Электросхема компьютерной линии передачи данных CAN для Isuzu Trooper S 1995
Электросхема компьютерной линии передачи данных CAN для Isuzu Trooper S 1995 - Список элементов:
- "check engine" malfunction indicator lamp (mil)
- A/t only
- A11
- Braided wire
- C-10 fuse 10a
- D16
- Dash fuse box (left i/p)
- Data link connector (below left i/p lower cover)
- Diagnostic energy reserve module (behind front console)
- Diagnostic input
- Diagnostic output
- Engine control module (behind front console)
- Front of engine)
- G112 (top of oil pan)
- G114 (dohc) (top left rear of engine)
- G133 (top center
- G134 (sohc) (top center front of engine)
- H-51
- Hot in on or start
- Meter assembly
- Mil control
- Red
- Serial data input/ output
- Tech-1 connector (behind left i/p lower cover)
- Transmission control module (left kick panel)