Электросхема системы круизконтроля для Isuzu Trooper S 1995
Электросхема системы круизконтроля для Isuzu Trooper S 1995 - Список элементов:
- "auto cruise" ind ctrl
- (left kick panel) g200
- A/t
- A/t only
- Anti-lock brakes
- Auto cruise indicator
- Automatic transmission mode switch (left side of transmission)
- B-52
- Brake input
- Brake switch (brake pedal support)
- C-10 meter gauge fuse 10a
- C-14 stop a/t cont fuse 15a
- C-3 turn back fuse 15a
- C-37
- C-4 elec. ign. fuse 10a
- C-90
- Cancel
- Cancel input
- Clutch switch (top of clutch pdl support)
- Combination switch
- Cruise control main switch
- Cruise control pump/actuator (right rear of engine compatment)
- Cruise control switch
- Cruise control unit (below right side of i/p)
- Cruise ctrl on input
- Cruise main indicator
- Cruise main relay
- Dash fuse box (behind left dash side trim panel
- Diode box
- Disengage input
- Disengage output
- Fuse/ relay box (right side of engine compartment)
- G117 (right rear of eng compartment)
- G203 (right kick panel)
- Ground
- Hot at all times
- Hot in on or start
- I-10
- I-40
- Inside indicator box
- M/t
- Meter assembly
- Off
- Pulses per mile
- Red
- Resume/ accel
- Resume/accel input
- Safety valve
- Set/ coast
- Set/coast input
- Speed- ometer
- Transmission control module (below left side of i/p)
- Vac pump/valve ctrl
- Vacuum pump
- Vacuum pump ctrl
- Vacuum valve ctrl
- Vehicle speed input
- Vent valve