector
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Computer data lines system
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 30a
- Fuse 50a
- G20 (base of left "b" pillar)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run or start
- J-2280d
- Outlet
- Red
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
- Traction battery control module
- Transmission range sensor (on transmission assembly)
- Transmissions system
2.5L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем, гибрид (5 из 5) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
2.5L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем, гибрид (5 из 5) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (behind right kick panel) inertia fuel shutoff (ifs) switch
- (left rear wheelwell) fuel pump control module
- (on bracket, above brake pedal) brake pedal position switch
- (top of fuel tank) fuel tank unit
- 0140-175b
- Accelerator pedal position (app) sensor (accelerator pedal assembly)
- Air conditioning system
- Auxiliary mode door actuator
- Computer data lines system
- Cooling fans system
- Cruise control system
- G23 (left rear of vehicle chassis)
- G6 (left rear of engine compt)
- Instrument cluster
- Mass air flow/ intake air temperature (maf/iat) sensor (mass air flow (maf) sensor: near rear of cylinder head, in air intake duct)
- Powertrain control module (upper center of firewall)
- Red
- Transmissions system
3.0L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем (1 из 5) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
3.0L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем (1 из 5) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (top left of engine)
- (top right of engine)
- (top right of engine) fuel injector 1
- 0140-275e
- Coil on plug 1 (top right of engine)
- Coil on plug 2 (top right of engine)
- Coil on plug 3 (top right of engine)
- Coil on plug 4 (top left of engine)
- Coil on plug 5 (top left of engine)
- Coil on plug 6 (top left of engine)
- Crankshaft position sensor (front of engine)
- Fuel injector 2
- Fuel injector 3
- Fuel injector 4
- Fuel injector 5
- Fuel injector 6
- Ignition transformer capacitor (on top of engine)
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (upper center of firewall)
3.0L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем (2 из 5) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
3.0L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем (2 из 5) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (left rear of engine compt) (m/t) clutch cutoff switch
- (left side of dash) (m/t) clutch switch
- (top of engine) electronic throttle control (etc) motor
- Acc
- Camshaft position sensor 1 (on front of left cylinder head)
- Camshaft position sensor 2 (on front of right cylinder head)
- Cylinder head temperature sensor (front center of engine)
- Floor shifter
- G11 (left front of engine compt)
- Hot at all times
- Ignition switch
- Knock sensor 1 (left rear of engine)
- Knock sensor 2 (right rear of engine)
- Manifold absolute pressure (map) sensor (right rear of engine compt)
- Off
- Run
- Start
- Transmission control switch
3.0L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем (3 из 5) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
3.0L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем (3 из 5) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (front of engine compt)
- (left front of engine compt)
- (left front of engine compt) g11
- (right rear of engine compt)
- (right side of engine compt)
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Egr stepper motor (left rear of engine)
- Evaporative emission (evap) canister purge valve (rear of engine compt)
- Fuel injector relay
- Fuel pump diode
- Fuel pump relay
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 20a
- G11 (left front of engine compt)
- Heated oxygen sensor (ho2s) 11
- Heated oxygen sensor (ho2s) 12
- Heated oxygen sensor (ho2s) 21
- Heated oxygen sensor (ho2s) 22
- Hot at all times
- Pcm power relay
- Variable camshaft timing (vct) valve 1 (top front of engine)
- Variable camshaft timing (vct) valve 2 (top of engine)
- W/ floor shift
- W/o floor shift
3.0L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем (4 из 5) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
3.0L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем (4 из 5) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (rear of engine) heated positive crankcase ventilation (pcv) valve
- (under center of vehicle) electronic vapor management valve
- (under center of vehicle) evap canister vent control solenoid
- (under left rear of vehicle, above fuel tank) fuel tank pressure transducer sensor
- 0140-131
- 0140-132
- 0140-175t
- Exterior lights system
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (upper center of firewall)
- Transmission
3.0L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем (5 из 5) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
3.0L, Электросхема системы управления двигателем (5 из 5) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (behind right kick panel) inertia fuel shutoff (ifs) switch
- (top of fuel tank) fuel tank unit
- 0140-175b
- Accelerator pedal position (app) sensor (under left side of dash)
- Air conditioning system
- Computer data lines system
- Cooling fans system
- Cruise control system
- Exterior lights system
- Fuel pump relay
- G22 (left rear quarterpanel)
- G9 (rear of engine)
- Instrument cluster
- Mass air flow/ intake air temperature (maf/iat) sensor (left side of engine compt)
- Powertrain control module (pcm) (upper center of firewall)
- Starting/charging system
