Automatic A/C Wiring Diagram, Except Hybrid (1 of 3) for Ford Fusion SE 2014
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO
Automotive Electricians Portal FZCO List of elements for Automatic A/C Wiring Diagram, Except Hybrid (1 of 3) for Ford Fusion SE 2014:
- (a/c jumper harness, near breakout to blower motor)
- (center of dash)
- (right side of dash) g202
- (right side of hvac unit) blower motor
- 10a
- 40a
- A/c clutch relay
- Air distribution door actuator (left side of hvac unit)
- Battery junction box (bjb) (left side of engine compt)
- Blower control
- Blower motor control module (bottom center of hvac unit)
- Blower motor relay
- Blower relay
- C1035a
- C1035b
- C219
- C2402a
- C2402b
- C265
- C268
- C297a
- C297b
- Ch123
- Ch201
- Ch202
- Ch203
- Ch206
- Ch207
- Ch208
- Ch211
- Ch212
- Ch213
- Ch237
- Ch238
- Ch239
- Ch402
- Chs02
- Chs07
- Computer data lines system
- Crd02
- Defogger system
- Defrost request
- Driver temperature door actuator (dual zone) (left side of hvac unit)
- Drv frt snsr 1
- Drv frt snsr 2
- Drv heater feed
- Evap
- Feedback
- Front controls interface module
- Fuse
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 20a
- G101 (left front of engine compt)
- G202 (right side of dash)
- Gd216
- Gnd
- Hot at all times
- Hot w/ pcm power relay energized
- Lh111
- Motor+
- Motor-
- Ms can+
- Ms can-
- Pass frt snsr 1
- Pass frt snsr 2
- Pass heater feed
- Pass st ntc sens
- Passenger temperature door actuator (right side of hvac unit)
- Red
- Rh111
- Rh301
- Rhs10
- S202
- S203 (a/c jumper harness, near breakout to blower motor)
- S210
- Sbb65
- Sbp12
- Seats system
- Sig rtn
- Vbatt
- Vdb06
- Vdb07
- Vh101
- Vh301
- Vh406
- Vh409
- Vh410
- Vh411
- Vh412
- Vref
- W/ heated seats
Automatic A/C Wiring Diagram, Except Hybrid (2 of 3) for Ford Fusion SE 2014
List of elements for Automatic A/C Wiring Diagram, Except Hybrid (2 of 3) for Ford Fusion SE 2014:
- (battery harness, near breakout to g109)
- (center of dash)
- (fusion: instrument panel wiring harness, near breakout to g202) (mkz: main wiring harness, near breakout to c275)
- (fusion: instrument panel wiring harness, near breakout to splice block 19) (mkz: main wiring harness, near breakout to c2198)
- (left front of engine compt)
- Active grille shutter (right front of engine compt)
- Air conditioning (a/c) compressor control solenoid (near a/c compressor)
- Air conditioning compressor (left front of engine)
- Air inlet door actuator (right side of hvac unit)
- Auto start/stop deactivation switch
- Autolamp sensor input
- Autolamp sensor return
- Autolamp/sunload sensor (fusion: top center of dash) (mkz: top left side of dash)
- Body control module (left end of dash)
- C134
- C146
- C210
- C2280b
- C2280g
- C2280h
- C2402b
- C265
- C340
- Cabin heater coolant pump (w/ auto start/ stop system)
- Ch253
- Ch469
- Computer data lines system
- Driver side center register air discharge temperature sensor (fusion: left end of dash) (mkz: lower left center of dash)
- Driver side footwell air discharge temperature sensor (fusion: left center of dash) (mkz: left end of dash)
- Drv st ntc sens
- Drv sunload
- Evaporator temperature sensor (left side of hvac housing)
