Электросхема предупреждающей системы для Isuzu Axiom XS 2003
Электросхема предупреждающей системы для Isuzu Axiom XS 2003 - Список элементов:
- Alarm & relay control unit (on right side of dash)
- Anti-theft, door locks systems
- B9 (under center console)
- Battery
- Beeper
- Combination switch
- Dash fuse box (on left of dash behind trim panel)
- Driver's seat belt switch
- Drvr's door open input
- Engine controls, anti-theft systems
- Fuse 11 meter 15a
- Fuse 2 horn 10a
- Fuse 4 tail 15a
- Fuse 7 door lock 20a
- Fuse/ relay box (on right side of engine compt)
- Ground
- Head
- Hot at all times
- Hot in on or start
- I-24
- I-41
- I-42
- Ignition switch
- Interior lights system
- Key in ign input
- Key reminder switch
- Left front door switch
- Light switch
- Lights on input
- Meter assembly
- Off
- Park
- Seat belt reminder light
- Tail light relay