Электросхема усилителя руля для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема усилителя руля для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- 0613-01
- 0613-02
- Battery junction box (bjb) (on left side of engine compt)
- Computer data lines system
- Fuse 10a
- G10 (hybrid) (rear of engine compt)
- G6 (except hybrid) (left rear of engine compt)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run or start
- J-2280b
- Midi fusible link 80a
- Power steering control module (pscm) (left rear of engine compt)
- Red
- Smart junction box (sjb) (behind center of dash)
Система Фар
Электросхема фар, кроме гибрида для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема фар, кроме гибрида для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (w/o drl)
- Auto 1
- Auto on
- Auto- lp in
- Autolamp sensor (w/o drl)
- Computer data lines system
- Flash to pass
- Fog
- Fog ind
- Fog lamp relay
- Fog lp
- Ftp
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 15a
- G11 (left front of engine compt)
- G14 (lower left side of dash)
- G15 (left side of dash)
- G18 (near base of left "b" pillar)
- High beam
- High beam relay
- Hot at all times
- Instrument cluster
- Interior lights system
- J-2280a
- J-2280b
- J-2280c
- J-2280e
- Left front fog lamp
- Left headlamp
- Left low beam (fet)
- Low
- Main light switch
- Microcomputer
- Ms can+
- Ms can-
- Multi-function switch
- Off
- Park
- Park brake switch (w/ drl)
- Park brk
- Park on
- Right front fog lamp
- Right headlamp
- Right low beam (fet)
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
Электросхема фар, гибрид для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема фар, гибрид для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- Air conditioning system
- Auto 1
- Auto on
- Auto- lp in
- Autolamp/ sunload sensor
- Computer data lines system
- Flash to pass
- Fog
- Fog ind
- Fog lamp relay
- Fog lp
- Ftp
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 15a
- G11 (left front of engine compt)
- G15 (left side of dash)
- G16 (behind left side of dash)
- G19 (base of left "b" pillar)
- High beam
- High beam relay
- Hot at all times
- Instrument cluster
- Interior lights system
- J-2280a
- J-2280b
- J-2280c
- J-2280e
- Left front fog lamp
- Left headlamp
- Left low beam (fet)
- Low
- Main light switch
- Microcomputer
- Ms can+
- Ms can-
- Multi-function switch
- Off
- Park
- Park brake switch
- Park brk
- Park on
- Right front fog lamp
- Right headlamp
- Right low beam (fet)
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
- Solid state control
Электросхема подогрева сидений, кроме гибрида для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема подогрева сидений, кроме гибрида для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- 0740-101
- Driver heated seat relay
- Driver side front heater seat element
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 20a
- G19 (base of left "b" pillar)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run or acc
- J-2280d
- Manual climate control module (except hybrid: center of dash)
- Passenger heated seat relay
- Passenger side front heater seat element
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
Электросхема подогрева сидений, гибрид для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема подогрева сидений, гибрид для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- 0740-102
- Driver heated seat relay
- Driver side front heater seat element
- Dual automatic temperature control module (hybrid: center of dash)
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 20a
- G20 (except hybrid: right kick panel) (hybrid: base of left "b" pillar)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run or acc
- J-2280d
- Passenger heated seat relay
- Passenger side front heater seat element
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
Электросхема привода сидений для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема привода сидений для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- Back
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Down
- Except hybrid
- Front
- Front up/down
- Fuse 30a
- Fwd
- Fwd/back
- G19 (except hybrid) g20 (hybrid) (base of left "b" pillar)
- Hot at all times
- Hybrid
- Left power seat motor assembly (hybrid: under left front seat)
- Left power seat switch
- Rear
- Rear up/down
Стартер Генератор
Электросхема Генератора для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема Генератора для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (2.5l)
- (3.0l)
- 0140-275b
- 0410-175b
- 175a
- 2.5l
- 3.0l
- Battery
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Computer data lines system
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 5a
- Fusible link
- G1 (hybrid: left front of engine compt) (3.0l: left rear of engine compt) (except hybrid: left side of engine compt)
- G2 (right front of engine compt)
- Generator
- Hot in run or start
- Instrument cluster
- J-2280b
- O140-175b
- Power distribution system
- Powertrain control module (upper center of firewall)
- Red
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
- Starter motor
Электросхема стартера для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема стартера для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- (2.5l)
- (3.0l)
- Acc
- Battery
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Charging circuit
- Fuse 20a
- Fuse 30a
- G1 (hybrid: left front of engine compt) (3.0l: left rear of engine compt) (except hybrid: left side of engine compt)
- G2 (right front of engine compt)
- Ignition switch
- J-2280a
- J-2280b
- J-2280g
- Logic
- Midi fusible link 125a
- O140-175b
- O140-275b
- Off
- One touch integrated start diode
- Power distribution system
- Powertrain control module (upper center of firewall)