- Front controls interface module
- Fuse 5a
- Fuse 7.5a
- G101
- G101 (left front of engine compt)
- G200 (in steering wheel)
- Gnd
- Hot at all times
- Hot w/ run/ start relay energized
- Hs1 can+
- Hs1 can-
- Humidity mtr
- Humidity sig
- In vehicle sig
- In-vehicle temperature/ humidity sensor (left side of dash)
- Lin
- Micro
- Pass sunload
- Passenger side center register air discharge temperature sensor (right end of dash)
- Passenger side footwell air discharge temperature sensor (right center of dash)
- Power distribution system
- Pwr
- Rhs05
- Rlf14
- S101
- S110
- S139
- S140 (w/ auto start/ stop system)
- S207
- S213
- S219 (mkz)
- S301
- Seats system
- Solid state
- Splice block 22 (mkz)
- Splice block 6 (under center console)
- Start/stop ind
- Start/stop sw
- Strt/stp
- Strt/stp ind
- Vdb04
- Vdb05
- Vh413
- Vh414
- Vh416
- Vh417
- Vha31
- Vlf14
- Vpwr
- W/ auto start/ stop system
- W/o auto start/ stop system
Automatic A/C Wiring Diagram, Except Hybrid (3 of 3) for Ford Fusion SE 2014
List of elements for Automatic A/C Wiring Diagram, Except Hybrid (3 of 3) for Ford Fusion SE 2014:
- (2.5l & 3.7l) s146
- (3.7l: engine controls harness, near breakout to coil on plug 3)
- (engine controls sensor harness, near breakout to pcm)
- (left front of engine compt)
- (or re405)
- 1.5l turbo
- 1.6l turbo
- 2.0l turbo
- 2.5l
- 3.7l
- Aat
- Accr
- Acpt
- Air conditioning (a/c) pressure transducer (right front of engine compt)
- Ambient air temperature sensor (behind right end of front grille)
- Battery junction box (bjb) (left side of engine compt)
- C1035a
- C1046
- C1232b
- C1232e
- C134
- C1381b
- C1381e
- C144
- C145
- C1551b
- C1551e
- C175b
- C175e
- C1915b
- C1915e
- Ce202
- Cec01
- Ch302
- Ch307
- Cht
- Computer data lines system
- Cooling fan motor 1 (behind left side of radiator)
- Cooling fan motor 2 (behind right side of radiator)
- Cpc
- Cylinder head temperature sensor (2.5l & 3.7l) (2.5l: upper right side of engine) (3.7l: top front of right cylinder bank)
- Ect
- Engine controls system
- Engine coolant temperature sensor (1.5l turbo, 1.6l turbo & 2.0l turbo) (right rear of cylinder head)
- Fan control (fc) relay
- Fuse 20a
- Fuse 30a
- G100
- G101 (left front of engine compt)
- Hfc
- High fan control (hfc) relay
- Hot at all times
- Hot w/ pcm power relay energized
- Hs1 can +
- Hs1 can -
- Le424
- Lfc
- Lin
- Low fan control (lfc) relay
- Powertrain control module (right front of engine)
- Re407
- Re454
- S126 (engine controls sensor harness, near breakout to coil on plug 3)
- S133
- S149 (1.5l turbo, 1.6l turbo & 2.0l turbo) (1.6l turbo: engine control wiring near breakout to knock sensor 2) (1.5l: engine controls harness, near breakout to coil on plug 3) (2.0l: engine controls harness, near breakout to manifold absolute pressure sensor)
- Sig rtn
- Vacc
- Vdb04
- Vdb05
- Vdn06
- Ve462
- Ve712
- Ve716
- Ve750
- Vh433
- Vref
Automatic A/C Wiring Diagram, Hybrid (1 of 3) for Ford Fusion SE 2014
List of elements for Automatic A/C Wiring Diagram, Hybrid (1 of 3) for Ford Fusion SE 2014:
- (a/c jumper harness, near breakout to blower motor)
- (right side of dash)
- (right side of dash) g202
