Anti-lock Brakes Wiring Diagram for Jaguar XJR 2004
List of elements for Anti-lock Brakes Wiring Diagram for Jaguar XJR 2004:
- (inside of steering column steering angle sensor
- Active brake booster
- Al1
- Al4
- Brake booster solenoid
- Brake fluid level switch (in fluid reservoir)
- Brake pressure sensor (on brake master cylinder)
- Computer data lines system
- Control valves
- Cr49
- Dsc switch
- Dynamic stability control module (right front of engine compt)
- Ec4
- Ec7
- Front distribution fuse box (at right front of engine compt)
- Fuse f17 5a
- Fuse f20 30a
- Fuse f22 30a
- Fuse f33 5a
- G2 (behind right headlight)
- G32 (behind left side of dash)
- Hot at all times
- Hot in run
- Instrument cluster
- Ip6
- J-gate module (at j gate assembly)
- Left front wheel speed sensor (left front wheel hub assembly)
- Left rear wheel speed sensor (left rear wheel hub assembly)
- Nca
- Passenger junction fuse box (behind right end of dash)
- Pedal force switch
- Pedal travel sensor
- Pressure pump
- Red
- Right front wheel speed sensor (right front wheel hub assembly)
- Right rear wheel speed sensor (right rear wheel hub assembly)
- Sliding roof module (in roof console)
- Speed signal
- Yaw rate & lateral acceleration sensors (under center console)