- Red
- Run
- Smart junction box (sjb) (behind center of dash)
- Start
- Starter motor
- Starter relay
Стеклоочистители и Стеклоомыватели Дворники
Электросхема передних стеклоочистителей дворников и омывателя лобового стекла, Кроме Гибрида для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема передних стеклоочистителей дворников и омывателя лобового стекла, Кроме Гибрида для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- 1) off 2) int1 3) int2 4) int3 5) int4 6) int5 7) low 8) high
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Blower motor relay
- Front wash
- Front washer relay
- Fuse 30a
- Fuse 5a
- G11 (left front of engine compt)
- G14 (lower left side of dash)
- G4 (right front of engine compt)
- Hall sensor
- Hi/lo speed relay
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run or acc
- J-2280e
- J-2280f
- Micro- computer
- Microcomputer
- Multi-function switch
- Park sense
- Rear wiper/ washer circuit
- Run/ park relay
- Run/park
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
- Windshield wiper motor (left rear of engine compt, under windshield)
Электросхема передних стеклоочистителей дворников и омывателя лобового стекла, Гибрид для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема передних стеклоочистителей дворников и омывателя лобового стекла, Гибрид для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- 1) off 2) int1 3) int2 4) int3 5) int4 6) int5 7) low 8) high
- Battery junction box (on left side of engine compt)
- Blower motor relay
- Front wash
- Front washer relay
- Fuse 30a
- Fuse 5a
- G11 (left front of engine compt)
- G15 (left side of dash)
- G4 (right front of engine compt)
- Hall sensor
- Hi/lo speed relay
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run or acc
- J-2280e
- J-2280f
- Micro- computer
- Microcomputer
- Multi-function switch
- Rear wiper/ washer circuit
- Run/ park relay
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
- Windshield wiper motor (left rear of engine compt, under windshield)
Электросхема заднего стеклоочистителя дворника и омывателя для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема заднего стеклоочистителя дворника и омывателя для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- Front
- Fuse 19 30a
- Fuse 43 10a
- G14 (except hybrid) (lower left side of dash)
- G15 (hybrid) (left side of dash)
- G20 (except hybrid) (right kick panel)
- G21 (hybrid) (right front kick panel)
- G23 (except hybrid) g24 (hybrid) (left rear of vehicle chassis)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run or acc
- Int 1
- Int 2
- J-2280d
- Microcomputer
- Multi-function switch
- Off
- Rear wash
- Rear washer relay
- Rear wiper
- Rear wiper motor assembly (center of liftgate)
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
- Two-way washer pump motor (except hybrid: right front of engine compt)
- Up wiper relay
- Washer relay
- Windshield wiper motor (left rear of engine compt, under windshield)
Электросхема центрального замка, кроме гибрида (1 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема центрального замка, кроме гибрида (1 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- All lock relay
- All unlock relay
- Door ajar
- Driver side front door lock unit
- Driver unlock relay
- Fet
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 20a
- G18 (near base of left "b" pillar)
- G19 (base of left "b" pillar)
- Horn relay
- Horns system
- Hot at all times
- Hot w/ accessory delay relay energized
- J-2280b
- J-2280c
- J-2280d
- J-2280e
- Left rear door lock actuator
- Liftglass release relay
- Microcomputer
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
Электросхема центрального замка, кроме гибрида (2 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема центрального замка, кроме гибрида (2 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- Door ajar
- Driver side door lock switch
- G18 (near base of left "b" pillar)
- G24 (left rear of vehicle chassis)
- Left license plate lamp
- Liftgate ajar switch (on liftgate latch)
- Liftgate glass ajar switch (base of liftgate)
- Liftgate glass release switch
- Liftgate lock actuator
- Liftgate release switch
- Lock
- Passenger side door lock switch
- Passenger side front door lock unit
- Right license plate lamp
- Right rear door lock actuator
- Unlock
Электросхема центрального замка, гибрид (1 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема центрального замка, гибрид (1 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- All lock relay
- All unlock relay
- Door ajar
- Driver unlock relay
- Driver's side front door lock unit (in driver's door)
- Fet
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 20a
- G19 (base of left "b" pillar)
- G20 (base of left "b" pillar)
- Horn relay
- Horns system
- Hot at all times
- Hot w/ accessory delay relay energized
- J-2280b
- J-2280c
- J-2280d
- J-2280e
- Left rear door lock actuator
- Liftglass release relay
- Microcomputer
- Smart junction box (behind center of dash)
Электросхема центрального замка, гибрид (2 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009
Электросхема центрального замка, гибрид (2 из 2) для Mazda Tribute s Touring 2009 - Список элементов:
- Door ajar
- Driver side door lock switch
- Front passenger's side door lock unit (in front passenger's door)
- G19 (base of left "b" pillar)
- G25 (right rear quarter panel)
- Left license plate lamp
- Liftgate ajar switch
- Liftgate glass ajar switch
- Liftgate glass release switch (in liftgate assembly)
- Liftgate lock actuator (in tailgate assembly)
- Liftgate release switch
- Lock
- Passenger side door lock switch
- Right license plate lamp
- Right rear door lock actuator
- Unlock