- (right side of hvac housing) blower motor
- 40a
- Air distribution door actuator (left side of hvac housing)
- Battery junction box (left side of engine compt)
- Blower control
- Blower motor control module (right side of hvac housing)
- Blower motor relay
- Blower relay
- C1035a
- C1035b
- C219
- C2402a
- C2402b
- C265
- C268
- C297a
- C297b
- Ch123
- Ch201
- Ch202
- Ch203
- Ch206
- Ch207
- Ch208
- Ch211
- Ch212
- Ch213
- Ch237
- Ch238
- Ch239
- Ch402
- Chs02
- Chs07
- Computer data lines system
- Crd02
- Defogger system
- Defrost request
- Driver temperature door actuator (left side of hvac housing)
- Drv frt snsr 1
- Drv frt snsr 2
- Drv heater feed
- Evap
- Feedback
- Front control interface module (center of dash)
- Fuse
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 15a
- Fuse 30a
- G101 (left front of engine compt)
- G202
- Gd216
- Gnd
- Hot at all times
- Hot w/ pcm power relay energized
- Lh111
- Motor+
- Motor-
- Ms can+
- Ms can-
- Pass frt snsr 1
- Pass frt snsr 2
- Pass heater feed
- Pass st ntc sens
- Passenger temperature door actuator (center of hvac housing)
- Red
- Rh111
- Rh301
- Rhs10
- S202
- S203 (a/c jumper harness, near breakout to blower motor)
- S210
- Sbb65
- Sbp12
- Seats system
- Sig rtn
- Tcm power relay
- Vbatt
- Vdb06
- Vdb07
- Vh101
- Vh301
- Vh406
- Vh409
- Vh410
- Vh411
- Vh412
- Vref
Automatic A/C Wiring Diagram, Hybrid (2 of 3) for Ford Fusion SE 2014
List of elements for Automatic A/C Wiring Diagram, Hybrid (2 of 3) for Ford Fusion SE 2014:
- (fusion: i/p harness, near breakout to g202) (mkz: i/p harness, near breakout to driver knee airbag)
- (fusion: i/p harness, near breakout to splice block 19) (mkz: i/p harness, near breakout to i/p speaker)
- Air inlet door actuator (right side of hvac housing)
- Autolamp sensor input
- Autolamp sensor return
- Autolamp/sunload sensor (mkz: top left side of dash)
- Body control module (left end of dash)
- C219
- C2280b
- C2280g
- C2280h
- C2402b
- C265
- Ce469
- Cls32
- Computer data lines system
- Driver side footwell air discharge temperature sensor
- Driver side register air discharge temperature sensor
- Drv st ntc sens
- Drv sunload
- Evaporator temperature sensor
- Exterior lights system
- Front control interface module (center of dash)
- Fuel door ind
- Fuse 5a
- Fuse 7.5a
- Fusion
- Hazard
- Hev
- Hot at all times
- Hot w/ run/ start relay energized
- Hs1 can+
- Hs1 can-
- Humidity mtr
- Humidity sig
- In vehicle sig
- In-vehicle temperature/ humidity sensor (left side of dash)
- Micro
- Mkz
- Pass sunload
- Passenger side footwell air discharge temperature sensor
- Passenger side register air discharge temperature sensor
- Phev
- Rhs05
- Rlf14
- S207
- S213
- S219 (mkz)
- Seats system
- Solid state
- Splice block 22
- Trunk, tailgate fuel doors system
- Vdb04
- Vdb05
- Vh413
- Vh414
- Vh416
- Vh417
- Vha31
- Vlf14
Automatic A/C Wiring Diagram, Hybrid (3 of 3) for Ford Fusion SE 2014
List of elements for Automatic A/C Wiring Diagram, Hybrid (3 of 3) for Ford Fusion SE 2014:
- (left front of engine compt)
- (left front of engine compt) g101
- (on top of engine)
- (right front of engine compt) g106
- (right side of engine compt)
- (top center of cylinder head)
- Aat
- Acpt
- Active grille shutter (behind right end of grille)
- Air conditioning (a/c) pressure transducer (right front of engine compt)
- Air conditioning control module (accm)
- Ambient air temperature sensor (behind right end of front grille)
- Battery energy control module (becm) (behind left side of rear seat)
- Battery junction box (left side of engine compt)
- C1026
- C1035a
- C134
- C145
- C1458a
- C1458f
- C146
- C1617k
- C175b
- C175e
- C1815a
- C1815b
- C1815c
- C4000
- C4001
- C4002
- C4816b
- Cabin coolant heater (phev)
- Cabin heater coolant pump (phev)
- Cbb54
- Ce316
- Ch116
- Ch307
- Chp01
- Cht
- Computer data lines system
- Cooling fan motor (behind radiator)
- Cyb03
- Cylinder head temperature sensor
- Ect2
- Electric motor coolant pump
- Engine controls system
- Engine coolant temperature 2 (ect 2) sensor
- Engine cooling fan relay
- Fcv
- Fuse 20a
- Fuse 30a
- Fuse 50a
- G100
- G105
- G106 (right front of engine compt)
- G107
- Gd113
- Gnd
- Hcso
- Heater core shutoff (phev) (right rear of engine compt)
- High current battery junction box (bjb)
- High voltage battery service disconnect
- Hot at all times
- Hot w/ pcm power relay energized
- Hs1 can +
- Hs1 can -
- Hs1 can+
- Hs1 can-
- Hv+
- Hv-
- Int+
- Int-
- Le423
- Lin
- Powertrain control module (right rear of engine compt)
- Pwm
- Re141
- Re335
- Re405
- Re407
- S101
- S105 (phev) (engine controls sensor harness, in breakout to c192)
- S110
- S113
- S145
- Secondary on board diagnostic module c (sobdmc)/ transmission control module (left side of engine compt)
- Sig rtn
- Sigrtn
- Tcmrc
- Vbatt
- Vdb04
- Vdb05
- Vdn06
- Ve712
- Ve716
- Ve750
- Vec03
- Verf
- Vh433
- Vpwr
Manual A/C Wiring Diagram (1 of 3) for Ford Fusion SE 2014
List of elements for Manual A/C Wiring Diagram (1 of 3) for Ford Fusion SE 2014:
- (a/c jumper harness, near breakout to blower motor)
- (right side of dash) g202
- (right side of hvac unit) blower motor
- 40a
- A/c clutch relay
- Air distribution door actuator (left side of hvac unit)
- Battery junction box (bjb) (left side of engine compt)
- Blower control
- Blower motor control module (bottom center of hvac unit)
- Blower motor relay
- Blower relay
- C1035a
- C219
- C2402a
- C2402b
- C265
- C268
- C297a
- C297b
- Ch123
- Ch201
- Ch202
- Ch203
- Ch206
- Ch207
- Ch208
- Ch211
- Ch212
- Ch213
- Ch402
- Chs02
- Chs07
- Computer data lines system
- Crd02
- Defogger system
- Defrost request
- Drv frnt snsr
- Drv heater feed
- Evap
- Feedback
- Front controls interface module (center of dash)
- Fuse
- Fuse 10a
- Fuse 15a
- G101 (left front of engine compt)
- Gd216
- Gnd
- Hot at all times
- Hot w/ pcm power relay energized
- Lh111
- Motor+
- Motor-
- Ms can+
- Ms can-
- Pass heater feed
- Pass st ntc sens
- Passenger temperature door actuator (right side of hvac unit)
- Rh111
- Rh301
- Rhs10
- S202
- S203 (a/c jumper harness, near breakout to blower motor)
- Sbp12
- Seats system
- Sig rtn
- Vbatt
- Vdb06
- Vdb07
- Vh101
- Vh301
- Vh406
- Vh409
- Vref
Manual A/C Wiring Diagram (2 of 3) for Ford Fusion SE 2014
List of elements for Manual A/C Wiring Diagram (2 of 3) for Ford Fusion SE 2014:
- (battery harness, near breakout to g109) (w/ auto start/ stop system) s140
- (instrument panel wiring harness, near breakout to g202)
- (instrument panel wiring harness, near breakout to splice block 19)
- (left front of engine compt)
- (right side of hvac unit)
- Active grille shutter (right front of engine compt)
- Air conditioning (a/c) compressor (left front of engine)
- Air conditioning (a/c) compressor control solenoid (near a/c compressor)
- Air inlet door actuator
- Auto start/stop deactivation switch
- Body control module (left end of dash)
- C134
- C146
- C210
- C2280h
- C2402b
- C265
- C340
- Cabin heater coolant pump (w/ auto start/stop system)
- Ch253
- Ch469
- Driver side footwell air discharge temperature sensor (left center of dash)
- Drv st ntc sens
- Evaporator temperature sensor (left side of hvac housing)
- Front controls interface module (center of dash)
- Fuse 5a
- Fuse 7.5a
- G101 (left front of engine compt)
- G200 (in steering wheel)
- Gnd
- Hot at all times
- Hot w/ run/ start relay energized
- Humidity mtr
- Humidity sig
- In vehicle sig
- In-vehicle temperature/ humidity sensor (left side of dash)
- Lin
- Power distribution system
- Pwr
- Pwr/diag
- Rhs05
- S101
- S110
- S139
- S207
- S213
- S301
- Seats system
- Splice block 6 (under center console)
- Start/stop ind
- Start/stop sw
- Strt/stp dis sw
- Strt/stp ind
- Vh413
- Vh414
- Vha31
- Vpwr
- W/ auto start/ stop system
- W/o auto start/ stop system
Manual A/C Wiring Diagram (3 of 3) for Ford Fusion SE 2014
List of elements for Manual A/C Wiring Diagram (3 of 3) for Ford Fusion SE 2014:
- (2.5l) s146
- (engine controls sensor harness, near breakout to pcm)
- (left front of engine compt)
- (or re405)
- 1.5l turbo
- 1.6l turbo
- 2.0l turbo
- 2.5l
- Aat
- Accr
- Acpt
- Air conditioning pressure transducer (right front of engine compt)
- Ambient air temperature sensor (behind right end of front grille)
- Battery junction box (bjb) (left side of engine compt)
- C1035a
- C1232b
- C1232e
- C134
- C1381b
- C1381e
- C144
- C145
- C1551b
- C1551e
- C1915b
- C1915e
- Ce202
- Cec01
- Ch302
- Ch307
- Cht
- Computer data lines system
- Cooling fan motor 1 (behind left side of radiator)
- Cooling fan motor 2 (behind right side of radiator)
- Cpc
- Cylinder head temperature sensor (2.0l turbo & 2.5l) (upper right side of engine)
- Ect
- Engine controls system
- Engine coolant temperature sensor (2.0l turbo, 1.5l turbo & 1.6l turbo) (right rear of cylinder head)
- Fan control (fc) relay
- Fuse 20a
- Fuse 30a
- G100
- G101 (left front of engine compt)
- Hfc
- High fan control (hfc) relay
- Hot at all times
- Hot w/ pcm power relay energized
- Hs1 can +
- Hs1 can -
- Le424
- Lfc
- Lin
- Low fan control (lfc) relay
- Powertrain control module (right front of engine)
- Re407
- Re454
- S126 (engine controls sensor harness, near breakout to coil on plug 3)
- S133
- S149 (2.0l turbo, 1.5l turbo & 1.6l turbo) (1.5l turbo: engine controls harness, near breakout to coil on plug 1) (1.6l turbo: engine control wiring harness, near breakout to knock sensor 2) (2.0l: engine controls harness, near breakout to manifold absolute pressure sensor)
- Sig rtn
- Vacc
- Vdb04
- Vdb05
- Vdn06
- Ve462
- Ve712
- Ve716
- Ve750
- Vh433
- Vref